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Why Should You Choose Appy Pie’s White Label Reseller Program for iPaaS?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on July 16th, 2024 10:05 am | 4-min read

White label reseller programs are all the rage today. And, why not? These platforms enable business users with excellent market knowledge and product understanding to create meaningful integration workflows. The beauty of a white label reseller program is that it only needs the reseller to understand the business requirements of their clients—no need to learn any programming skills or enroll for an expensive course in a fancy school. One of the best white label iPaaS resellers, Appy Pie, offers a wildly popular and affordable white label reseller program for iPaaS.


With the advancement in technology and the ever-evolving nature of the field, a vast knowledge gap has emerged across niches. Hence, there is a need for technology experts in every business process. As the demand for developers and technology expertshas increased, the supply has remained low, thus creating an imbalance and bottlenecks in the process. This is why white label iPaaS resellers have gained prominence and popularity across the spectrum. Here is a brief infographic that talks about the significance of white label resellers in the system.

What is a white label reseller?

White label resellers have gained massive popularity in the digital spectrum particularly. A white label reseller essentially buys the license for existing technology and then rebrands it with its own brand logo and colors to match its brand identity. This rebranded service is then offered to their clients. Technology providers license out their digital products to white label resellers, which they can offer to an entirely new market.

What is an integration platform as a service (iPaaS)?

An integration platform as a service or an iPaaS platform is a combination of automation tools used to integrate software applications that can be deployed in different environments. We can define iPaaS as a set of cloud services that enable businesses to develop, implement, and govern integration flows to connect any combination of on-premises and cloud-based services, processes, applications, or data within an organization or across several organizations.

Appy Pie’s iPaaS reseller program

There are hundreds of white label reseller programs for various niches, including app development, SEO platforms, and more. Similarly, there are several iPaaS service providers. However, there are rarely any iPaaS platforms with a white label reseller program. Appy Pie is one of the rare few iPaaS platforms that offer reseller programs that let you create integration workflows for businesses. The platform has gained popularity as an unrivaled leader in the field and has managed to fill in a gap most businesses were unaware of. Let’s discuss how this white label iPaaS reseller program is a notch above the rest.

Why choose Appy Pie’s white label reseller program for iPaaS?

There are many advantages of joining Appy Pie’s white label reseller program, and I am going to list out a few for you to consider.
  1. Tech business without learning to code
  2. You do not need to acquire any special technical expertise or coding knowledge to become an iPaaS reseller with Appy Pie. If you can address a market and come up with meaningful integrations to benefit businesses with multiple workflows within their organizations, you can become a successful white label reseller!
  3. White label CMS
  4. With Appy Pie, you get a white label CMS with your own branding, logo, and brand colors. It means that the entire platform will be truly your own, without any Appy Pie branding. Whether it is the back end or the customer-facing end, your iPaaS platform will be entirely your own.
  5. Dedicated technical support
  6. Appy Pie prides itself in offering round-the-clock, tireless technical support to all its customers through emails, chat, or call. This service enables you as a white label iPaaS reseller to serve your customers in real-time as well, without having to wait for any specific business hours.
  7. Ad-free platform
  8. The platform will be entirely ad-free. It will make you look more professional while establishing yourself as a serious business. By making your iPaas platform completely ad-free, you improve the overall customer experience.
  9. White label marketing material
  10. Appy Pie gives you a lot of helpful marketing material, which is entirely white label. You can simply add your brand logo and change the color theme according to your brand identity.
  11. Cost-efficiency
  12. Appy Pie offers affordable reseller programs that are not just competitive but also provide a whole lot more than others. The best part is that you can decide your own pricing and do not have to worry about paying any commissions.
  13. Safety of a cloud integration
  14. Appy Pie adheres to the strictest security standards and offers enhanced encryption for every workflow integration you create and any data that you may share through the platform. This safety is extended to you and all your clients so that you have one less thing to worry about!


A white label reseller program for iPaaS can help experts apply their market knowledge and help out other businesses without having to gain expertise in any technology. It saves time, money, and resources for all the parties involved.
Have you heard of any other brand that offers a white label reseller program for its iPaaS platform? Let me know by leaving a comment below, and I will keep an eye out for it!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie