Appy Pie -Conversational Marketing

How Conversational Marketing Helps Grow Revenue?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on July 17th, 2024 12:49 pm | 6-min read

Conversational marketing is so much more than just implementing chatbots or live chat into your business. The primary goal of conversational marketing is to simplify the process of driving potential leads through the sales funnel and accelerate revenue. And that is what all the businesses want after all – increasing sales and revenue.

To increase your revenue, you need to increase your sales which can only be done if both your sales and marketing team put in their effort. Conversational marketing helps businesses generate more leads. Conversational sales, however, on the other hand, helps find ways to convert those leads into potential buyers. In this blog, we will talk more about how you can increase your sales and revenue using conversational marketing. Let us first have a clear understanding of what conversational marketing is.

What is Conversational Marketing?

Conversational Marketing is a process of using chatbots, emails, videos, live chat tools, etc. effectively to interact with potential customers and help them move through your marketing and sales funnel. Conversational Marketing helps you initiate real-time conversations and build authentic relationships with buyers and customers. It uses intelligent chatbots and targeted messaging to engage with people when they visit your website. People love communicating using messages as it is fast, convenient, and feels like an actual conversation. As per a recent study, 90% of consumers like to use messaging services to communicate with businesses which is why they prefer chatbots over filling up lead generation forms or calling helpdesk. Chatbots make it easier for businesses to interact with their customers using a messaging service.

How Conversational Marketing Works?

You do not need to start from scratch to implement conversational marketing in your business. It can be a part of your existing marketing strategy. It is just the fastest and the most convenient way of driving your buyers through the sales funnel. You can consider conversational marketing as one of your effective lead generation channels that can complement your existing business marketing efforts. With this tough competition in today’s business world, you need to understand your target audience if you want to build meaningful relationships with them. You must know what they need and what they have come looking for on your website. And the only way to understand them is by having a conversation, asking questions, and studying their behavior. Find a way to keep your users engaged. Before we continue and find out how conversational marketing helps in keeping your audience engaged, let us first check out some major conversational marketing statistics.
Appy Pie -Conversational Marketing

  1. Engage Leads with Chats
  2. You can try engaging your website visitors more with chats instead of forms. You should give them an option to talk to someone instead of forcing them to fill out forms right when they visit your website. This helps you gain more opportunities, higher conversion rates, and a personalized experience with your leads. To make this work, you need someone to be available on your website round the clock and operate chats. It is not possible for most businesses with limited resources. Here is when you need chatbots to remain available for your visitors and make the conversational marketing work no matter the time of the day. Chatbots not only help you initiate the conversation with your potential leads but also, they help in sending out automated messages to connect better with them. These people include the ones who visit your website but don’t initiate the conversation. Chatbots help people browsing on your pricing page and keep a check on repeat visitors. This helps you reach out to people who are actually serious about making a purchase.

  3. Understand What Your Leads Want
  4. Using a traditional method of converting leads takes days of nurturing emails and marketing automation. As per a recent study, it has been discovered that a business must get back to a lead within 5 minutes of initial contact to have the best chance of converting it. Chatbots help you respond to your leads instantly. Not just that, they can understand what these leads want and help them with the same instead of keeping them waiting for a follow-up email. This helps you qualify those leads right away. However, to make this work, make sure your bot asks the right questions. You can create your bot flow using similar questions that have been asked on form fields or other qualifying calls. You can also go through our lead generation course on Appy Pie Academy to learn more about lead generation techniques - B2B Lead Generation Techniques.

  5. Recommend Accordingly
  6. The answers to the right questions help chatbots understand your website visitors better and recommend them the next relevant steps. Chatbots are great at understanding the leads and keeping them engaged. However, they can’t of course beat a human-to-human interaction when it comes to converting the lead. This is why you need to humanize your chatbots and program them the way that they transfer the chat to one of the live agents to close the sale. Lead generation chatbots can even book meetings automatically if no representative is available at the moment. The lead generation bots always make sure that the right lead gets assigned to the right rep. In case there are multiple reps available in the same territory, leads get assigned on a rotating basis. Once your sales team will check their calendars, they will find them filled with high-quality meetings.

Benefits of Conversational Marketing for Your Business

Here are the top five benefits of using conversational marketing for your business.

  • Grow Your Sales Pipeline
  • Using conversational marketing allows you to grow your sales. It attracts more users, keeps them engaged, and encourage them to buy your products. It helps your sales team to meet their targets and close as many sales as they need to reach their sales quota.

  • Deliver More Human Buying Experience
  • Conversational marketing helps you not only just greet the users on your website or any other online platform, but it also gives them a human-like experience. With conversational marketing, your website is not just full of lead generation forms on every page, but you can actually say ‘hello’ to your website visitors which makes them feel that they are being welcomed.

  • Convert More Leads
  • With Conversational Marketing, you can convert more leads into potential customers. You can use lead generation chatbots to deal with those leads who were never going through the trouble of filling out the forms on your website.If you need help in creating your lead generation chatbot, you can go through our post - How to Build a Lead Generation Chatbot?

  • Know More About Your Buyers
  • Lead generation forms on a website are just used to collect the basic information like name, contact details, email address, etc. of your website visitors. Having a conversation with them on the other hand helps you know more like why they visited your website, what are their requirements, their pain points, what product features they are looking for, and much more.

  • Shorten Your Sales Cycle
  • Leads that you qualify after having conversations get closed faster when compared to the ones qualified using traditional methods. As per a recent study, leads generated with conversational marketing tend to close in 4 days on average. However, the leads generated using other sources usually get closed in over 11 days.

  • Scale Your Business
  • Conversational marketing helps businesses break the barrier between scale and customization. For example, it is difficult to send out an email to 500+ users making sure that each one is personalized as per their preferences. However, when it comes to chatbots, they respond to every user with a relevant answer delivering a customized experience. Chatbots can interact with multiple users at once, enabling your marketing team to expand their reach.
Now that you have learned the benefits of implementing conversational marketing in your business, let us go ahead and check how you can leverage it to increase your sales and grow your business.

How Conversation Marketing Helps Boost Sales and Revenue?

Initiating a conversation using chatbots is just the beginning. It takes a lot more than that to increase your sales and revenue. Chatbots in conversational marketing help businesses convert website visitors into leads. Here is a list of a few major chatbot conversational marketing strategies that you can implement to boost your sales.

  1. Trigger Your Conversations
  2. Make sure the chatbot or a live chat window pops up after a few seconds of users visiting your website. You can also use some smart triggers based on certain conditions. For example, the chatbot window gets launched when someone visits the priority pages on your website or when they visit your website the second time.

  3. Engage Your Website Visitors
  4. A chatbot on your website can help you initiate meaningful conversations with the visitors. Make sure your chatbot is well-trained to help users with their requirements, whether they want to know more about the products and services you offered or book a meeting with your sales rep. Try to deliver an excellent conversational experience using live chat or chatbots. Find effective ways to make it more convenient for visitors to become leads and get in touch with your marketing team.

  5. Gather User Feedback
  6. Users’ feedback matters a lot. It helps you learn what your customers think of your brand and its products. With the help of this feedback, you get to know your areas of improvement and the ways you can connect better with your users. You can add a surveyor chatbot to your website to ask relevant questions and gather valuable feedback.

  7. Add Pillar Page Converter
  8. Pillar pages play a critical role in attracting people to your website. A bot on your pillar page can help you greet your website visitors and help them discover more of your content and products. These bots help people know more about your brand and where to go to find what they are looking for.

  9. Guide Users Through
  10. You can implement a helper bot on your website to help users with different processes. For example, if they want to book a meeting, your bot can help them itself or guide them through the process of making an appointment. This bot can also help people get connected to the right support person to get their issues fixed. You can also add an FAQ bot to your website to help people find their own answers.
Just implementing conversational marketing tools like chatbots and live chat is not all you need to do to drive more sales. You must have a good marketing team that could work on the leads that your conversational tools generate.

Best Conversational Sales and Marketing Practices

Now that you know almost everything about conversational marketing and how to use it to generate more leads, let us check out what your marketing team needs to do to convert those leads into potential buyers.
  • Use personalized videos, chat, email, etc. to create a qualified pipeline
  • Accelerate deals by initiating sales talks at the right time to the right prospects using the right channel
  • Enhance customer success and onboarding processes
  • Keep the customers engaged at every stage of the journey
  • Identify and fix the issues in sales cycles, pipeline-building activities, onboarding, and renewal

Final Thoughts

Taking good care of leads can help you accelerate revenue fast. Keep in mind the things mentioned above when creating your conversational marketing strategy. Make sure your chatbots sound human and not robotic. Adding empathy, personality, and compassion to the conversations helps your brand connect better with your users. You can use Appy Pie’s Chatbot Builder to create such chatbots. The software comes with various effective features and helps you create excellent chatbots that deliver an excellent conversational experience to your website visitors. With Appy Pie’s Chatbot Builder, you can customize your bots as per your business requirements. It allows you to create chatbots for different categories like Inquiry bot, appointment bot, live chatbot, recruitment bot, health insurance bot, and much more. Create one based on your requirements. Try Appy Pie today!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie