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How to Enable Remote Appointments in Your Booking App?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on January 20th, 2024 12:26 pm | 4-min read
Booking App - Appy Pie

If someone told you a year ago that you would be spending the entire year inside your home and the world would literally shut down, you would have laughed in their face. However, 2020 has been one of ‘those’ years. It has been a year we all would like to forget in the long run. The pandemic it has brought has literally changed the very fabric of social culture and its effects will likely last a long time.

One of the effects of the pandemic is the rise of remote working. Remote working is very popular with many businesses moving completely online and automating various business processes. Due to a lack of live interaction, customer relationships have been difficult to maintain during the pandemic.

However, thanks to the advancements of technology, there is a solution to this problem and an excellent way to maintain customer relationships. That is through the power of remote appointments.

What are Remote Appointments?

Remote appointments help businesses improve and maintain their customer relations. It is a way for businesses to provide phone and video-based appointments across multiple channels. Remote appointments are great for businesses that provide their users with hands-on personalized customer service. It allows you to provide demonstrations, consultations, and customer support, all of it via phone or video conferencing.

Remote appointments are a perfect way to address the lack of F2F support across various industries such as healthcare, banking, and retail. It is also suited to various government institutions that help authenticate customers.

Benefits of Remote Appointments

There are various benefits of remote appointments. Let us discuss some of them.

  • Easier for Customers
  • Remote appointments are extremely convenient for customers. It saves customers time by not requiring them to travel over to your offices and consultation centers. For example, basic doctor consultations for the elderly can often be conducted over remote video calls. They can help elderly people get their checkup done from home.

  • Reduces chances of catching an illness
  • With a pandemic spreading like a wildfire, it’s better to maintain a proper distance. What better way to do that than remote appointments. Remote appointments are perfect ways to do that for both customers and businesses.

  • Allows you to deal with more clients
  • Since customers can be timed accordingly, it becomes easier to deal with more clients in a shorter amount of time.

  • Reduces costs
  • To conduct a remote appointment, all a business needs is to provide its customer-facing employees with a workstation. No office space costs or resources are required and in the long run, remote appointments can save a lot of money.

Remote appointments are extremely beneficial to most industries around the world. As of right now, healthcare is one of the major benefactors of online remote appointment bookings. To give you perspective on how impactful remote appointment booking can be, here’s an infographic.

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One of the greatest challenges of booking and conducting remote appointments is finding a medium for them. There is, thankfully, a simple solution – mobile apps. Mobile apps are taking the world by storm. Many businesses around the world have already deployed mobile apps. For remote appointments, a business needs an appointments booking app. Appointments booking apps are specially designed apps that can be used to book and attend online appointments.

Benefits of Creating a Booking App for Remote Appointments

A booking app is a very simple concept. It is relatively easy to create a booking app for your business. However, before we go into the creation of a booking app, let us look at the various benefits a booking app can provide us.

  • Saves Time on Both Ends
  • It is extremely easy for a customer to book remote appointments with the help of a booking app. All it takes is a few clicks to book your appointment. On the business end, a business can provide time slots for users wanting to conduct remote appointments with ease.

  • Ensures that More People Show Up
  • Many people often forget their appointments and miss out on their time slots. A booking app ensures that people attend their appointment by sending them regular reminders.

  • Better ROI
  • One of the benefits of working from home and remote appointments is that it saves on the costs required to pay for and maintain an office and can save a lot of money in the long run. For a customer, remote appointments are just as convenient as they don’t have to travel and can attend from the comfort of their home.

How to Enable Remote Appointments in Your Booking App

The first thing you need to do to enable remote appointments is to create a booking app. The easiest way to create a booking app is to use Appy Pie’s AppMakr. Appy Pie AppMakr is a no-code development solution that lets businesses around the world create their own mobile apps without coding.

Appy Pie uses an intuitive drag and drop interface that is easy to learn and easy-to-use. With over 200+ features, Appy Pie AppMakr is the market-leading no-code app making software. Appy Pie has helped thousands of small businesses throughout by providing them the ability to create mobile apps.

To create a booking app with Appy Pie, all you need to do is follow the steps given below.

  1. Go to Appy Pie AppMakr’s website and click on ‘Create your free app’.
  2. Enter the name of your business.
  3. Choose the category of your business app.
  4. Customize your app design using Appy Pie’s interactive dashboard.
  5. Add the ‘Booking’ feature to your app.
  6. The booking feature allows you to add timestamps that your app users can interact within your live app and book their appointments.

If you are new to creating apps with no-code tools, there is a detailed guide on how to create an app that you can follow to learn your way around the tool.


The importance of booking appointment apps for remote appointments will keep rising with time. It’s important for your business to get on the bandwagon and stay ahead of your competition by providing your customers with the ability to consult you remotely.

Leave us a comment and tell us what you think about remote appointments.

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie

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