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How to use No-Code Solutions for Efficient Remote Work Set-up?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on May 20th, 2024 10:44 am | 4-min read
No-Code Solutions - Appy Pie

2020- The year which is no less than a revolution. Masks and sanitizers, flexible work schedule, and remote work-all truly define the year 2020. No one could ever imagine that a virus that is invisible from naked eyes, could force humans to lock themselves in their homes.

Yes! I am talking about the infamous COVID-19. The virus that created a pandemic situation across the world and made people adopt a new normal. With new norms of shelter-in-place and social distancing, businesses also turned to 360 degrees. They started adopting new solutions to manage remote work and maintain the productivity of employees.

No code solutions have made the lockdown and remote work easier for most businesses. Various organizations revised their methods of working and introduced no-code solutions to get going. No-code tools successfully reduced the complexity of the technological environment and offered growth opportunities for most businesses.

In this blog, let us discuss in detail the deadly combination of no-code and remote work. Let us also try to understand the prospects of no-code solutions in the software industry.

What is a No-Code Solution?

A no-code solution is a life-saviour for all those who are facing challenges in writing code or having the budget constraints to develop an application. It is a software development platform that requires minimal professional coding knowledge to create any software. It allows users to develop their applications in just a few clicks.

A no-code platform is generally used to create dedicated websites, mobile applications, chatbots, and automate business workflows. It supports an improved rapid agile development (RAD) process which reduces the app development time.

No-code app development platforms empower every business to solve their critical problems and scale up their growth prospects. Especially, while working remotely, these platforms help businesses effectively manage their productivity. Some of the researchers have explained that powerful low code and no-code platforms have undoubtedly given rise to citizen developers during the pandemic and experienced equally positive vibes from IT professionals.

Why Businesses Adopted No-Code Tools for Remote Work?

No one expected that this pandemic was here to stay. From small businesses to big giants, every company started adopting no-code solutions when it continued extending. Capgemini identified no-code as one of the enterprises’ technologies trends to watch in the coming year.

Let us go through some of the major reasons that pushed the adoption of the no-code tools.

  • Ease of creating apps irrespective of IT background made the low code solutions popular among small and medium-sized businesses. Businesses realized that these tools are worth utilizing and easy-to-use for multiple operations like client servicing, promoting, and marketing brand, maintain internal communication, etc.

  • No-code platforms certainly accelerate app development time. This fact encouraged many businesses to develop their app or website on their own. While working remotely, businesses came up with various new ideas and within no time they turned them into reality with the help of low code solutions.

  • The solutions involving no-coding skills enabled businesses to experiment without risks. In this pandemic, businesses tried different strategies to pursue a target audience and increase their sales. With the help of a no-code solution, they effortlessly experimented with their every plan and sometimes multiple plans at a time.

  • No-code platforms helped businesses maintain their privacy and security while working from home. These platforms eliminated the problem of shadow IT by allowing businesses to develop their own application for every purpose. With the immediate implication of these applications, the securities’ vulnerabilities of businesses got reduced.

  • The low code and no-code solutions helped IT teams to shed of the increased load during pandemic. No-code platforms support teams in developing apps quickly and certainly allowed them to focus more on high priority development process. A survey from Forrester also advocated that developers moved towards no-code or low-code tools during remote work.

Thus, no code created a conducive environment for most of the businesses. Various no-code solutions helped organizations stay agile in this pandemic.

Let’s sums up the important statistics related to no-code and remote work.

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How No-Code Solutions Helped Businesses in Working Remote?

Remote work would have been difficult without highly innovative new technologies. New advancements helped businesses to recreate the virtual working model and made work from home a new reality.

No code solutions helped in achieving businesses most of their goals in this pandemic. These technologies supported in managing both employees and customers while working remotely. For instance, one of the famous apparel brands without wasting the time launched its AR-based mobile app during the lockdown. They claimed that the fully functional app was made using a no-code platform. This app helped their users try on the clothes and make a purchase as per their choices. That too while sitting at home and without stepping out for even once. Thus, no code solutions not only helped in keeping their business intact but also facilitating their customers 24/7.

No-code tools made remote work more productive as they provide solutions to make every domain of business stronger. Let us discuss how no code offered solutions for the overall growth of a business.

  • No code simplified the application development process and allowed businesses to strengthen digital media game. It allows businesses to engage their audience and make a strong customer base while remote work is on. At the recent Fintech Belgium Low- Code Digital Conference, it was advocated that no-code opened a whole new lot of opportunities to businesses in this pandemic.

  • No- code solutions helped businesses serve their customers round the clock even when their teams worked from home. They help businesses to create dedicated chatbots and integrate them into a business website. In the lockdown period, when businesses are flooded with customer inquiries, chatbots helped to resolve the common ones and transferring the unusual ones to live agents.

  • No-code platforms allowed businesses to have an uninterrupted and encrypted conversation among team members. Much like LEGO, the spirit of no-code software builder helps in creating communication or conversation apps for businesses. After the rumors of data leakage by the Zoom app spread across the world, many businesses immediately developed the app for their internal communication with the help of no-code platforms.

  • No code provided numerous solutions for workflow automation this pandemic. When people started working from home, it was difficult to manage multiple tasks. Then, businesses integrated various applications to make remote work simpler for employees. Integration automated number of regular workflows which spare time for employees to focus on strategical processes.

  • No code solutions helped in resolving one of the major challenges of businesses which they faced initially. The challenge was to analyze the performance and keep track of the attendance of employees. No-code platforms helped businesses to develop apps and software which could help them to track performance based on the employees’ on-screen activity and day-hours.

For many big and experienced businesses, tools enabling ease of transition to remote work existed already. However, many of the businesses that first time experienced the concept of “work from home” required rapid innovation to maintain their growth. Luckily, no-code solutions came to rescue them and helped in staying productive in unprecedented circumstances.

No-Code Solutions Helped Businesses - Appy Pie

Summing Up

Pandemic, lockdowns, and work from home are probably to stay for long run. Many businesses had already figured out how to manage and boost up the growth in situations where employees need to work remotely. Although, many businesses are still struggling to maintain the balance between client servicing, internal operations, and overall growth. So, if you feel the need of no-code solutions for your business, then we have a perfect no-code platform for you.

Appy Pie is one of the highly recommended no-code solution providers. It allows you to create both simple and complex applications. The software provides a no-code platform that eliminates the need for coding for you and helps you turn your ideas into reality.

Just log in to Appy Pie and make remote work efficient for your business!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie

App Builder

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