Blog Article

Why Do Hospitals Need a Mobile App?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on May 31st, 2024 9:59 am | 4-min read

Mobile applications are rising in popularity within the healthcare industry. They help hospitals improve the experience of both doctors and patients. Healthcare apps are among the fastest-growing category of apps within the app market. Healthcare apps are already popular among people. A healthcare/hospital app can streamline many processes within the healthcare industry. In the article, we will discuss how a hospital benefits from a hospital app, the various types of healthcare apps, and how you can build your own hospital apps. However, before we get into it, here are a few key statistics about apps in the healthcare industry:Healthcare apps are some of the most popular apps on Appy Pie’s AppMakr platform. We provide a no-code app maker tool that can be used to build hospital apps. Check it out!

Benefits of building a hospital app

Digitization is a trend that has hit almost every industry around the world. Emerging technologies such as No-code, IoT, and Blockchain are reshaping the very way we do things. Healthcare mobile apps are just a fractional part of this digitization trend. However, hospitals employ these technologies to create a better experience for patients and reduce the direct strain on hospitals’ professionals by increasing the efficiency of specific processes within healthcare. Here are some benefits of creating healthcare apps:
  • Patients can get quick access to a doctor over the phone or through video calls with the help of healthcare apps, i.e. minor health issues could be diagnosed without needing a patient to visit at a doctor’s clinic or healthcare center.

  • Hospital apps can be used to schedule appointments in hospitals. It can also be used to ask doctors simple questions and report changes quickly and easily.

  • A healthcare app can help patients keep track of their medicine routine, ensuring that they never miss a dose.

  • Medicinal recommendations for various diseases can be sent over healthcare apps.

  • Information about diseases, their symptoms, treatments, and medicinal requirements can be shared by specialists over the app to help educate patients about common health issues.

  • A dedicated hospital chatbot within your app can provide support to patients in real-time, help them book appointments, or notify doctors about their symptoms.

  • A healthcare app can record your heart rate, blood pressure, and more to keep track of any significant health changes when combined with smartwatch technology.
Since the industry is still growing, there is a lot of room for innovation within the hospital app infrastructure. With time, hospital apps will improve and be able to do much more.

Types of hospital apps

Apps are some of the most malleable types of technology. Depending on the purpose, you can build and customize many different apps. There is no all-in-one app for hospitals. Your hospital app must be purpose-built. Here are the various types of hospitals apps that you can build:
  • mHealth apps
  • mHealth is the first entry point into apps for healthcare. They are meant for people to self-monitor their health. mHealth apps include fitness trackers, heart rate-monitor apps, prescription apps, calorie counter apps, and more. mHealth apps are apps that may utilize smartwatch technology to provide value to the user. Fitbit is an excellent example of an mHealth app. These apps are meant for self-care. They help people get more organized and conscious about their health.
  • Disease detection apps
  • Delayed diagnoses are a significant cause of fatalities in hospitals. However, in many parts of the world, hospitals are often overcrowded. Disease detection apps are essentially database apps that can help users self-diagnose their diseases. This is where disease detection apps come in. They let users describe their symptoms and make a preliminary diagnosis on what ails them. This helps users approach the right doctors at the right time. You can make your own disease detection app with Appy Pie AppMakr. Try it out!
  • Telemedicine
  • Telemedicine has recently become popular. It especially saw astonishing growth at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine apps are specialized apps that connect patients and doctors virtually. Doctors can observe and diagnose their patients through either live chat or video calling and diagnose from a distance. Owing to the airborne nature of COVID, telemedicine was widely accepted as an excellent alternative. It helps reduce wait times to get an appointment and improves communication between patients and their doctors. If a disease is severe enough, telemedicine apps can also book actual appointments or a doctor visit at home. You can make telemedicine apps with Appy Pie AppMakr. Try creating one today!
  • Hospital Management app
  • Hospital mobile apps can be built for internal purposes too. Hospital management in larger hospitals can get complex. However, you can make it easy with mobile apps for your employees. Hospital employee management apps can be used to keep track of your employees, their working hours, and much more. Internal employee apps can be used for day-to-day activities like time-stamping, entry and exit, electronic IDs, and much more. Employee mobile apps can also be used to onboard new hospital employees, provide employee support, and much more. Appy Pie AppMakr has a dedicated preset for employee mobile apps that you can use to create your own. Try it today!

    How to create your own hospital app

    Creating a hospital mobile app online is very simple. You can use Appy Pie AppMakr, our no-code development solution. It helps you create native mobile apps without needing any coding. You can learn how to use the Appy Pie AppMakr platform with our 10-step guide on how to create an app.Coding an app from scratch is both time-consuming and expensive. Appy Pie AppMakr, on the other hand, simplifies app building and makes it affordable. The platform is suited for beginners and professionals. Appy Pie provides over 200+ features that can be added to your app with a simple drag and drop interface. Each feature can be further customized for your needs. Appy Pie simplifies UI design too. To design your user interface, you can use Appy Pie’s signature template-based design where you can select a template and customize it for your business brand. So what are you waiting for? Start building your hospital app today!


    Hospital apps will be a default part of the healthcare industry in the future. It’s about time your hospital starts getting ready for the app revolution. Create an app for your hospital today. Leave a comment and tell us about your favorite hospital apps today!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie