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Live Chat Software for Optimal Customer Interactions

Prerna Pundir
By Prerna Pundir | Last Updated on July 5th, 2024 3:29 am

Live chat software has emerged as a crucial component for businesses aiming to enhance their online customer service and engagement. This guide delves into the top 15 live chat software and apps for 2024, highlighting their innovative features, from AI-powered chatbots to seamless CRM integrations. Whether you're looking to improve customer retention, streamline support, or boost sales, understanding these tools can transform your approach to digital customer service.

What is Live Chat Software?

Live chat software is a tool that allows businesses to communicate with their customers in real time via their websites. It serves as a direct line of communication, enabling businesses to offer instant assistance and support to visitors and customers alike. This technology is pivotal in modern customer service strategies, facilitating a seamless exchange of information and fostering a more personalized shopping experience.

Common Features of Live Chat Software for Websites

Live chat software comes packed with features designed to streamline communication and enhance customer service efficiency. Key features include:

  1. Chatbot: The best live chat software uses chatbots to answer common questions quickly. These AI chatbots help save time by handling simple tasks and letting human agents focus on more complex issues.

  1. Proactive Chat: Proactive chat starts conversations with customers based on their actions, like looking at a product for a while. It helps catch their interest and can make them more likely to buy.

  1. Prepared Responses: Live chat software has ready-to-use answers for common questions. This lets agents reply fast and accurately, making sure customers get the information they need without waiting.

  2. Queue Management: This feature organizes the waiting line for customers, telling them how long they'll wait or offering to message them later. It keeps customers happy by reducing wait times.

  1. Performance Metrics and KPIs: Live chat tracks important numbers like how many chats happen, how fast agents reply, and if customers are happy. This information helps improve chat services and make them better for users.

  1. Advanced Features: Beyond the basics, advanced live chat software offers features that cater to more complex needs and provide a richer user experience.
  • Creating a Chatbot: Automate customer interactions with minimal coding. Design conversation flows for self-service across web and mobile platforms, reducing the need for live agent intervention.
  • Rich Message Types: Enhance communication with emojis, GIFs, forms, and carousel ads. This feature supports clearer communication, facilitates information collection, and showcases brand personality.
  • Instant Replies: Utilize machine learning for immediate responses to customer inquiries. Ensure quick, relevant answers across multiple channels, including email, live chat, and messaging apps.
  • Contextual Self-Service: Integrate a help center within the live chat interface to offer relevant articles and resources directly in the chat widget, improving self-service options for users on the web and mobile.

Benefits of Using a Live Chat App

Implementing live chat software can transform customer service, offering:

  1. Improve customer retention: The use of customer service chatbot technology within live chat applications plays a crucial role in improving customer retention. By providing immediate, 24/7 support, customers feel valued and supported throughout their journey with your brand. This consistent and reliable support helps in building trust and loyalty among customers, encouraging them to return for future purchases.

  1. Provide services at scale that are appropriate to the context: With live chat software , your business can help lots of customers at the same time. It's smart enough to give each person the right kind of help based on what they need. This means you can help more people without making things complicated or expensive.

  1. Help and service potential customers, including customers as per their convenience: Live chat makes sure there's always someone there to help, no matter when a customer visits your site. This means customers can get the help they need right away, making them more likely to buy something because they don't have to wait for answers.

  1. Increase customer and staff value: Using live chat support makes customers happier because they get help fast and in a way that feels personal to them. It also makes things easier for the people who work for you. They spend less time on simple questions and more on important stuff, making their work more interesting and valuable. This is good for your business because happy customers come back, and happy staff do a better job.

  1. Reduce response times: Help desk software integrated with live chat capabilities significantly cuts down the time customers have to wait to get answers to their questions. This swift response not only improves customer satisfaction but also boosts the efficiency of resolving issues, making the entire process smoother for both customers and service teams.

14 Most Popular Software and Apps for 2024

1. Appy Pie

Appy Pie

Appy Pie stands out as a leading no-code development platform, enabling users to create mobile apps, websites, and chatbots without any programming knowledge. It democratizes the app development process, making it accessible to businesses and individuals alike who aim to establish an online presence swiftly and efficiently.

Features include:

  • Drag-and-drop app builder for intuitive design and development
  • A wide array of templates to cater to various industries and purposes
  • Integration capabilities with social media, CRM, and e-commerce platforms
  • Real-time analytics to monitor app performance and user engagement
  • Customizable chatbots for automating customer service and increasing engagement

2. Certainly


Certainly is a customer service chatbot platform designed to automate customer interactions, making it easier for businesses to handle inquiries without human intervention. It's built with a focus on e-commerce and customer service, offering integrations with popular e-commerce platforms and tools.

Features include:

  • Customizable chatbot templates
  • E-commerce integrations for seamless shopping experiences
  • Best live chat software practices for engaging customer interactions
  • Detailed analytics for measuring chatbot performance

3. DigitalGenius


DigitalGenius brings AI into the help desk software environment, automating repetitive tasks and offering predictive actions based on customer conversation history. It integrates into existing customer support tickets and CRM systems, enhancing the efficiency of support teams.

Features include:

  • AI-driven predictive actions for faster resolution
  • Seamless integration with major help desk platforms
  • Automation of repetitive support tasks
  • Comprehensive analytics for support optimization

4. Cognigy


Cognigy provides an advanced AI chatbot platform that enables enterprises to build sophisticated, conversational AI agents. These agents can be deployed across websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms, offering a comprehensive digital assistant to users.

Features include:

  • Voice and text-based conversational agents
  • Integration with IoT devices for a broader application range
  • Chatbot builder tools for creating custom AI responses
  • Secure enterprise-grade solutions for data-sensitive industries

5. Zowie for Chat

Zowie for Chat

Zowie for Chat simplifies customer service by automating responses to the most common inquiries. It integrates with existing messaging live chat systems, enhancing the capability to provide instant answers and reducing the workload on human agents.

Features include:

  • Instant detection and response to common questions
  • Integration with major messaging platforms
  • Scalable automation to support business growth
  • Free live chat software analytics to monitor chatbot performance

6. Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a widely used platform for live chat communication between businesses and customers. It offers a direct, personal way to engage with users, providing support, and facilitating transactions directly within the app.

Features include:

  • Rich media messaging for engaging conversations
  • Automated responses through chatbots
  • Integration with business Pages for seamless customer service
  • Live chat support tools for managing conversations

7. WhatsApp


WhatsApp enables businesses to offer live chat for business through a platform that customers already use daily. With end-to-end encryption, it provides a secure way to communicate with customers, share updates, and handle customer service inquiries.

Features include:

  • Business profiles for providing company information
  • Automated messages for greeting and responses
  • Help desk software integration for ticket management
  • Tools for organizing and managing customer chats



LINE is a popular messaging app that offers unique live chat features for businesses, including the ability to create official accounts, send broadcast messages, and engage customers with rich media content.

Features include:

  • LINE Official Accounts for business presence
  • Rich messaging formats for interactive communication
  • Integration with LINE's wide range of services
  • Live chat software capabilities for real-time engagement

9. Instagram Direct

Instagram Direct

Instagram Direct provides businesses with a platform for messaging live chat, allowing them to connect with customers through the popular social media app. It's ideal for brands looking to leverage visual content to enhance customer interactions.

Features include:

  • Direct messaging for personal customer engagement
  • Integration with Instagram shopping features
  • Automated responses for common inquiries
  • Live chat support within the Instagram app

10. Telegram


Telegram offers a secure messaging live chat platform for businesses, with features that support large groups, channels, and bots. It's designed for those who prioritize privacy and security in their customer communications.

Features include

  • Bot API for automated interactions
  • Channels for broadcasting messages to large audiences
  • Secure messaging with end-to-end encryption
  • Free live chat software options for startups and small businesses

11. Sprout Social

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is an all-in-one social media management tool that includes live chat capabilities. It allows businesses to manage their social media interactions, including customer service inquiries, from a single platform.

Features include:

  • Integrated social media and live chat management
  • Automated chatbot responses for social media inquiries
  • CRM integration for comprehensive customer insights
  • Help Desk features for ticketing and issue resolution

12. Intercom


Intercom redefines live chat for business with its conversational relationship platform, blending real-time chat with automation, bots, and targeted messaging to create a personalized customer journey. It's designed to drive engagement and conversion through every stage of the customer lifecycle.

Features include:

  • Targeted messaging for engagement and conversion
  • Customizable chatbots for automated customer support
  • Live chat software integration for seamless communication across devices
  • Rich user-profiles and tracking for personalized interactions

13. Drift


Drift offers a messaging live chat platform focused on converting leads into customers through personalized, conversational marketing. It stands out for its emphasis on using chatbots and live chat to facilitate sales and marketing processes.

Features include:

  • AI-driven chatbots for lead qualification and routing
  • Real-time live chat support for sales and customer service
  • Integration with sales and marketing tools
  • Personalized messaging to enhance user engagement

14. Freshchat


Freshchat is a modern messaging live chat and customer service chatbot platform by Freshworks. It's designed to meet the expectations of today's mobile-first customers, providing a blend of automated and human support across websites, apps, and social media.

Features include:

  • AI-powered chatbots for customer engagement and support
  • Omnichannel capabilities to unify conversations across platforms
  • Help desk software integration for a comprehensive support strategy
  • Customizable messaging widgets to match brand aesthetics

Summary of 14 Popular Live Chat Software with Mobile App Integration

table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 20px; } th, td { border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left; } th { background-color: #f2f2f2; }
Software/App Core Live Chat Features Mobile App Integration
Appy Pie Drag-and-drop builder, chatbots, real-time analytics Extensive, with a focus on easy app creation
Certainly Customizable templates, e-commerce integrations Integrates with popular e-commerce platforms
DigitalGenius AI-driven predictive actions, automation of tasks Integrates with customer support tickets and CRM
Cognigy Voice and text agents, chatbot builder tools Website, mobile apps, social media
Zowie for Chat Instant response to common questions, scalable automation Major messaging platforms integration
Facebook Messenger Rich media messaging, automated responses Direct integration for customer engagement
WhatsApp Business profiles, automated messages Secure communication, customer service inquiries
LINE Official Accounts, rich messaging formats Integrates with LINE services
Instagram Direct Direct messaging, integration with shopping features Engage customers through Instagram
Telegram Bot API, channels, secure messaging Designed for privacy and security
Sprout Social Integrated social media and live chat management Social media interactions management
Intercom Customizable chatbots, targeted messaging Conversational relationship platform
Drift AI-driven chatbots, real-time live chat support Sales and marketing tools integration
Freshchat AI-powered chatbots, omnichannel capabilities Unifies conversations across platforms

How to Choose Live Website Chat Software for Your Business

Selecting the right live chat software requires consideration of several factors:

  1. Choosing the right live website chat software for your business involves considering several key factors to ensure it meets your needs and enhances customer interactions. Here's how to make an informed decision:

  1. Integration Capabilities: Look for software that offers seamless integration with your existing systems, such as CRM, CMS, and help desk platforms. This ensures that customer data flows smoothly between systems, providing a unified view of customer interactions and history.

  1. Agent Experience: The best live chat software should be intuitive and easy for your service agents to use. A user-friendly interface reduces training time and helps agents respond to inquiries efficiently, improving the overall customer service experience.

  1. Scalability: Your chosen software should be able to scale with your business. Whether you're experiencing rapid growth or seasonal spikes in traffic, the software should accommodate increasing chat volumes without compromising performance.

  1. Use Cases: Ensure the software's features align with your specific business requirements. Whether you need advanced AI chatbot capabilities for automation, detailed analytics for performance tracking, or multilingual support for global customers, the software should match your use cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can live chat software be integrated with other business tools?
A: Yes, top-quality live chat solutions offer broad integration capabilities with CRM systems, help desk platforms, and various other business tools, ensuring smooth workflows and centralized access to customer information.

Q: Are there any free versions of live chat software available?
A: Yes, several providers offer free versions of their live chat solutions, albeit with more limited functionalities compared to their full-featured, paid counterparts. These free versions are ideal for small businesses exploring the advantages of live chat.

Q: How does live chat software enhance customer service?
A: Live chat software instantly addresses customer inquiries, reduces waiting times, and offers a more personalized interaction, all of which contribute to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty levels. It enables businesses to meet customer needs quickly and effectively.

Q: Can live chat software support conversations in multiple languages?
A: Many live chat solutions are equipped to support multiple languages, allowing businesses to communicate with customers in their native language. This feature is particularly beneficial for companies operating on a global scale, aiming to offer inclusive support.

Q: What impact does live chat software have on sales and conversion rates?
A: Live chat software can have a positive effect on sales and conversion rates by facilitating real-time communication with prospective customers. It assists in resolving queries, addressing any hesitations, and guiding customers through the purchasing process, thereby improving the overall shopping experience.


Selecting the right live chat software is pivotal for any business looking to thrive in the digital age. By considering factors such as integration capabilities, agent experience, scalability, and specific use cases, companies can choose a solution that not only meets their current needs but also supports future growth. The FAQs section further underscores the versatility and impact of live chat software, emphasizing its role in enhancing customer service, supporting multilingual conversations, and driving sales. As customer expectations continue to evolve, investing in the right live chat solution will be key to delivering exceptional service and staying competitive.

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