Aasif Khan

Aasif Khan

Head of SEO at Appy Pie

The Head of SEO and Author at Appy Pie, Aasif Khan has an experience of 15+ years in the digital marketing industry. Today, he is an expert in SEO, SMO, SEM, and is also one of the top contributors to Appy Pie Blog. He writes about the Mobile App, Website, Chatbot, Automation, NFTs, Crypto, Ethereum and going trends in the digital marketing industry. He loves working out in the gym and also spares some time for hobbies like playing cricket and reading books among other things.

Escaping Closures in Swift Explained

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | November 29, 2021 | 5-min read

A closure is said to “escape” a function when it’s called after that function returns. In Swift, closures are non-escaping by default. What are escaping closures, anyway? And what do you use @escaping for? Let’s find out! This mobile app development tutorial discusses closures, escaping vs. non-escaping, capture lists and retain cycles, and what that means for practical iOS development. What we’ll get into: What escaping closures are, and why you need them How and when to use[...]

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Best Integrations for Salesforce

Top 10 Salesforce Integrations For Sales, Marketing, and HR

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | August 22, 2022

It's hard to imagine customer relationship management without Salesforce CRM. It provides a structure and organization to the entire process and helps manage loads of other things like data, metrics, notes, and much more in a centralized platform. A great way to boost the functionality of Salesforce is to integrate it with other applications and create automated workflows, which allow free movement of data and information between the platforms, reducing the need to re-enter data manually. Th[...]

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App Builder, Instagram’s Kevin Systrom, Before It Was Popular

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | August 23, 2017

App Builder Appy Pie, Aug 23: Mobile apps have transformed the way how we live, eat, exercise, socialize, work, learn, entertain, and play. Apps like Uber, WhatsApp, Airbnb, Snapchat, etc., have amazing impact on our lives. When it comes to customer services, Uber has greatly exceeded customer expectations in terms of quality and level of service. WhatsApp has changed our lives forever by making communication more effortless than before. And finally one of the most loved apps nowadays, Instagram[...]

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How To Use Apple’s Developer Documentation for Fun and Profit

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 27, 2021 | 5-min read

Did you know Apple has a ton of helpful articles, documentation and resources for app developers? And it’s not just only about Swift – they have guides about app marketing, design and business. You might already know some docs, like the official Apple Developer Documentation about Swift, iOS SDKs and Xcode. Other documentation is a bit more hidden, like Apple’s own iOS app design templates and device mockups. In this tutorial I’ll guide you through using these resources effectively[...]

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Scheduling Local Notifications with Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 15, 2021 | 5-min read

How do you send and receive local notifications in your iOS app? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build local notifications into your iOS app with Swift. We’ll focus on: How to schedule and handle local notifications Sensibly structuring the local notification code Asking the user permission to send local notifications How to set up triggers for local notifications How to handle foreground and background notifications We’ll also take a few intermezzo’s to discuss idempo[...]

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What is NFT Art Finance and How to Buy NFT Art Finance?

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | March 17, 2022

Over the past few months, NFTs have gained wide popularity and have become the talk of the crypto town. A lot of brands and individuals have been building their projects on blockchains that support non-fungible tokens. This increased interest has led to a rising level of tokenization on blockchain platforms such as Ethereum and EOS. One of the most popular NFT projects is CryptoKitties, which was created by Axiom Zen back in late 2017. It was considered a major hit at that time, with more th[...]

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Best integrations for SharePoint

Top 10 SharePoint Integrations That Deliver Business Value

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 31, 2022

Sharepoint is one of the few applications that have really stood out during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The initial days of remote work were very challenging, however, things got a lot better when companies started using collaboration applications like Sharepoint. To put it simply, Sharepoint is a highly customizable, content collaboration and management application that allows users to manage all corporate content, create websites, and more, regardless of where they are located. Now that re[...]

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Play with Code: Converting Roman Numerals with Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 28, 2021 | 4-min read

Roman numerals, such as MMXIX, are exciting! In this tutorial, we’re going to write some code that converts any integer number to a roman numeral. It’s a fun, short exercise that touches on many aspects of the Swift programming language. It’s perfect if you have a spare minute or two to play with code! Table of Contents What Are Roman Numerals? Setting Up The “roman(number:)” Function Converting Numbers To Roman Numerals Taking Numerals Like “IX” Into Account Further Re[...]

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Scene Delegate vs. App Delegate Explained

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 6, 2021 | 5-min read

What does the SceneDelegate class in your iOS project do? In Xcode, the scene delegate and/or app delegate is added automatically for the default iOS app project template. What are these delegates for, exactly? In this tutorial, we’ll dive into the scene and app delegates in Xcode, and how they affect SwiftUI, Storyboards and XIB based UIs. You’ll learn about: The app delegate and scene delegate How the they work together to bootstrap your app How to set up your app programmatical[...]

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10 Best Trello Integrations for Efficient Task Management in 2022

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 19, 2022

Trello is a top-rated task management software that is known for its exceptional features. Its Kanban-style boards make the app the perfect tool for team collaboration, task planning, and progress tracking. It helps boost productivity and efficiency for professional as well as personal activities. If you're a regular user of Trello, you'll already know how convenient an app it is. But did you know that you can expand your possibilities with the help of workflow automation? Appy Pie Connect, [...]

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How to Create an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea

How to Build an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | February 18, 2022

In this article, we will explain what is NFT, what is NFT marketplace, how to make an NFT marketplace without any coding, and how to make an NFT marketplace like OpenSea. What is NFT? Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the new craze in the blockchain community. NFTs are a type of token that are unique. That is, each NFT is different from all others in existence, even if they come from the same source. These tokens can be used for anything from unique collectibles (like Cryptokitties), to[...]

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Value Types vs. Reference Types In Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 28, 2021 | 5-min read

In the Swift programming language, some types are value types and others are reference types. What’s the difference? And how do these types affect practical iOS development? In this tutorial, you’ll learn: What a value type and a reference type is The difference between value types and reference types Why that’s important to understand, in practical iOS development When it’s best to use value types or reference types Table of Contents Value Types In Swift Reference Ty[...]

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Working with Stacks in SwiftUI

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 10, 2021 | 4-min read

You use stacks in SwiftUI to group views together. You can choose from the VStack, HStack and ZStack, and combine them to build complex layouts. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use stack views with SwiftUI. What we’ll discuss: How to use VStack, HStack and ZStack Approaches to position views within stacks How to use alignment and spacing parameters Building complex views by combining stacks Table of Contents What’s a Stack? VStack, HStack and ZStack in SwiftUI Stac[...]

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Working with Files on iOS with Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | November 29, 2021 | 5-min read

You use FileManager to work with files and directories on iOS. It’s a Swift API that helps you read from, and write to, various data and file formats. In this app development tutorial, you learn how to work with files on iOS with Swift. Here’s what we’ll discuss: How to work with files and directories with FileManager Reading from and writing to text files, plists, images and JSON How to write strings to a file, and read them back Getting a handle on directories your iOS app has a[...]

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Instagram Hashtags

Instagram Hashtags – A Complete Guide with Ideas

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 17, 2023

1. Introduction In the digital age, where social media platforms reign supreme, Instagram stands out as a visual storytelling giant. With over a billion users, it’s a bustling hub for influencers, brands, and everyday users. Its success has inspired many to explore how to create a social media app of their own, aiming to tap into the digital zeitgeist. But whether you're navigating the platform as a user or aspiring to build your own digital space, one element remains pivotal: Instagram hasht[...]

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Arrays in Swift Explained

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 17, 2021 | 4-min read

Arrays are fundamental building blocks of apps. In this app development tutorial you’ll learn how you can use arrays in your Swift code. We’ll discuss: How to create arrays, with literal syntax and initializers How you can modify an array by adding, removing and replacing elements How to iterate over array elements by using a for loop Table of Contents Creating an Array Adding and Removing Array Items Getting and Changing Array Items Looping Over an Array Further Reading [...]

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Convert String to Int (and Back) in Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 16, 2021 | 3-min read

How do you convert a String to an Int? The Swift programming language is strong-typed, and that means you can’t type cast between types that aren’t related. Fortunately, many of Swift’s types can be converted from and to strings. Let’s find out how! Here’s what we’ll get into in this tutorial: How to convert from String to Int How to convert from Int to String How to use the printf-style String(format:) Table of Contents Convert String to Int in Swift Convert Int t[...]

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Protocols in Swift Explained

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 16, 2021 | 4-min read

Working with protocols is one of Swift’s most fundamental features. With protocols you define “rules” that an adopting class must conform to. This principle lets you write decoupled, modular and extensible Swift code. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to work with protocols, and why they are useful for practical iOS development. We’ll touch on Swift principles that rely on protocols to function, such as dependency injection and delegation. And of course, this tutorial has plenty [...]

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Self and self in Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 9, 2021 | 4-min read

In Swift, “self” typically refers to the current object within a class or struct. We’ve got more selves though: self, Self and even .self. What does it all mean? Get ready for a bit of introspection and metaprogramming – we’re going to discover the Self in Swift. Don’t worry, no New Age stuff involved! Here’s what we’ll discuss: What’s self and Self in Swift How to use self when you’re working with classes or closures When you need to use self, and when it’s implici[...]

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Best Livechat Software and Apps

20 Best Live Chat Software And Apps for 2022

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | August 9, 2022

In the past few years, customers have flocked to live chat applications to request query resolution and other services. This is because live chat software provide convenience, personalization, and speed, which is exactly what every customer wants. And that is perhaps why more and more enterprises are deploying live chat support software to manage customer queries. Not only are they convenient for customers, but also for enterprises who want to make their entire customer support process faste[...]

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Why People Fear AI?

Why do People Fear AI?

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 28, 2019 | 4-min read

One of the most common reasons why many still oppose AI is the perceived loss of control if something goes wrong. There are some outrageous predictions over what could happen if we implement AI in our daily life. I mean, James Cameron and Stanley Kubrick made their careers out of it. More on that later, one cannot help but agree that AI can benefit us greatly if done right. AI has been under experimentation for nearly half a century now. Its widespread application is however still limited to [...]

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Top integrations for Harvest

10 Best Harvest Integrations for Time Tracking

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 28, 2022

Harvest is a practical tool for time management utilized by many small and medium businesses. With time tracking becoming a norm with remote-operated companies, this software has quickly become a favorite with its diverse and effective features. If you use multiple applications parallelly with Harvest, you can have synced with each other, to share data updated between them automatically. This can be done with the help of Appy Pie Connect. These integrations can be very productive for any wor[...]

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best Dropbox integrations

10 Best Dropbox Integrations to Enhance Your Digital Workspace in 2023

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 26, 2022

Storing files on the cloud, and sharing them with others, are just some of the reasons why people use Dropbox. But did you know, that it easily meshes with other systems and software, which enhances your efficiency, by letting you do more, with lesser effort? If you’re a business owner, there is nothing better than improved operational efficiency, and if you’re looking for the best Dropbox integrations, look no further. Appy Pie Connect, helps you sync Dropbox with over a thousand premiu[...]

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Most Popular Web Development Frameworks for 2024

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | August 1, 2019 | 15-min read

Table of Content Introduction Smart Web Development Most popular web development frameworks [text_block id=2722109 description="Global ai website generator widget"] Introduction Websites are an essential part of a business's digital identity and online presence. In this digital era, an overwhelming majority of people (70-80%) use the internet to research and find out more about a company before making a final buying decision. This makes it critical for businesses to[...]

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How To Launch Your App Successfully With A Social Media Campaign

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 30, 2021 | 4-min read

By 2019, Statista predicts there will be 2.5 billion smartphone owners. As smartphones primarily function through apps, the competition for app usage also rises. In such a crowded marketplace, it can be difficult to stand out. Your app needs visibility to gain users, but creating a distinctive marketing strategy can be time-consuming. A successful social media campaign can alert users to your new app. Social media provides a platform for you to communicate with consumers directly, fosterin[...]

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Understanding The «Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value» Error

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 8, 2021 | 4-min read

Optionals are a great feature of Swift, but if you don’t unwrap them safely you’ll run into the Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value error. How can you solve this error? In this tutorial, you’ll learn about: Optionals and how to use them Fixing the Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value error Safely unwrapping optionals Understanding optionals, and fixing bugs, is an important part of iOS development. It’s critical to understand optional[...]

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How To Find an Item in an Array in Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | November 26, 2021 | 4-min read

How do you find an item in an array in Swift? Let’s find out! In this mobile application development tutorial you’ll learn how to use the various generic functions to find matching items in an array. We’ll get into: The algorithm that’s used for finding items in an array How you can find the first and last indices of matching array items How to find items if you don’t exactly know what you’re looking for, with functions like first(where:) How to find all items in an array th[...]

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How To Detect Internet Connectivity with NWPathMonitor

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 13, 2021 | 4-min read

Detecting an iOS app’s internet connectivity is useful if you want to check if the internet is reachable prior to making a network request. For example, you may want to periodically sync your app’s local data to the cloud – if the iPhone has a cellular or WiFi connection. Reachability and NWPathMonitor can help with that! Before iOS 12, a code snippet called Reachability was the de facto approach to determining if the internet could be accessed. Since iOS 12 you use a better approach, c[...]

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The Basics of App Store Optimization

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 31, 2021 | 5-min read

App Store Optimization (ASO) are the tactics you can use to “rank” your app higher in the App Store. Ranking governs which apps are listed as the Top 25 and Top 100 in the App Store. An app’s ranking greatly influences how many people install it, which is why you use ASO to get more app installs. You’ve just made your first iPhone app and published it into the App Store. Great! But… your app installs aren’t going through the roof. Now what? In this tutorial you’re going to ta[...]

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Appy Pie – Data: Women App Creation

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | August 29, 2017

App Builder Appy Pie, Aug 29: Key finding: According to a recent data pull done by Appy Pie, women Appy Pie users are creating more apps this year than ever before. From Q1-Q2 of 2017, 38% of the apps created on Appy Pie were created by women, whereas in Q1-Q2 of 2016 only 19% were created by women. Methodology: Appy Pie looked at the number of apps created by women on the platform for Q1/Q2 in 2016 and compared that to number of apps created by women in Q1/Q2 in 2017. The app categories for [...]

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Best Donation Website Builders

Best Donation Website Builders in 2023

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | February 8, 2023 | 3-min read

Spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukraine crisis, and other natural disasters that have caused destruction worldwide, online donations and fundraising have become increasingly popular ways for people to provide financial assistance. They offer a convenient platform for individuals to contribute to causes they care about while providing organizations with the necessary resources to accomplish their mission. Recent data suggests that the average online donation amount is around $204 and th[...]

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How to Implement Smart Banners? [Essential Tips]

How to Implement Smart Banners? [Essential Tips]

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 12, 2018

Smart Banners are an iOS native technique for the promotion of apps on the App Store with a display banner on a website simply by adding a meta tag. [...]

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Displaying Alerts with UIAlertController in Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | November 25, 2021 | 5-min read

In this app development tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the UIAlertController class to display alert dialogs in your iOS app. We’ll dive into setting up the alerts, responding to user actions, and getting input from the user with text fields. The UIAlertController is a basic but important part of the iOS SDK, and it’s the default way to ask users to confirm an action. On top of that, UIAlertController also supports the action sheet, which is a convenient dialog style that allows your [...]

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best Wave App integrations

10 Best Wave Integrations for Small Businesses

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 17, 2022

Many small and medium businesses prefer using Wave for online accounting management, which has much to do with its simplicity, flexibility, and affordability. In a world where most processes are managed through apps, businesses are turning towards workflow automation to manage and integrate all applications from a unified interface seamlessly. Appy Pie Connect offers users 1000+ app integrations, allowing them to make a host of integrations to simplify their business tasks. Here in this blog[...]

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Best Calendly integrations

10 Best Calendly Integrations To Know In 2023

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 26, 2022

Calendly is a very practical solution for scheduling appointments, events, and meetings and was developed with the aim of reducing the need to toggle between platforms while trying to fix appointment timing. Instead of relying on multiple platforms, Calendly allowed users to share schedules and appointment slots from a single link. Many people consider Calendly as the best solution for meetings and scheduling. If you’re an active user too, how would you feel if we tell you that you can exp[...]

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The 2-Day App Project Plan: Build Your Ideas

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 30, 2021 | 4-min read

Want to learn how to code apps? Start your own app project! It’s one of the best ways to master a new skill. In this tutorial, we’re going to discuss an approach for starting your own app project. It’s called the 2-Day App Project Plan, and it’s designed to help you get moving and build momentum with your project. Table of Contents The 2-Day App Project Plan Step 1: Pick An App Idea (10 Minutes) Step 2: Block Your Calendar (2 Minutes) Step 3: Execute The Plan (2 Days) What[...]

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best app created

Appy Pie Hackathon: The First Coding Competition to Reward the Most Innovative Ideas

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | April 21, 2017

App Builder Appy Pie, Apr 21: A few days back, Appy Pie organized an annual internal coding competition, Hackathon, to reward the most innovative ideas. The main objective of this coding competition was to challenge the creative thinking abilities of their employees. This competition was open for all the employees of the institution, be it sales and support, network, SEO, or RPO department. Teams comprising 1-5 members jointly participated in this competition and came up with really cool, unique[...]

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Finding The Most Profitable App Business Models

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 28, 2021 | 5-min read

Finding a profitable app business model is an important part of building your app business. How do you monetize your indie app? It’s a crucial question to ask, because it determines the viability and profitability of your indie app. In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at the 5 most profitable app business models. We’ll discuss their advantages and drawbacks. We’ll also focus on how you can find an app business model that maximizes revenue, for the least amount of work. When you’ve f[...]

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Restaurant Business App

How An App Can Improve Your Restaurant Business?

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | April 20, 2017

Technology has changed the face and the pace of business in countless ways. If you look around, everyone is using their mobile phone to book trips, attend meetings, online shopping, financial transactions, social media, and many other purposes. However, by far, restaurants are the most searched industry by consumers through mobile applications. It has been noticed that 95% of users perform restaurant searches over their phone devices, and almost 90% of users convert it into sales in a single[...]

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Top integrations for Harvest

10 Best Harvest Integrations for Time Tracking

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 17, 2022

Harvest is a practical tool for time management utilized by many small and medium businesses. With time tracking becoming a norm with remote-operated companies, this software has quickly become a favorite with its diverse and effective features. If you use multiple applications parallelly with Harvest, you can have synced with each other, to share data updated between them automatically. This can be done with the help of Appy Pie Connect. These integrations can be very productive for any wor[...]

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Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | September 13, 2017

Never a dull moment with these guys! Always helping and ensuring their clients are happy! Another great thing is their ability to listen to feedback and make adjustments according to the client. Fantastic. Also custom integrations?? They do that too! Nevertheless, great people, great company and a great future for them! Special shout to Nick and MS! Great Job![...]

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Struct vs. Class in Swift Explained

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | November 25, 2021 | 4-min read

Are you developing your mobile app and wondering what’s the difference between classes vs. structs? They’re so alike! It’s best to use structs by default, but why? And when should you use classes, then? In this tutorial, we’re going to take a look into structs vs. classes. When do you use a class, and when do you use a struct? What’s the difference between a struct and a class, and how does that affect practical iOS development? Structs are a fundamental aspect of Swift, and they[...]

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Scope and Context Explained in Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 9, 2021 | 5-min read

What’s “scope” in Swift programming? The concept of scope states that, if you’ve declared a variable in one “place” of your code, you cannot use it outside that place. It’s an implicit but essential rule in programming, and it can be challenging to grasp at first. In this app development tutorial, we’ll focus on exploring scope, and what it means for practical iOS development. Here’s what we’ll discuss: How to solve the Cannot find ‘x’ in scope error What’s sc[...]

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Quality Assurance and Monitoring

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | September 13, 2017

Before delivering the project, your app is stringently tested by our QA team to ensure it provides a bug-free user experience [...]

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Networking in Swift with URLSession

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | November 25, 2021 | 5-min read

In this app development tutorial, we’ll discuss how you can use the URLSession suite of components, classes and functions to make HTTP GET and POST network requests. You’ll learn how to validate response data, and how to add additional parameters like headers to requests. Almost every app will communicate with the internet at some point. How does that work? What Swift code can you use to make HTTP(S) networking requests? Fetching and downloading data from and to webservices is a skill [...]

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Switch Statements in Swift Explained

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 9, 2021 | 4-min read

The switch statement in Swift lets you inspect a value and match it with a number of cases. It’s particularly effective for taking concise decisions based on one variable that can contain a number of possible values. Using the switch statement often results in more concise code that’s easier to read. In this app development tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the switch statement in Swift. We’ll get into: What the switch statement is, and what it’s for How to set up the different [...]

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Working with Table View Controllers in Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 8, 2021 | 5-min read

In this tutorial I’ll show you step-by-step how table view controllers work, and how you can use them. We’ll go into the full gamut of UITableViewController, by diving into Object-Oriented Programming, delegation and the behind-the-scenes mechanisms of table views. A table view controller displays structured, repeatable information in a vertical list. You use the UITableViewController class in your iOS app to build a table view controller. Working with a table view controller also mean[...]

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How To Generate a Random Unique Identifier with UUID in Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 10, 2021 | 4-min read

Random unique identifiers (UUIDs) are super useful in Swift programming. Imagine you’re storing objects in a database, and every object needs a unique ID. The generated ID needs to be unique, universally, across all devices, all users, all objects in the database. How do you generate such an ID?. Table of Contents Generating Random Identifiers with UUID What’s RFC 4122? UUIDs: Universally Unique Identifiers UUIDs in Practical iOS Development Further Reading [text_blo[...]

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Let’s Solve The FizzBuzz Challenge in Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 20, 2021 | 5-min read

FizzBuzz is a legendary coding challenge. You simply must give it a try! But… what approaches can you use to solve FizzBuzz with the Swift programming language? In this tutorial, we’re going to solve the FizzBuzz challenge in three different ways: With conditionals With the switch statement With .map() Table of Contents What is FizzBuzz? Solving FizzBuzz with Conditionals Solving FizzBuzz with Switch and Pattern Matching Solving FizzBuzz with “map(_:)” Further Readi[...]

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How I Built A Wolfenstein 3D Mod (2006)

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 30, 2021 | 4-min read

When I was 16 years old I built a modification – a “mod” – for Wolfenstein 3D. It was awesome. It was the first experience I had with completing a programming project. I hope my story inspires you to create a project of your own. Table of Contents A Blast From The Past Wolfenstein 3D: The Value of Meaningful Work How To Mod Wolfenstein 3D The Mod: “Killer-suit: Masterminds” Further Reading A Blast From The Past Back in May 2006 the world was different than what[...]

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Make your own app with Appy Pie

Make your own app with this Amazing DIY service Appy Pie

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | October 12, 2015

A spa, a salon, a café, a retail shop or convenience store – they all rely on their loyal customers for repeat business for raking in the money. The Top three reasons small business owners build apps are: For improving Customer Service Boosting Sales Handling Competition Why an App? What you can do with an app is limitless depending upon your creativity and need. And the increasing number of people going mobile is good news for the app business. Here’s a sneak peek into[...]

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The @State Property Wrapper in SwiftUI Explained

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 20, 2021 | 4-min read

With @State, you tell SwiftUI that a view is now dependent on some state. If the state changes, so should the User Interface. It’s a core principle of SwiftUI: data drives the UI. But how does that work? In this app development tutorial, we’ll discuss how you use @State with SwiftUI. We’ll create a simple view that updates some text as you type in a text field. And of course, we’ll deconstruct what’s going on behind the scenes, too. Here’s what we’ll get into: How does @St[...]

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Storing Data with NSCoding and NSKeyedArchiver

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 15, 2021 | 5-min read

You can use NSCoding and NSKeyedArchiver to save and load simple data objects with Swift. It’s perfect for scenarios when you don’t need a more complex tool, like Core Data or Realm. In this app development tutorial, we’ll discuss: How to store and retrieve data objects with NSKeyedArchiver Why NSCoding is an important component in iOS development How NSKeyedArchiver compares to components like Codable Essential app development principles like serialization A whole lot of fun cod[...]

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Structs In Swift Explained

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 22, 2021 | 4-min read

In Swift, you use structs to wrap and store complex data types. And they’re awesome! In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use structs. We’ll also dive into the differences between structs and classes, and when you should use one or the other. Table of Contents What’s A Struct? Structs: Properties And Functions Structs Are Value Types When To Use: Structs vs. Classes Further Reading What’s A Struct? You use structs, or “structures”, in Swift to wrap and store co[...]

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WhatsApp Builder

Jan Koum, the WhatsApp Builder who went from rags to riches…for real!

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | November 27, 2017

App Builder Appy Pie, Nov 27: WhatsApp, an app that has changed the way we socialize was the brain child of Jan Koum. Quite ironically a social recluse himself, Koum is known to lead quite a low profile life. However, as we delve deeper into the persona that he is, the irony might fade a little. Even as a young professional, he was never the one to seek out fame or fortune and this might have something to do with where he came from and the impact it had had on him. It was his humble beginnings t[...]

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What is NFT Whitelisting [How to Get Whitelisted for NFT Projects]

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | February 28, 2022

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become a craze among the cryptocurrency community. NFTs are digital assets that exist on blockchain and have their own unique identity. They are not fungible, which means that each token has a different value. Although NFTs are a relatively new concept in the world of blockchain, they are quickly becoming popular due to their great potential. Many blockchain enthusiasts believe that NFTs will revolutionize the industry by allowing for the creation of unique di[...]

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Working with Assets Catalogs in Xcode

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 10, 2021 | 4-min read

Assets catalogs are super useful to organize your app’s assets in Xcode. Drop graphics, images, icons, colors and vectors into an asset catalog and use them directly in your app’s code. In this tutorial, we’re going to discuss: How to add colors and images to an asset catalog How you use asset catalogs in practical iOS development Different sizes and scales for images Using colors with Dark and Light Mode How to use colors and images from an asset catalog in your code [...]

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Guard Statement Explained in Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 8, 2021 | 4-min read

The guard statement in Swift helps you return your functions early, if a condition isn’t satisfied. In this tutorial we’ll discuss what guard is, and how you can use it in practical iOS development. Here’s what we’ll get into: How guard works and when it’s smart to use How to unwrap optionals with guard let Why it’s important to “early return” a function Using guard in practical iOS development Table of Contents How To Use “guard” in Swift Early Returns �[...]

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Best AI Website Builders

The Best AI Website Builders in 2024

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | February 1, 2023 | 3-min read

Looking to create an online presence quickly and easily? No, we’re not talking about social media, but something far better. You can create a website for your business or personal use, faster with the help of AI website builder platforms. You can have a website up and running in a matter of minutes, complete with all the features you might ever need. This is because, with AI website builders, the entire process from design to launch can be completed with minimal effort. AI technology has ta[...]

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Inheritance and Subclassing Explained in Swift

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | December 20, 2021 | 5-min read

With subclassing, a class can inherit functions and properties from another class. That allows you to reuse your code, which is a good thing. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss how you can use subclassing and inheritance in Swift. Here’s what we’ll discuss: What’s subclassing and inheritance, and why do you need it? Overriding functions with override and super A unicycle is a bike is a vehicle… Why you can and cannot override properties Alternatives to subclassing, like protocol[...]

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