Blog Article

How to Set Up Recurring Tasks in Trello

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on May 20th, 2024 5:52 am

Setting up recurring tasks in Trello, a versatile project management application, is essential for managing ongoing activities, regular reminders, and ensuring no critical task falls through the cracks. Although Trello doesn't directly offer a built-in recurring task feature, various workarounds, and power-ups enable users to automate this process effectively. Below, we explore detailed methods to set up recurring tasks in Trello, enhancing your productivity and project management efficiency.

  1. Utilizing the Card Repeater Power-Up
  2. The Card Repeater power-up in Trello is designed to automate the recurrence of tasks without manual intervention, ideal for tasks that need to be repeated at regular intervals.

    How to Enable and Use the Card Repeater Power-Up:

    Step 1: Access your Trello board, locate and click on "Show Menu" in the top right corner, and then select "Power-Ups."
    Step 2: Search for "Card Repeater" in the Power-Ups directory and click "Add" to activate it on your board.
    Step 3: Choose the card you wish to recur or create a new one for this purpose. Open the card, find the "Power-Ups" section, and select "Card Repeater."
    Step 4: Configure the recurrence settings, such as frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) and the specific time for the card to be recreated. Confirm by saving your settings.

    The card will now automatically replicate itself at the set intervals, ensuring your recurring task is always on your radar without the need to manually recreate it.

  3. Leveraging Workflow Automation
  4. Appy Pie Connect, a leading workflow automation tool, provides a versatile platform for creating recurring tasks in Trello. It enables customized automation rules that extend beyond simple task replication, offering a more dynamic approach to managing your project workflow.

    Setting Up Recurring Tasks in Trello with Appy Pie Connect:

    Step 1: Initiate Appy Pie Connect Integration

    Start by navigating to Appy Pie Connect and selecting the "Create Workflow" option. Choose Trello as the trigger app to initiate the workflow automation process.

    Step 2: Configure the Trello Trigger

    Select the "New Card" trigger or a similar time-based trigger, such as "Every Monday at 9 AM." This will serve as the starting point for your recurring task automation in Trello.

    Step 3: Define the Action for Recurring Tasks

    After setting the trigger, choose the action to be performed. For instance, "Create a Card" within Trello. Input the necessary task details that you want to recur, including the card title, the list it should be part of, and any relevant descriptions or checklists.

    Step 4: Finalize and Activate the Workflow

    Once you have configured the trigger and action according to your requirements, review the workflow to ensure accuracy. Save your settings to activate the automated recurring task.

    With Appy Pie Connect, your specified task will automatically be created in Trello according to the schedule you've established, mirroring the efficiency of Trello's Butler but with the added flexibility and integration capabilities of Appy Pie Connect. This method not only streamlines your workflow but also ensures that recurring tasks are a consistent part of your project management strategy, leveraging the power of automation to maintain productivity and task continuity.

    Explore The Best Trello Integrations

    Exploring the best Trello integrations can significantly enhance your project management capabilities, making your workflow more efficient and interconnected. Among the best Trello power-ups, integrations with popular tools like Slack, GitHub, Salesforce, and Google Calendar stand out for their ability to streamline processes and foster collaboration. A guide to creating Trello cards from Google Calendar events showcases how the Trello integration with Google Calendar not only aids in time management but also ensures that important deadlines are reflected directly within your project boards.

    The Slack Trello integration is another powerful combination, allowing for seamless communication and updates on Trello tasks directly within Slack channels. Developers will appreciate the Trello GitHub integration, which links code updates to tasks, enhancing tracking and progress reporting. For sales teams, the Trello integration with Salesforce bridges project management and customer relationship management, ensuring that sales leads and customer feedback directly influence project priorities. Additionally, the Google Task Trello integration further unifies your task management, allowing for an all-encompassing view of your to-dos across platforms. These integrations collectively make Trello a more powerful tool, catering to a wide array of business needs and enhancing productivity.

    Try These Templates

  5. Manually Duplicating Cards
  6. For those preferring a hands-on approach or dealing with less frequent recurring tasks, manually duplicating cards offers a straightforward solution.

Steps for Manual Duplication:

  • Open the Desired Card: Select the card intended for recurrence.
  • Duplicate the Card: Navigate to "Actions" within the card, choose "Copy," then configure the duplicate card's details, including its title and destination board or list.
  • Finalize Creation: Confirm by clicking "Create Card."

This manual process allows for immediate duplication with the flexibility to adjust task details each time, suitable for tasks that don't fit a regular schedule or require customization before each occurrence.


Setting up recurring tasks in Trello can significantly streamline your project management and ensure that no critical activity is missed. Although Trello doesn't have a native feature for task recurrence, the platform's flexibility allows for effective workarounds. Whether through the automation capabilities of the Card Repeater Power-Up, leveraging the dynamic workflow automation tool Appy Pie Connect, or the straightforward method of manually duplicating cards, Trello adapts to your project's needs. These methods, coupled with Trello's robust integrations like Google Calendar, Slack, GitHub, and Salesforce, enhance its functionality, making it a powerhouse tool for managing tasks and projects. By efficiently automating recurring tasks, teams can focus on more strategic work, boosting productivity and ensuring consistent progress on all fronts.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie