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Calendly vs. Doodle: Selecting the Right Scheduling Tool for Your Needs [2024]

By Tanya | Last Updated on June 22nd, 2024 10:53 am

In the digital world, Calendly and Doodle are top choices for organizing meetings effortlessly. Each platform shines in its own way, catering to different scheduling needs. Calendly is known for its strong business focus, offering detailed controls and a professional look, making it ideal for 1-on-1 meetings and business integrations. Doodle stands out for group scheduling, with its easy-to-understand visual polls that simplify finding a time that works for everyone. Both platforms are user-friendly and offer a range of pricing options to fit various budgets. Additionally, they integrate smoothly with workflow automation tools, enhancing productivity by connecting with other apps you use. Choosing between Calendly and Doodle depends on your specific scheduling needs, whether for business use or group coordination.

Doodle vs. Calendly at a Glance

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Feature Doodle Calendly
Primary Use Group scheduling 1-on-1 and group scheduling
User Interface Simple and intuitive Sleek and professional
Scheduling Process Poll-based selection for group meetings Direct link sharing for availability
Customization Basic customization options Extensive customization for meetings
Unique Features "If need be" option for flexible scheduling in polls Round robin, routing forms, and payment collection during booking
Visual Clarity Clear visual representation of poll results Less visual clarity in group scheduling results
Business Focus Increasing focus on business users with recent updates Strongly focused on business users from the start
Ease of Use Very easy to use for casual and less formal arrangements User-friendly with a focus on professional settings

Calendly vs. Doodle: For Business Integration

Calendly: Tailored for Professional Use

Calendly stands out as the top choice for businesses looking for a detailed scheduling tool. It's made for a professional environment, providing lots of features that meet complex scheduling requirements and help with managing a team. Calendly allows users to:

  • Set a maximum number of daily bookings
  • Implement time buffers before and after appointments
  • Require advance notice before meetings
  • Offer single-use booking links
  • Define universal working hours

Moreover, Calendly supports various methods for sharing availability, including direct links, website embedding, and email integration, providing flexibility in how appointments are scheduled.

Doodle: Bridging the Gap to Business

While initially more consumer and education-focused, Doodle has made strides toward serving the business community. Recent updates have introduced enhanced controls such as booking buffers and a revamped dashboard. However, Doodle still trails behind Calendly in offering a depth of business-centric features and customization options.

Calendly vs. Doodle For Group Scheduling

Doodle: The Go-To for Group Scheduling

Doodle stands out for organizing group meetings. Its main feature, the Group Poll, makes it easy for everyone to pick times they're available, showing these choices clearly. This straightforward way of deciding on a meeting time makes Doodle a great choice for more relaxed and informal plans.

Benefits of Using Doodle for Group Meetings:

  1. Easy to Use : Doodle's simple design means anyone can start scheduling without confusion.
  2. Quick Decision Making : The visual poll speeds up finding a meeting time that works for all.
  3. Flexible : It's perfect for any group event, from work meetings to social gatherings.
  4. Saves Time : Avoids the back-and-forth emails usually needed to plan a meeting.
  5. Accessible Anywhere : You can use Doodle from any device, making it convenient for everyone.

Calendly: Expanding into Group Scheduling

Calendly, known for its one-on-one meeting setup, has recently added features for scheduling meetings with groups. Its Meeting Poll feature is designed to rival Doodle's, offering an easy setup and a user-friendly way for participants to choose times. However, Calendly doesn't have Doodle's "if need be" choice and its group scheduling results aren't as visually clear.

Benefits of Using Calendly for Group Meetings:

  1. Simple Setup : Setting up a meeting poll is quick and straightforward.
  2. User-Friendly : Participants find it easy to indicate their availability.
  3. Efficient Coordination : Helps in finding a suitable meeting time faster.
  4. Integration with Calendars : Automatically syncs with personal and professional calendars to avoid conflicts.
  5. Professional Appearance : Calendly's design and interface give a polished look to your scheduling process.

Calendly vs. Doodle: A Comparison of Pricing

When comparing the free versions of both tools, Calendly provides a more generous offering, especially for individual users seeking a robust set of scheduling features without the cost. Calendly's free plan includes:

  • Unlimited 1:1 scheduling
  • Access to most individual-level features
  • Data deletion and governance controls

Doodle's free version focuses on its strength in group polls but introduces ads in the scheduling process, potentially detracting from the professional appearance.

Popular Calendly Integrations

To fully unlock the capabilities of your app, automation is key. Calendly can be integrated with Appy Pie Connect, allowing you to connect them with thousands of other apps. Learn how to automate Calendly , or jump straight into using available workflows to start efficiently.

Calendly vs. Doodle Which Scheduling Tool Should You Use?

Calendly is the superior choice for businesses and professionals who need detailed control over their scheduling processes and a wide range of integration options. Its design and feature set support a seamless integration into a professional workflow, making it ideal for enhancing productivity and coordination.

Doodle's intuitive group scheduling features make it a strong candidate for informal settings or when the primary need is coordinating among multiple participants. Its straightforward interface and focus on group consensus are valuable for planning meetings, events, or gatherings without the need for extensive business features.


In conclusion, both Calendly and Doodle offer valuable scheduling solutions tailored to different user needs. By considering the specific features, integration capabilities, and the context in which the tool will be used, you can make an informed decision that best supports your scheduling requirements. Whether for professional business integration or casual group coordination, choosing the right tool can significantly enhance your efficiency and streamline your planning processes.

For those interested in diving deeper into one of these tools, particularly Calendly, explore our blog on how to use Calendly effectively. This resource is designed to help you maximize the benefits of Calendly, ensuring you get the most out of your scheduling experience.

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