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Google Calendar vs. Apple Calendar: Which Calendar is Better to Use in 2024?

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on June 21st, 2024 7:35 am

Calendars are now essential tools in our highly connected world for organizing our hectic schedules. Among the most prominent contenders in the realm of digital calendars are Google Calendar and Apple Calendar. Google Calendar is renowned for its seamless Google Calendar integration with other Google services, offering a highly customizable experience with features like smart suggestions and shared calendars. On the other hand, Apple Calendar is prized for its elegant interface and smooth synchronization across all Apple devices, making it a go-to for users deeply invested in the Apple ecosystem. Each calendar has its strengths, with Google Calendar excelling in versatility and cross-platform accessibility through its Google Calendar integration, while Apple Calendar stands out for its user-friendly design and ecosystem integration.

Google Calendar vs. Apple Calendar: Comparative Analysis

Comparison Point Google Calendar Apple Calendar
Integration Excellent integration with Google services like Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Meet. Seamless integration with Apple ecosystem, including iCloud, Siri, and other Apple apps.
Cross-Platform Access Accessible on various platforms including Android, iOS, web, and via third-party apps. Primarily designed for iOS, macOS, and web, with the best experience on Apple devices.
User Interface Clean and functional interface with a focus on usability and customization. Elegant and intuitive interface with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.
Features Offers smart scheduling, goal setting, world clock, and customizable views. Features include travel time, weather forecast, and tight integration with other Apple apps.
Sharing & Collaboration Superior sharing capabilities and collaborative features for scheduling with others, making it ideal for business use. Sharing available but more limited compared to Google Calendar; still effective for personal use.
Notifications Flexible notification options including email, SMS, and pop-ups. Notifications primarily through in-app and device notifications, with options for email alerts.
Customization High level of customization including color coding, event images, and adjustable views. Offers customization options such as color coding and different views, though slightly less extensive than Google.
Ease of Use Generally considered user-friendly with a slight learning curve for advanced features. Known for its simplicity and ease of use, particularly for users already within the Apple ecosystem.

The Detailed Comparison Between Google Calendar and Apple Calendar

The detailed comparison between Google Calendar and Apple Calendar highlights each platform's unique strengths and features, catering to a wide range of user needs and preferences. Here are the key points:

Integration and Accessibility

Google Calendar shines with its seamless integration with Google's suite of services such as Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Meet. This integration makes it incredibly efficient for users who rely heavily on Google services for personal and professional purposes. Its cross-platform accessibility is unmatched, allowing users to access their calendars on Android, iOS, web, and through third-party apps.

Apple Calendar, on the other hand, offers flawless integration within the Apple ecosystem. If you're using iCloud, Siri, and other Apple apps, Apple Calendar ensures smooth synchronization across all your devices, enhancing the overall user experience for Apple device owners.

User Interface and Features

Google Calendar is known for its clean, functional interface that focuses on usability and customization. It offers a range of features such as smart scheduling, goal setting, world clock, and customizable views, catering to a wide array of personal and professional scheduling needs.

Apple Calendar boasts an elegant and intuitive interface, emphasizing simplicity and ease of use. With features like travel time, weather forecast, and tight integration with other Apple apps, it's designed to enrich the user experience for Apple enthusiasts.

Sharing and Collaboration

When it comes to sharing and collaboration, Google Calendar takes the lead with its superior capabilities. It allows for easy scheduling with others and is ideal for business use, thanks to its extensive sharing features and collaborative functionalities.

Apple Calendar provides sharing capabilities as well, though they are somewhat more limited in comparison. Despite this, it remains effective for personal use and offers enough functionality for most users' needs.

Notifications and Customization

Google Calendar offers flexible notification options, including email, SMS, and pop-ups, allowing users to stay on top of their schedules in the way that suits them best. It also excels in customization, offering color coding, event images, and adjustable views.

Apple Calendar's notifications are primarily through in-app and device notifications, with options for email alerts. While it provides customization options like color coding and different views, the range is slightly less extensive than that of Google Calendar.

Ease of Use

Both calendars are considered user-friendly, though Google Calendar has a slight learning curve for its advanced features. Apple Calendar is known for its simplicity and ease of use, especially for those already integrated into the Apple ecosystem.

Privacy and Security

Google Calendar adheres to Google's overall privacy and security framework, offering robust protection measures including two-factor authentication and encryption in transit. Google's policies on data handling and privacy are comprehensive, but users should be aware of how their data is used within the broader Google ecosystem.

Apple Calendar, in line with Apple's strong stance on privacy, emphasizes user data protection and minimal data usage for personalization. Apple is known for its end-to-end encryption and does not monetize user data for advertising purposes, offering a more private calendar experience.

Offline Access

Google Calendar allows users to view and edit their calendar offline, especially on desktop browsers through specific settings, making it convenient for those without constant internet access.

Apple Calendar also provides offline access, enabling users to manage their calendar seamlessly without an internet connection across all Apple devices. This feature is particularly useful for users on the go, ensuring their calendar is always accessible.


Google Calendar is free for personal use, offering a significant amount of functionality without any cost. Google also offers paid plans as part of Google Workspace for businesses that need additional features and enterprise-level support.

Apple Calendar is included with iOS, macOS, and other Apple devices at no additional cost, making it an integral part of the Apple ecosystem. There are no extra fees for using Apple Calendar, regardless of the device or platform.

Third-party App Integration

Google Calendar excels in third-party app integration, allowing users to connect a wide range of apps and services directly to their calendar.including project management tools, to-do lists, and even test preparation apps like PrepAway. This openness facilitates a more integrated digital workflow automation, enhancing productivity and convenience.

Apple Calendar offers third-party app integration as well, though the selection is more curated, focusing on maintaining a seamless and secure user experience. Integration with productivity apps, fitness trackers, and more is available, but within a more controlled ecosystem.

Environmental and Social Event Tracking

Google Calendar includes innovative features like automatic addition of events from Gmail, such as flight bookings or hotel reservations, and public holidays based on your location. It's highly effective for managing not just personal or professional events but also environmental and social reminders.

Apple Calendar allows users to subscribe to various calendars for holidays, sports events, and more, keeping them informed about social and environmental occasions. This feature ensures users can easily stay up-to-date with events important to them beyond their immediate schedule.

Automate Your Google Calendar with Appy Pie Connect

Dive deeper into the world of automation with Appy Pie Connect and take your Google Calendar experience to the next level. This powerful tool bridges the gap between your calendar and a plethora of other services, from email platforms and CRM software to social media and customer support tools. Imagine automatically creating calendar events from spreadsheet entries, updating contacts with event details, or even preparing for meetings by automating pre-meeting tasks such as sending out reminders and agenda notes. With Appy Pie Connect, the possibilities are endless.

Enhance collaboration across teams by ensuring everyone's calendars are synchronized with project milestones and deadlines, no matter what project management tools you use. Automate appointment scheduling by connecting your Google Calendar to booking software, eliminating the back-and-forth and reducing booking errors. Appy Pie Connect's intuitive interface makes setting up automations a breeze, requiring no coding skills. You can create custom workflows that fit exactly how you work, saving time and eliminating repetitive tasks.

Embrace the future of work by integrating Appy Pie Connect with your Google Calendar today. Let technology take the wheel on routine tasks, so you can focus on making strategic decisions and growing your business or enhancing your personal life.

Google Calendar vs. Apple Calendar: Which should you Choose?

Choosing between Google Calendar and Apple Calendar depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the ecosystem you're most invested in. Google Calendar stands out for its seamless integration with Google's suite of services, making it a powerhouse for those who rely on Google for email, document management, and video meetings. Its cross-platform accessibility ensures that you can manage your schedule from any device, making it ideal for users who use multiple devices across different operating systems. Additionally, Google Calendar's customization options and smart features cater to a broad range of scheduling needs, from personal appointments to complex business meetings.

On the other hand, Apple Calendar is the go-to choice for users deeply embedded in the Apple ecosystem. Its elegant interface and smooth synchronization across iOS, macOS, and the web provide a seamless user experience. Apple Calendar's integration with Siri and other Apple services adds convenience, making it exceptionally user-friendly. If privacy is a significant concern, Apple's commitment to user data protection may tilt the scales in its favor. Ultimately, your choice should align with the devices you use daily and the features that best fit your lifestyle and work habits.

Automate Your Google Calendar with Appy Pie Connect

Dive deeper into the world of automation with Appy Pie Connect and take your Google Calendar experience to the next level. This powerful tool bridges the gap between your calendar and a plethora of other services, from email platforms and CRM software to social media and customer support tools. Imagine automatically creating calendar events from spreadsheet entries, updating contacts with event details, or even preparing for meetings by automating pre-meeting tasks such as sending out reminders and agenda notes. With Appy Pie Connect, the possibilities are endless.

Enhance collaboration across teams by ensuring everyone's calendars are synchronized with project milestones and deadlines, no matter what project management tools you use. Automate appointment scheduling by connecting your Google Calendar to booking software, eliminating the back-and-forth and reducing booking errors. Appy Pie Connect's intuitive interface makes setting up automation a breeze, requiring no coding skills. You can create custom workflows that fit exactly how you work, saving time and eliminating repetitive tasks.

Embrace the future of work by integrating Appy Pie Connect with your Google Calendar today. Let technology take the wheel on routine tasks, so you can focus on making strategic decisions and growing your business or enhancing your personal life.


Both Google Calendar and Apple Calendar offer robust features tailored to their respective ecosystems, making the choice between them a matter of personal preference and specific needs. Google Calendar stands out for its seamless integration with Google services, cross-platform accessibility, and extensive customization options, making it ideal for users seeking flexibility and deep integration with other apps. Apple Calendar, with its elegant interface and seamless integration within the Apple ecosystem, offers a more streamlined and privacy-focused experience. By considering factors such as device ecosystem, the need for cross-platform accessibility, and priority on privacy, you can choose the calendar app that best fits your lifestyle, enhancing your ability to manage time efficiently and effectively.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie