Live chat for business - Appy Pie

Top Live Chat Benefits For Your Business

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on July 11th, 2024 6:30 am | 4-min read

“It takes months to find a customer and seconds to lose one”- Vince Lombardi In this digital age, every business is working to strengthen its digital presence. Increasing your brand visibility is not the only concern to boost sales and growth of your brand. You need to constantly work towards improving the customer experience. For making your users feel valuable, you can deploy Live chat to your business website.

Live Chat is an essential part of the marketing and customer support toolkit. It is a great platform to communicate with your customers in real-time, giving them a personalized touch. According to recent research, 63% of consumers advocated that they are more likely to return to a website offering Live chat. In this blog, let us explore more of live chat benefits and how to integrate them. Before moving further, let us have a brief look over the statistics related to live chat:Appy Pie - Live chat for business

What is Live Chat?

Live chat is a medium that enables businesses to have real-time conversations with their website visitors. These visitors can easily interact with the company’s support agents via messaging in a chat box displayed on a business website’s webpage. Live chat is a quick and convenient way to communicate with visitors, subscribers, and regular customers. Live chat can benefit in different ways to businesses. Let us explore some of its top benefits.

Top Live Chat Benefits For Businesses

To initiate a conversation with first timers on your website, interacting with new subscribers and for supporting your existing user base, you can use live chat software. It let you chat via messages with anyone who visits your business website. Live chat has numerous benefits. Here are its benefits -
  1. Market Research Medium
  2. Proactive Outreach
  3. Improved Customer Loyalty
  4. Boost Retention Rate
  5. Increased Sales and Growth
  6. Enhanced Customer Support System
  7. Competitive Advantages
  8. Reports and Analysis

  1. Market Research Medium
  2. Market research is generally done by conducting surveys and quizzes. Live chat can be treated as a medium for market research. Live agents can ask questions to website visitors and record their responses to understand their behavior and interests. Accordingly, businesses can improvise their services and products.

  3. Proactive Outreach
  4. Live chat can be used by live agents to reach the audience. Live chat has proactive outreach abilities. With several add-ons, live chat can alert the agents of visitors’ arrival on their website so that they can start the conversation with visitors. This can help in spreading the word of your brand to new users.

  5. Customer Loyalty
  6. According to Zendesk, 73% of customers advocated that friendly customer support can build a company’s credibility while 52% have made multiple purchases from a website after initial customer experience. Live chat benefits any business to resolve users’ queries quickly, assures the 24/7 availability of support, and make the customer experience seamless. This ultimately results in building customer loyalty.

  7. Retention Rate
  8. Retaining customers is as difficult as converting leads to customers. Live chat boosts retention by assuring a company’s availability round the clock, positively responding to the customer issues, and makes their experience with your business and website smoother. When the customer experience remains seamless, there are better chances to retain them for a longer time.

  9. Increased Sales and Growth
  10. It is a well-known fact that live chat created with no-code development platform assist business owners in boosting the sales and growth of their businesses. It has been advocated by many researchers that live chat drives 3x-5x more conversions and delivers over 6000% ROI. Along with generating leads, Live chat assures that sales will also improve. With instant sales and support staff, the journey of any user can be guided from start to end to make sure the user does not leave the website without making a payment.

  11. Enhanced Customer Support System
  12. Live chat helps in increasing the efficiency of your customer support system. With live chat, agents can easily discover customer pain points, resolve their problems faster, and improve their convenience. Sorting chat histories and screen sharing capabilities can help in quickly resolving problems. Thus, customer support gets better with Live chat.

  13. Competitive Advantages
  14. As per the research report of Forrester, within the last five years, the U.S online shoppers has increased live chat usage from 38% to 58%. It means that live chat is getting more popular each day. Thus, to gain a competitive edge over the competitors, you must add a live chat window to your website. By deploying live chat and training your live agents, you can improve the quality of customer service and take your business to all new heights.

  15. Reports and Analysis
  16. Live chat enables you to scroll through chat histories, collect data, bifurcate them into several categories, and analyze it for customizing your business products and service as per your target audience. Live chat analytics can help you in gaining valuable insights into both customers and your live agents.

How To Integrate Live Chat On Website?

You can select Appy Pie Live Chat for the setting-up live chat window in your business website. You can create a live chat service in a jiffy, without even coding a single line in a three-step process. Step 1: Sign up for Appy Pie Live chat with your official business email ID.Step 2: Customize Live Chat Window to cater to your business needsStep 3: Copy The Chat Code from Appy Pie’s open-source Live Chat builder and paste to the HTML of your website. And you are done! With Appy Pie Live Chat, you can take your business to the next level with live chat benefits!

Summing Up

Undoubtedly, live chat is the beginning of a new era of B2C communication. From improving the customer experience to analyzing the performance of live agents, live chat benefits every domain. It can help in improving the overall efficiency and productivity of your teams. So, before your competitors move ahead with live chat, integrate it today on your website.Tell us in the comment section, how do you feel after integrating live chat service to your website!

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie