App Reseller Program - Appy Pie

Top Reasons Why Your App Reseller Business is Not Working

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on April 12th, 2024 7:12 am | 4-min read

Most businesses generate recurring revenue by offering mobile app reseller programs to their clients. However, sometimes it is a bit challenging to get your mobile app business run smoothly. If you are a mobile app reseller, and your program is not working, there are chances you are not doing it right.

Every new or already running business is looking for the right app development partner to create an app and reach out to their target audience. You need not worry if still, your app reseller program is not working. We are here with some effective ways to fix this for you. In this blog, we are going to discuss the major reasons why your app reseller program might not work. You can go through this article to identify potential issues with your current offering. Also, find ways to make necessary adjustments and have a lucrative white label app reseller program.

Why Your App Reseller Program Not Working?

Here is the list of a few major reasons why your mobile app reseller program is getting failed.

  1. No Right Target Audience
  2. Your app development service is for some specific audience. It is not for everyone. You must know how to recognize your target audience then only you can come up with something that they actually need. If you think you can offer everything to everyone, you are making a serious mistake. We have a mindset that everyone can build an app but that doesn’t mean you can target every kind of user when it comes to selling your app reseller program. For example, people who love food should be targeted by some restaurant businesses and people who are more into clothes should be targeted by some high-quality clothing brands. You cannot come up with a marketing strategy that fits everything and targets everyone. This is why you need a defined audience; else your marketing efforts will suffer.

  3. Lack of a Marketing Plan
  4. This is one of the major reasons why your app reseller program fails. No matter how good your product is, it’s all useless if people don’t know about it. You must create an organized marketing strategy to promote your reseller program. This helps you reach out to a wider audience and help them know more about your reseller program. They can’t just find your website and get to know about your program features just like that. You need to promote your program to reach out to more users. This can easily be done with the help of an effective marketing plan. If you are short of funds, there are still multiple cost-effective marketing tricks that you can use. You can create your own blog page, increase SEO, promote on social media channels, use email marketing, and much more. If you are already doing all these things, just re-evaluate your marketing strategy and check how you can improve it. Go through this course on Appy Pie Academy to know more about Search Engine Optimization - What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization for Beginners. Before we go ahead and learn more reasons, let us just go through some major statistics.Appy Pie - App Reseller Program

  5. You have No Niche
  6. Having your own niche can sometimes help make your app reseller program successful. Once you have targeted your audience and you have an excellent marketing plan, it’s time for you to carve out a niche. People with different interests would want to create apps of different types. You can get more specific with the types of apps you offer for the users to create. You can also target different industry types such as hospitality, healthcare, retail, food, fashion, and much more.

  7. Incorrect Pricing Strategy
  8. Another major thing to make an app reseller program successful is setting up the prices. The prices if not set right, can make or break your whole app reseller program. If the prices are high, people might hesitate in paying them. If the prices are low, they might question the quality. You need to make sure that the prices you set are just perfect to attract potential users. The best you can do is offer tiered pricing based on different features and functionality. Different plans can accommodate the needs of different kinds of potential customers. This way you would have plans for an individual to large-scale organizations.

  9. Not a Good-Looking Website
  10. This is also one of the major reasons why your mobile app business doesn’t work. Even if you are doing good in your niche, your program will not work if your website doesn’t look good. Your business website represents your brand. People will judge your brand if they don’t find your website updated and well-maintained. As per a recent study, a website visitor takes on an average 50 milliseconds to form an opinion about your website and decide whether they want to stay or not. Make sure you have an engaging and professional looking website. You can use Appy Pie’s Website Builder to create an excellent website for your business. The software comes with hundreds of customizable website templates that you can use to make your own website as per your business preferences.

  11. Failure to Nurture Leads
  12. To sell your reseller program, you need to align your sales strategy to your marketing strategy. If someone gives you their contact information on your website doesn’t mean they are going to convert. These leads need to be nurtured through the whole purchasing process. Even if they are interested in the product you are selling, turning it into their final purchase still takes a little more effort. You need to take your leads through the sales funnel – one stage at a time. First, get their contact details and you can then move them down to funnel by providing them additional details in the form of case studies, whitepapers, and much more.

  13. Poor Customer Service
  14. Users are not just going to sign up for the reseller program that you offer. They will certainly have questions and would surely need answers to those questions. Businesses that provide excellent customer service have a massive advantage in this area. However, if you fail to deliver a good quality service, it can cause you to lose potential customers. If you want to make your reseller program successful, you must deliver the best customer service experience.


Go through the reasons and identify why your app reseller program is not working. Follow the best practices, find the solution, and fix the issues to help your app reseller program succeed. You can go for Appy Pie’s Mobile App Reseller Program to become an excellent app reseller. The program comes with various attractive offers and helps you sell your apps with the white label. Here is a post for you to know more about the best mobile app reseller program – Why you should choose Appy Pie’s App Reseller Program?Try Appy Pie today!



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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie