Banner Design - Appy Pie

How to make eye-catching banner designs?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on February 18th, 2022 10:23 am | 5-min read

While scrolling your Instagram account, you must have encountered rectangle images in beautiful colors asking you to “visit now” or “shop now”. These images which can catch the viewers’ attention and communicate a powerful message to users are known as banners. Banners are eye-catching images or works of graphic design that appear everywhere from a company’s social media cover photos to branded advertising on websites and sometimes even as headers and footers on emails.

In this digital era, where people prefer everything from purchasing groceries to huge television sets online, any business can divert the audience to their website with the help of attractive banners. These creative rectangular pieces of graphics can easily set any business apart from the crowd and increase their traffic. In this blog, learn how to make an eye-catchy banner design to promote your business and captivate the interest of a larger audience. Before learning the amazing tips and tricks, let us check out the importance of banners for any business through the infographic given below.Appy Pie - Banner DesignThe main aim of any banner is to attract maximum viewers and convert them into leads. To do the same, a banner design must be eye catchy and attractive. There are various other reasons why banner designs must be impressive. Some of them are mentioned below.
  • Affordable means of marketing your brand
  • Effective way to catch a user’s attention in a jiffy
  • Strengthens the digital position of your brand
  • Easier tool to increase the awareness of services provided by you
  • Targeting a specific audience becomes convenient
  • Improves retention and conversion rate
  • Result-driven practice which can measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by tracking the click-through rate of banners
  • User can easily reach the landing page of your website (with the help of CTAs)
  • Available in various formats and sizes which can target people using different size screens.
An impressive web banner design can take your business to the next level with little investment. So, you should take care of a few points while creating your banner design.To design a banner for promoting your business, you must take care of a few important points. Some of the worth considering points are given below.

  1. Be Specific With Size of Banner
  2. As per Google Adsense, there are a few standard sizes for banners:
    • 728×90px — Leaderboard
    • 300×600px — Half Page
    • 300×250px — Medium Rectangle
    • 336×280px — Large Rectangle
    Make sure that while designing a banner for any digital platform, you must consider the standard sizes and make your banner as attractive as you can within that size.

  3. Maintain Hierarchy For Best Banner Design
  4. The banner design must follow the right balance of components included in it. Three basic components which are must-have in any banner design are:
    • Company Logo: Company logo is a must for any banner to build your brand awareness and improve your brand recognition digitally. In your banner design, make sure it is clearly visible.
    • To design an amazing logo for your business, you can use Appy Pie Logo Maker
    • Value Proposition: Value proposition is the message you wish to communicate with your banner. It could be a huge sale, any new updates in your services or anything important you wish your audience to know. Make sure it is bold, highlighted, and is an attractive visual.
    • Call To Action: A banner without a component to redirect the people to the landing page of your website landing page is of no use. So, you must add the Call to Action button in your banner for their immediate connection with your website.

  5. Add Motion To Your Banner Design
  6. Presently, animated banner designs are outperforming static designs for various banners. You can also try the motion effect or animation to your eye-catchy banner. Use simple animations that last for 5-10 seconds and loop it for 2-3 times to make your banner design more effective and impressive. For instance, if you are into the cafe business and want to create a banner to inform a new edition of coffee in your menu. Then in your banner, you can add an image of a cup of coffee and can add animation to its fumes coming out.

  7. Consider The Fonts For Better Clarity
  8. According to experts, font selection is the most important thing for designing an effective banner. If the message you are communicating through your banner is not clearly visible, then the purpose of the banner might be futile. So, take your time while deciding the font of every line, you could either choose one font for the complete banner and change their sizes accordingly or choose different fonts for different lines. Make sure, in any case, your message must be communicated conveniently and immediately to viewers. To learn about the basic of design, you must watch this video.
    (Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.)

  9. Add an Image of Your Product To Improve Brand Awareness
  10. A Product banner is the most effective way to showcase your business. You can add a photograph of your product into the banner while spreading the initial word about your brand, launching a new product, offering the product with exclusive offers, and in various other instances. Make sure your product image is visually appealing, does not hide your brand’s name, and must be center aligned. With a product banner, you can immediately gain the attention of viewers by pairing the photograph of the product with amazing fonts. You must choose the Appy Pie’s Photo Editor to make your image perfect for your banner design:

  11. Illustrations Can Make Banner Design Eye Catchy
  12. If a different graffiti or mini clip art appears on your screen while scrolling your social media account, you immediately start reading it and wish to read more. Great illustrations never fail to magnetize users and encourage them to land on your website.

  13. Follow The Combination of Creativity And Simplicity
  14. Your banner design must not be too overloaded with texts or images. Also, it must not be something which provides incomplete information. The banner design must be a combination of creative image, experimental fonts, and simple background with crisp and clear CTAs. To be the designer of your banner, you need to understand what it takes to be a good designer with the help of this video.
    (Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.)

Summing Up

Just by considering a few guidelines, you can create an eye-catchy banner for your business. With guidelines, you also need the best banner design software. You can sign up to Appy Pie Design for creating an impressive and expressive banner for your business.Tell us in the comment section which tip you find most effective for your banner design!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie

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