Live Chat Software

Live Chat Software: The Complete Beginner’s Comprehensive Guide

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on April 6th, 2024 11:56 am

An extensive introduction to understanding Live chat and the advantages of using it on your website.This guide covers:

What is Live Chat?

A live chat software also known as live chat support software enables businesses to interact with their customers in real time. You can use live chat software to start conversations with new website visitors and provide support to existing customers. It is a great way to build relationships with potential or existing customers, and provide them with the information they need in real-time. It creates a real-time, interactive environment where businesses engage their customers in a meaningful way. Live chat software also allows businesses to monitor, record, and analyze all the live chat sessions. The data generated through live chat can help businesses understand the consumer behavior, requirements, and preferences of their customers.

Why You Should Add a Live Chat to your Website

Phone and email support don't just add to the wait time. These methods involve a lot of back-and-forths, which eventually leads to an increase in resource spending. It's time, and money is the time! If you provide phone support, you will need to hire a bunch of customer support representatives. Remember that one agent can only handle one customer request at a time. However, adding live chat support to your website provides a lot of advantages over the phone and email support. It ensures more efficient and cost-effective customer service than the phone and email supports systems. According to Forrester Research, live chat support is the most efficient way to provide customer service and support to customers. The research firm found that live chat support helped companies reduce their customer service and support costs by 17 to 30%. The study also found that live chat support helped companies increase their customer satisfaction levels by 20% and customer loyalty by 25%. This report strongly suggests that Live Chat should take precedence over chatbots for effective customer service and support. Put simply, Live chat support is designed to assist businesses in providing a more personalized experience to their customers. Customer service representatives can use live chat support software to address each customer's specific needs and concerns in real time. When you add live chat to Facebook, you deliver more personalized experience to your customers.

Benefits of Live Chat Software

With live chat software, you can reach a customer directly in the middle of the buying process. This is when the customer has made the decision to buy, which means they’re more susceptible to your sales pitch than at any other point in the process. If you connect with them during this period, you can boost conversions and increase profits. Live chat software also allows you to provide customer service that’s much faster than email. When a customer has questions about a product or about placing an order, live chat can help you resolve issues quickly. This can be very useful for customers who are on the fence about buying from you and may be persuaded to close a sale if they receive good service. Let's take a look at the top benefits of live chat for customer service teams:
  1. Live chat Increases Customer Engagement
  2. One of the most important benefits of live chat is that it can help you increase customer engagement on your website or app. By providing a way for customers to ask questions and get answers in real time, you can encourage them to stay on your site longer and explore more of what you have to offer. Customers who have a positive experience with your brand are more likely to return in the future and recommend your products or services to others.
  3. Live chat can help you Increase Sales and Conversions
  4. Another important benefit of live chat is that it can help you increase sales and conversions. By providing a way for customers to ask questions and get answers in real time, you can encourage them to make purchases or take other desired actions. In addition, live chat can also help you close sales more quickly. By engaging with customers in real time, you can overcome objections and address concerns that may otherwise cause them to hesitate or cancel an order.
  5. Live Chat Helps You To Understand Your Customers Better
  6. Another great benefit of using live chat is that it can help you to understand your customers better. When you are able to monitor conversations between customers and your support team, you will be able to see what types of queries are being asked, how long it takes for queries to be answered, and what topics are being discussed the most. This information can then be used to improve your customer service processes and make sure that you are providing the best possible experience for your customers.
  7. Live Chat can help you Reduce Customer Support Costs
  8. Using live chat software is a cost-effective way to provide customer service. It allows you to interact with your customers at all times, even when you are outside office hours. This makes it easy for you to solve problems including billing discrepancies and technical issues, thereby improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. This is something that wouldn’t be possible if you had a call center or an email support system.
  9. Live Chat boosts Customer Loyalty
  10. A happy customer refers other people to you, resulting in more and more sales for you. Including a live chat feature on your website can help boost customer loyalty and customer satisfaction, as it allows customers to quickly and easily get in touch with your company for help or questions. This can help create a more positive customer experience, as customers will feel like they can easily get the help they need without having to search for contact information or wait on hold for customer service.
  11. Live Chat Reduces Customer Churn Rate
  12. Offering live chat on your website can help to reduce customer churn rate. This is because live chat provides customers with a way to get their questions answered in real-time, which can help to resolve any issues they may have. Additionally, live chat can help to build trust between you and your customers, as they can see that you are available to help them. As a result, customers are likely to stick with your brand for longer periods of time. Consequently, this leads to reduced customer churn rates.
  13. Live Chat Improves Operational Efficiency
  14. Implementing a live chat software solution into your business can help you to increase operational efficiency by reducing the amount of time that your customer support team spends answering calls and queries. Live chat also allows you to provide customer service around the clock, even when your office is closed. This can be a major benefit for businesses that operate in different time zones or operate 24/7. This helps in increasing productivity and efficiency among all the employees.
  15. Live chat provides Real-time Insights
  16. Live chat provides real-time insights into customer behavior Another advantage of using live chat is that it provides real-time insights into customer behavior. You can see which channels they use most often and what kind of issues they’re facing. This information can help you tailor your support services and make them more effective. You can also use it to improve your marketing campaigns and target your audience more effectively.
  17. Live chat increases Customer Satisfaction Score
  18. With the help of live chat, you can provide your customers with instant support, which is so important for online shoppers. Live chat is an excellent way to resolve any problems that may arise during online shopping, and it can also be used to provide general customer service and improve your overall customer experience. This is because customers feel more satisfied when they can get their questions answered in real-time, rather than having to wait for a response via email or phone.It is considered as one of the best business benefits of the live chat.
  19. Increase Website Traffic
  20. If you want to increase traffic to your website, then you need to consider implementing live chat. Live chat provides an opportunity for you to engage with your website visitors in real-time. This allows you to build rapport and trust with potential customers, which can lead to increased sales and conversions. Additionally, live chat can help you generate leads and capture customer information, which can be used to market your products and services in the future.

Live Chat Use Cases: How to Use Live Chat Software

There are many ways you can use live chat software on your website. Here are a few ideas:
  1. To answer customers’ questions
  2. While some of your customers may have questions before they buy, most will have questions after they buy. That’s why it’s important to have a way for customers to get answers after they place an order. If you don’t have a live chat agent available, they may be reluctant to contact you via email or phone, and they may leave negative feedback instead of contacting you. By using live chat software and having an agent available when customers need assistance, you can avoid losing sales from frustrated customers who don’t have anyone available to answer their questions and address their concerns. Having someone available to answer their questions can also make or break the customer experience and make them more likely to come back for another purchase in the future.
  3. To increase engagement with customers
  4. While live chat software is primarily used for customer service, you can also use it to engage with your customers during their buying process. A great way to do this is by asking questions that relate directly to them, such as “What reason did you give for purchasing this product?” Polls and surveys allow you to get insight into how your customers feel about specific aspects of your business, including your products and services, messaging, and even marketing campaigns. Having a live chat agent available during this step can help ensure that people participate in your polls and surveys so that you can develop better products and services going forward. This will allow you to build stronger relationships with your customers and improve your brand reputation through additional reviews and social media interactions. If a customer feels like their voice has been heard after answering one of these questions, they’re more likely to come back for another purchase in the future.
  5. To handle customer complaints before they escalate
  6. Live chat software is also useful during the post-purchase stage because it allows your agents to address customer complaints before they escalate into larger issues that could cause problems for your business in the long run. Many companies find that some of their biggest losses occur when customers receive poor service or products and then go online or share their frustrations with others on social media. As soon as a potential customer contacts you about a problem, it’s best to resolve it right away so that it doesn’t get worse over time due to delayed responses or lack of attention on your part. Live chat agents can take care of this issue while it’s still small so that it doesn’t become something bigger over time that could affect other aspects of your business in the future, such as referrals from satisfied customers or positive reviews from others who hear about this experience through word-of-mouth marketing channels.
  7. To Provide 24/7 Customer Support
  8. Live chat is a very useful way for you to provide support to your customers. It is the best way to stay available for your customers no matter what time it is or what time zone they are in. With live chat, you can offer 24/7 support to your customers. This is a great way to build trust with your customers and keep them coming back to your website. This is a great way to build trust with your customers and keep them coming back to your website. Second, live chat is a great way to increase customer satisfaction. Studies have shown that customers who use live chat are more likely to be satisfied with their purchase than those who do not. Finally, live chat is a great way to increase sales. Studies have shown that customers who use live chat are more likely to purchase something from a website than those who do not.

How can Live Chat Software Help You Turn Website Visitors into Customers?

Let’s say you run an online store and you have a live chat feature on your site. You’re talking to a customer who is looking for a particular product that you sell on your site. The customer loves the product, but he is not sure which size to get. You help him choose the right size and he buys the product from you. Now, let’s say that same customer comes back to your site a few weeks later to buy another product. But this time, he can’t find what she’s looking for. He starts to get frustrated and is about to leave your site when she remembers that you have a live chat feature. He clicks on the live chat button and asks you for help. You help him find the product she’s looking for and she buys it from you. If you didn’t have a live chat feature on your site, that customer would have left your site without buying anything. But because you had a live chat feature, you were able to help him find what he was looking for and he ended up buying two products from you. This way, Live chat software can help you turn website visitors into customers by providing them with the help they need when they need it. You can also integrate live chat software on Android and iPhone using SDK.

How to Choose the Right Live Chat Software for Your Business

If you own a business, you are probably aware that live chat software is one of the most important customer service tools available today. The right live chat software assists businesses in lowering operating costs, increasing customer satisfaction, and increasing sales. However, not all live chat software is created equal. Some live chat software is more effective than others; some live chat software is more expensive than others, and some live chat software is incredibly complex to set up and use. When choosing a live chat solution for your business, it's always very subjective and depends on your objectives. But there are several features that are an absolute must. Check them out:
  1. Visitor tracking: Visitor tracking is a feature that allows you to see which pages your visitors are viewing in real-time. The live chat software provides you with an interface through which you can monitor the activities of your website visitors.

  2. Proactive Chat: This live chat feature is designed to engage with your customer in a proactive way. By engaging with your customer, you can build a relationship with them and increase the chances of them becoming loyal customers.

  3. Chatbot: This feature allows you to create a chatbot for your site. You can use a chatbot to answer common questions, such as “What is your return policy?” or “How do I track my order?” Chatbots can also be used to upsell products and services.

  4. Message Templates: This feature allows you to create templates for your messages. This can be a great way to save time when sending messages to customers.

  5. Message History: This live chat feature allows you to view a history of all the messages you’ve sent to customers. This can be a great way to track your conversations and see what’s working and what’s not.

  6. Offline Forms: Offline forms are a great way for businesses to collect contact information from website visitors. An offline form may include fields such as first and last name, email address, phone number, and comments. If desired, a message can be displayed to the visitor informing them that someone will contact them soon.

  7. Chat Monitoring: It's critical to keep an eye on what your agents are doing when using live chat software. You want to know if a customer is unhappy with the service they are receiving. Chat monitoring informs you in real-time who among your customer service representatives is offering their services. This feature is available in live chat software and allows you to see which of your agents are available and which are not.

  8. Chat Rating:Chat rating is an important feature of live chat software that allows your customers to rate the quality of their interaction with your support agent. It assists businesses in determining the quality of their customer interactions and, more importantly, which agents are delivering the best support.

  9. Chat Routing:You can use this feature to transfer a customer chat to another available customer support agent or to automatically redirect clients to the most appropriate agent for their issue. Chat routing allows you to provide better customer service and improve your workflows. It also allows you to increase your sales and improve your customer relationships.

  10. Canned responses:This feature in Live Chat helps you to create pre-written responses that you can use to respond to a customer’s message without having to type out the entire response. This can be especially useful if you find yourself sending the same message over and over again.

  11. File sharing: One of the most important features that have been added to live chat is the file sharing feature. This feature allows you to quickly share images, videos, PDFs, and other files with the customer through the chat interface. This makes the whole process of dealing with customer queries much easier and faster.

  12. Auto-Responders: Another important feature that has been added to live chat is the ability to set up auto-responders. This helps you respond to customer queries automatically without having to manually type out every response. This saves a lot of time and also ensures that you do not miss out on any customer queries.

  13. Smart triggers:Small triggers are an important feature in live chat software because they allow you to automatically trigger a greeting message to visitors on your website when certain conditions are met. These triggers can be based on the visitor's location, the page being visited, referring URL, and more.

  14. Queue Time: Queue Time feature in live chat allows you to add a waiting time for your visitors on your live chat interface. This allows you to let them know that you are busy with other chats and will attend to them soon.

Usability Factors to Consider in Live Chat Software

When implementing live chat software for your website or application, several critical usability factors should be considered to ensure a seamless and positive user experience:
  1. Ease of Use Nobody wants to waste time figuring out how to use live chat software. Even if you lack technical skills, the best software should be simple to learn and use. It all comes down to software simplicity and effectiveness. Check to see if you can use the software without much assistance from the service provider before purchasing it. In the long run, this will save you time and money. You will not need to hire an in-house technical employee to operate the system. 2. Mobile-Friendly Every member of your team, regardless of device type, should use live chat software. It is best to be cautious when selecting software because some do not support all mobile devices. This will assist you in selecting the appropriate software that all of your employees can access from any mobile device and any location. It is an efficient method of ensuring that your team maintains constant communication with customers, resulting in increased engagement, stronger relationships, increased sales, and leads. 3. Security Features One of the first things to consider when selecting a live chat software is security features. This is because, as technology has advanced, hackers have seen online security flaws as an opportunity. These hackers were able to gain access to people's personal information and use it for malicious purposes. As a result, the best live chat software should be able to offer security features that will help protect their customers and their information from hackers. 4. Custom Options For businesses, branding is essential; all elements of your website, including your live chat interface, must provide a consistent visual experience. Choosing a live chat that is customizable is critical so that you can consistently promote your brand image by customizing languages, chat banners, styles, colours, and fonts, among other things. 5. Onboarding Choose a tool that’s easy to use so you won’t have to undergo a long learning curve in understanding and setting it up. There are many options that can be easily integrated into your website by copy-pasting chat codes on the web page which lets you initiate it within a few minutes. 6. Multi-Channel Support Your customer support system can be simple or multi-channel. Consider your business requirements when deciding what type of chat support you require. Some provide additional features and functions to provide 360-degree support, such as call-back support, knowledge base integration, and NPS surveys. 7. Integration Capabilities Integrating your live chat seamlessly with an existing business platform is critical to getting the most out of your live chat solution. It’s the only way to optimize workflows, reduce manual effort and maintain the quality of your customer service. The good news is, most live chat solutions offer a wide range of integrations.

What are the Key Performance Indicators of Live Chat Software?

The key performance indicators (KPIs) of live chat software are the metrics used to measure the success of the software in meeting its objectives. The KPIs for live chat software vary depending on the specific goals of the software but may include metrics such as
    1. Number of chats: The number of chats is a key metric for live chat support. It helps managers and team leaders track how well their team is doing in providing customer support and how much live chat is being used overall. Chats can be tracked in a number of ways, including through customer satisfaction surveys, customer support ticketing systems, and live chat software. 2. Agent utilization rate: Agent utilization rate is one of the most important factors for success in live chat. Having a high agent utilization rate ensures that agents are being utilized as efficiently as possible. The agent utilization rate is a good way to see how productive your agents are and how much time they are spending on calls. 3. Average wait time: Wait time, which measures how long visitors wait in line, has a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Almost 80% of Americans consider speed to be one of the most important aspects of a positive customer experience. The wait time report includes an important metric called average wait time. The wait time report provides information on the average and longest wait times within a given time range.4. Average chat time: Average chat time is a metric used to assess agent performance that refers to the average amount of time each agent spends on a chat. By tracking average chat time, you can help ensure that customer issues are resolved quickly and concisely.5. First contact resolution: First-call resolution (FCR) is an important call center performance metric and element of a customer support system that measures the percentage of customer service calls that are resolved by the first customer service representative (CSR) during the initial call.6. Invitation acceptance rate: Your invitation acceptance rate is the frequency with which your chat invitation is accepted and used, and it tells you how well you target customers who require assistance. So, if no one is using your chat, this could be a problem. If your chats are not being picked up by agents, you can detect this through the invitation acceptance rate. If that's the case, you may need to make some strategic adjustments.7. Sales conversion rates: Perhaps the most commonly used metric, conversion rates give you an insight into how effective your live chat team is at converting chats. The higher the number, the better your team is performing.8. Customer satisfaction score: Live chat Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) feature in our live chat software allows you to know what your visitors think about your customer service. This helps you to improve the quality of support services you provide.9. Peak Hour Traffic: Knowing when you get the most chats, just like knowing when you get the most emails, can be very useful for live chat. This is where peak-hour traffic comes into play. Peak hour traffic indicates when your customers are most active, and when you will most likely require the most employees, or hire people in specific time zones to cover it. 10. Customer Retention Rate: Customer Retention Rate (CRR) The customer retention rate tells you how likely your customers are to keep using your live chat service after they’ve had a few conversations with you. To calculate it, simply divide the number of customers who kept using your live chat service after 3 months by the total number of customers who started using it during that period. The resulting number will be your customer retention rate. The higher it is, the better.

What are the Latest Trends in Live Chat Software?

Discover the most recent statistics and emerging trends in live chat support, encompassing metrics such as average chat duration, resolution rates, customer preferences, and the influence of live chat on customer loyalty and sales.
    1. Artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities: AI can be used to automate certain tasks related to live chat, such as providing initial customer support or routing chats to the appropriate agent. 2. Integration with other customer support channels: Live chat software is often integrated with other channels such as email, phone, and social media. This allows for a more seamless customer support experience. 3. Mobile responsiveness: As more and more people use mobile devices to access the internet, it is important for live chat software to be mobile responsive. This means that the chat interface should be easy to use on a smaller screen and that chats should be able to be initiated from a mobile device. 4. Gamification: Some live chat software platforms are incorporating gamification elements, such as points and badges, to motivate agents and encourage customer engagement. 5. Co-Browsing and Screen Share: While you are dealing with a customer issue, you can offer help by providing live support in the form of co-browsing and screen sharing. By doing so, you can eliminate any confusion about the problem your customer is facing.

Key Live Chat Statistics

Digitalization and technological advancements are changing the way businesses communicate with their customers. This has put pressure on businesses to be faster and more responsive to customer queries, complaints and suggestions. And, this has given rise to the demand for live chat support services. With live chat support services, businesses can manage customer queries, complaints and suggestions 24/7. Live chat support services provide a unique way of engaging customers and providing them with a personalized experience. Live chat support services help businesses to build strong relationships with their customers and create a sense of loyalty among them. It also helps businesses to increase their sales and revenue. Live chat support services are becoming increasingly popular because they offer a quick and easy way for businesses to engage with their customers. In addition, they offer a cost-effective way of providing customer support. Implementing live chat software reduces friction and is a better way to communicate with customers. Here are some of the most important live chat statistics you need to know: Live chat usage statistics
  • When initiating a live chat, 60% of customers expect an immediate response.
  • B2B companies account for 61% of live chat clients.
  • B2C accounts for only 33% of the total.
  • Live chat is used for sales by 74% of B2C companies and 85% of B2B companies.
  • In 2020, the average company received 8,423 chat messages per month.
  • By 2023, the live chat industry is expected to be worth $997 million.
  • 60% of businesses have been using live chat for less than a year.
  • 87% of businesses use live chat to connect with customers in real-time. 61% of businesses use live chat to increase sales and conversions.
Reference by Statista Live Chat Conversion Statistics
  • Customers are 63% more likely to return to a website that offers live chat than one that does not.
  • According to Forrester Research 44% of online shoppers, "having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a website can offer.
  • Customers who were proactively invited to chat were 94% satisfied with the experience.
  • Buyers who use live chat are 40% more likely to make an online purchase compared to 22% of buyers who have never chatted.
  • As per ICMI Live chat increases revenue per chat hour by 48% and conversion rate by 40%.
Reference by ForresterLive Chat Customer Satisfaction Stats
  • 20% of shoppers prefer to contact a retailer via live chat over any other method of communication.
  • Live chat has the highest satisfaction rate of any customer service channel (73%), followed by email (61%), and phone (44%).
  • 65% of customers are more likely to return to a website with live chat options.
  • 46% prefer live chat to any other mode of communication.
  • 36% of customers said it was important that businesses provide support through "desired methods" such as live chat.
  • 29% of customers believe that information gathered during a live chat session is of better quality than what they would get during an email exchange.
  • Almost one quarter (22%) of customers simply do not like talking on the phone and that is why they resort to live chat communication.
  • More than 95% of customers say that the quality of support they receive during their live chat experience is more important than the speed with which they receive it.
Reference by LTVplusLive Chat Customer Engagement Statistics
  • 80% of customers in the United States would pay more for a product or service to ensure a better customer experience.
  • Customers are 63% more likely to return to a website that has live chat than one that does not.
  • One of the most important features a company can offer, according to 44% of customers, is having a live chat specialist available during an online purchase.
  • Last year, 49% of American consumers changed companies due to poor customer service.
  • 40% of customers want customer service representatives to respond to their needs more quickly.
  • The customer's perception of how they are being treated accounts for 70% of their journey.
Reference by StatistaLive Chat Lead Generation Statistics
  • 38% of customers said a live chat session led them directly to a purchase.
  • Even if they do not require assistance, 29% of customers are more likely to make a purchase from a site that offers live chat.
  • After using live chat, 51% of customers said they were more likely to make a purchase.
  • Adding live chat to your website can increase conversion by up to 12%.
  • Live chat can increase leads by 40% or more.
Reference by StatistaLive chat benchmark statistics
  • Live chat has the highest satisfaction levels compared to any other customer service channel, with 73% of customers reporting satisfaction.
  • Live chat has the fastest response time of any customer service channel, with an average response time of 42 seconds.
  • Live chat is the most preferred customer service channel, with 62% of customers preferring it over other channels.
  • The average live chat duration is 11 minutes 55 seconds.
Reference by ICMI

Live Chat Support vs. Phones: Which Should You Choose?

When it comes to business, every company wants to be on the cutting edge, utilizing the latest and greatest technology to stay ahead of its competition. This is especially true in customer service, where companies are always looking for ways to improve the customer experience. Customers nowadays expect you to meet them where they are, and where they are can vary greatly depending on who your customers are and where they live. Omnichannel customer support ensures that you meet the needs of all customers. Live chat also seems to produce decent levels of customer satisfaction rate, surpassing emails and phones. Live chat enables agents to provide support to multiple customers at the same time, which is ideal for service departments dealing with a high volume of simple and moderate support requests. Customers hate waiting, and live chat can significantly reduce wait times while relieving agent stress. While both phone and live chat support have their advantages, live chat support is often the better option because it allows customers to get help more quickly and conveniently. Phone support can be difficult to reach during peak hours, and customers often have to wait on hold for a long time before they can speak to a customer service representative. Live chat support, on the other hand, is available 24/7 and allows customers to get help immediately.

Why Should You Choose Appy Pie Live Chat for Your Business?

Choosing Appy Pie Live Chat for your business can offer several significant benefits, as it can enhance customer support, improve sales, and boost overall customer satisfaction. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider implementing live chat for your business:
  1. Respond to Incoming Chats Instantly
  2. Your customers are not always available at the same time. They can chat with you at any time of the day. And if you are not online to answer them, they will get frustrated and will be forced to look for another support option. This is why you need to respond to incoming chats as quickly as possible. With the Appy Pie Live Chat, you can connect your website visitors to a designed customer support agent in just a second. The intelligent routing algorithm determines the best operator or expert to connect with the right customers based on visitor keywords. You can also allow your website customers to chat with their dedicated account managers if they have been assigned one, the moment they log into your website using Appy Pie Live Chat. Appy Pie Live Chat also remembers the last visitor login so that they do not have to send the same information again and can connect with an operator immediately.
  3. Third-Party Integration
  4. You can replicate the power of your Live Chat by integrating it with third-party apps such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and other third-party apps. By doing so, companies can effectively turn live chat into a single point of contact for customers on multiple platforms. Appy Pie Live Chat also has the ability to integrate with existing customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This allows companies to manage all customer interactions in a single platform and have a better overview of customer relations. Overall, Appy Pie Live Chat can help businesses automate customer support, sales, and marketing processes. They can also be used to provide personalized recommendations, content, and services to customers.
  5. Multimedia capabilities
  6. Live chat software with multimedia capabilities can provide engaging customer service experiences. Customers can use the software to share photos, videos, and other files with customer service representatives in real time. This can help representatives resolve issues more quickly and efficiently. This way, multimedia capabilities help representatives build stronger relationships with customers by allowing them to connect on a more personal level. The Multimedia feature is very useful for both your customer support agents and visitors to share PDFs, images, audios, or videos with others if needed. This can help to speed up communication and reduce any possible confusion in real time. If you are a real estate agent, you can use this feature to share your real estate virtual tours with your visitors.
  7. Reports and analytics
  8. With the help of live chat software, you can improve your customer service by providing better customer support and improving your customer satisfaction.The reports and analytics features in live chat software provide valuable insights that can help you to improve your customer support strategy. You can use these features to track the performance of your customer support team, identify areas where improvements are needed, and measure the impact of your changes. Live chat software’s reports and analytics features include the ability to track the number of chats, the average chat duration, the number of chats per agent, the number of chats per day, and the number of chats per hour. In addition, live chat software can help you track the satisfaction level of your customers and the performance of your agents. Appy Pie Live Chat has the best reporting and analytics features that can take your business to new heights. It gives you a clear view of your customer’s queries and complaints. You can know what is trending and what is not. You can also know the demographics of your customer and know their needs.
  9. Chat Routing
  10. The chat routing feature allows you to prioritize and route incoming chats to the appropriate operators based on simple rules and conditions. Chats can be routed automatically to the operators who are currently handling the fewest number of chats, or they can be routed to a queue from which operators can pick them up. This ensures that the chat workload is distributed evenly among operators, allowing them to work as efficiently as possible. Remove the need for support managers to manually track the number of chats handled by an operator. Chat routing allows you to avoid operator burnout from handling too many chats while also providing a delightful support experience to your visitors. Use chat routing to automatically place chats into queues and route them to the next available operator based on skills. With chat routing, you can route chats to an operator based on a set of criteria such as skills, location, language, and other preferences.
  11. Seamless Customer Experience
  12. Your live chat must be designed to provide a seamless customer experience. It should be easy for customers to find and use. The user interface should be simple and uncluttered. Customers should be able to chat with a customer service representative without having to leave the page they are on. Your live chat should be available on every page of your website. It should be easy to find and use. The user interface should be simple and uncluttered. Customers should be able to chat with a customer service representative without having to leave the page they are on. Appy Pie Live Chat offers a seamless customer experience. It comes with a wide range of features that make it the best live chat application for your business. You can use Appy Pie Live Chat to interact with your customers in real time, track their queries, and address them efficiently. The chat application also allows you to create a personalized chat experience for your customers and helps you keep track of your customer satisfaction levels.
  13. Team Collaboration
  14. Live chat apps are becoming increasingly popular in the work environment, and for good reason. They offer a great way to facilitate team collaboration and allow you to stay in touch with your team members no matter where they are. However, not all live chat apps are created equal. Some lack important features that can make team collaboration difficult, while others are simply too expensive for small businesses. When choosing a live chat app for your team, you should look for one that offers features such as group chat, file sharing, and task management. Additionally, look for a live chat that is easy to use and has a good customer service record. Finally, make sure that you live chat must offer a free trial so you can evaluate it before committing to a monthly or annual subscription.
  15. Support Different Types of Conversations
  16. If you’re a business that operates online, you should always be open to talking with customers. This is true in real-time chat as well. You can use live chat as an opportunity to improve your customer support and grow your business. One way you can do this is by offering short surveys at the end of each conversation. That way, you can get a better idea of what your customers want or need and how you can improve their experience. You can also use live chat to build relationships with your visitors or customers. You might want to use it to gain feedback or get to know your customers on a personal level. These are all great ways to produce more loyal and happy customers.
  17. Keep Track of Your Conversations With Chat History
  18. It’s always helpful to see what was said in previous conversations so that you know where things stand with each customer or prospect. Having access to chat history can help prevent miscommunication and ensure that agents are providing good customer service. This can also be helpful in understanding customer needs and providing personalized experiences. This feature is available in Appy pie Live Chat and makes it easy to review past conversations with customers. It can help you remember what topics were discussed, what products were recommended, and any other important details about the conversation. This can be especially helpful when dealing with customer service issues or when a customer is returning for a follow-up conversation. Having an accurate record of past conversations can help ensure customer satisfaction and build customer loyalty.

The Future of Live Chat in Customer Service

The future of live chat and customer experience is indeed promising and full of exciting possibilities. Here's an expansion on this idea:
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chatbots: Discuss how chatbots created with no-code AI development platform are becoming more sophisticated and are expected to play a significant role in handling routine inquiries. Mention their potential to provide instant responses, freeing up human agents for more complex tasks.
  • Personalization and Customer Insights: Explain how AI can analyze customer data to personalize live chat interactions. This can include offering tailored product recommendations, addressing customers by their names, and predicting their needs based on past behavior.
  • Predictive Analytics:Describe how predictive analytics will enable businesses to anticipate customer issues and proactively offer solutions. This can reduce the need for reactive support and enhance the overall customer experience.
  • Multi-Channel Integration: Discuss the trend of integrating live chat with other communication channels, such as social media, email, and phone support, to provide a seamless omnichannel experience. Customers can switch between channels while maintaining context.
  • Video and Co-Browsing: Explain the growing use of video chat and co-browsing capabilities in live chat. This enables real-time visual assistance, making it easier to troubleshoot issues or demonstrate products remotely.
  • Secure and GDPR-Compliant Solutions: Emphasize the importance of data security and compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR. Discuss how live chat providers are enhancing security measures to protect customer information.
  • 24/7 Availability: Highlight the increasing demand for round-the-clock live chat support. Discuss how businesses are leveraging chatbots and global teams to ensure constant availability to customers in different time zones.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Explain how NLP technology is improving chatbots' ability to understand and respond to natural language queries. This enhances the conversational aspect of live chat interactions.
  • Integration with CRMs and Marketing Tools: Describe how live chat systems are being integrated with customer relationship management (CRM) software and marketing automation tools. This allows for better tracking of customer interactions and improved lead nurturing.
  • Remote Work and Virtual Agents: Discuss the trend of employing remote live chat agents or virtual agents. This provides flexibility in hiring and allows businesses to tap into a global talent pool.
  • Instant Language Translation: Mention the integration of real-time language translation capabilities in live chat. This facilitates communication with customers from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
  • Voice Assistants: Touch upon the emerging role of voice-activated virtual assistants (like Alexa or Google Assistant) in live chat interactions. Customers can use voice commands for queries and support.
  • AI-Powered Analytics: Explain how AI-driven analytics can analyze chat transcripts to derive valuable insights about customer sentiment, frequently asked questions, and areas for improvement.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Mention the potential for AR and VR to enhance live chat experiences. For instance, customers could use AR to showcase a product issue, allowing agents to see and diagnose the problem remotely.
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Stress the importance of ongoing learning and adaptation in the world of live chat. Businesses should stay agile, experimenting with new technologies and strategies to meet evolving customer expectations.


Live chat is one of the most important and effective customer service tools available today. The power of live chat lies in its ability to provide customers with fast and convenient customer service. you should choose a live chat software that is easy to use, provides helpful customer service features, and helps to create an overall positive customer experience. There are many ways you can use live chat to improve your business. It’s a great tool that can help you connect with your customers and build relationships. With the right live chat software, you make your business more efficient and productive.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie