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Using Freelancers to Take Your Project to the Next Level

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | Last Updated on January 31st, 2024 5:17 am | 4 min read
Using Freelancers toTake Your Project tothe Next Level –Appy Pie

Whether you are a startup founder or a side-hustler working tirelessly on your app project to reach launch status, you might lack the technical know-how or time to take your product from a concept to a thriving business. If that sounds like you, freelancers might represent one of your best options for taking your project to the next level.

Early-stage projects often lack the necessary development resources but employing individuals to help you get off the ground is nothing more than a pipe dream when bootstrapping your way through the process.

That’s where freelancers come in. You can secure ad-hoc support to make sure you reach your objectives without having to worry about salaries, benefits, or any other headaches that come with employing people.

But why else should you enlist the help of freelancers?

Access High-Level Expertise for Relatively Little Expense

As an entrepreneur, you can’t do everything. While you might be a brilliant thinker and prototype builder, you might lack the knowledge or skills to market your product effectively. Creating a logo, setting up an SEO-optimised website, and building social media profiles for your fledgling company might seem alien to you, and you don’t have the necessary time to learn these skills.

It could be the opposite scenario, whereby you have a great vision, know precisely how to market it to your target audience, but lack the technical development skills to build a minimum viable product (MVP).

Either way, by enlisting the help of freelancers, you can receive expert skills and support for a fraction of the cost of employing someone. For a one-time, flat fee, you can outsource important tasks to highly skilled workers with years of industry experience, freeing you up to focus on what you do best.

Gain Flexible Support to Help Scale Your Business

When bootstrapping your way through a development project, the chances are that you only need support at specific points along your journey. In this regard, freelancers effectively act as employees on-demand.

With a flat fee for a specific task or hourly rate for their ongoing support, you can pick them up and put them down as and when you need to. Even if you have a long-term relationship with a freelancer, you will not have to pay them for the time they are not working for you. Every penny invested results in actions that drive your venture forward.

It’s this flexibility that has skyrocketed the popularity of working with freelancers during what is an increasingly uncertain period due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Last year saw 70% of SMBs rely upon freelance support at one point or another, with 83% agreeing that freelancers helped their business and that they would hire them again when needed.

Cast Your Net Over a Much Wider Pool of Talent

Not only are there freelancers who specialise in all kinds of disciplines, including tech development, bookkeeping, videography, and copywriting (to name just a few), but you can find support from remote freelancers based all over the world.

No longer are you limited by your location. Instead, using freelancers offers your business a chance to connect with top talent from anywhere in the world. You can even leverage your buying power to enlist incredibly talented individuals from regions where the cost of living is considerably lower, meaning you can secure help no matter how modest your budget might be.

Save Yourself Enormous Amounts of Time

The one thing more valuable than money when building a business is time. The longer you take to get your project off the ground, the less likely it is to succeed.

The issue is, if you are a solopreneur, there are only so many hours in the day. The good news is that you can outsource a great deal of the heavy-lifting to experts in their own respective fields while you focus on the areas in which you are strongest.

Better yet, there’s no need to write job adverts, read through dozens of applications, or interview the best candidates. All you need to do is visit a freelancing platform, enter your parameters, filter down the results based on your needs and specifications, and simply choose the freelancer profile you like the best. That’s it.

Leverage Freelancers Today to Quickly and Cost-Effectively Scale Your Project

In today’s digital age, freelancers offer the best route to scaling a product or project to launch. With on-demand talent available, you can tap into expertise and support as and when you need it, helping you reach your objectives faster and more efficiently.

While there are many freelance platforms, Fiverr is widely regarded as one of the leaders in the space. Since its inception, the platform has facilitated tens of millions of transactions between millions of buyers and sellers, with more freelancers joining to sell their services every day.

Visit Fiverr today to browse hundreds of thousands of professional services. Enjoy 10% off with the promo code APPYFIVERR10 until 31st December 2022

Aasif Khan

Head of SEO at Appy Pie

App Builder

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