How to Create aProject in Jira

How to Create a Project in Jira?

Samarpit Nasa
By Samarpit Nasa | May 6, 2024 9:42 am

Creating a project in Jira marks the first step in harnessing the full potential of this versatile platform. Whether you're aiming to streamline your to-do list, manage complex software development cycles, or efficiently handle customer support tickets, Jira's robust functionalities cater to a diverse range of project management needs especially when used. This comprehensive guide will navigate you through selecting the ideal project template, establishing your inaugural project, adding more projects to your Jira portfolio, and how to use Jira with workflow automation tools , ensuring you make the most out of your Jira experience.

What are Jira Projects?

A Jira project acts as a central hub for your tasks and workflows, essential for organizing and tracking your work. Upon setting up Jira, creating at least one project is a requisite step. While a single project might suffice for straightforward task management or support request tracking, the necessity for multiple projects arises as you diversify your use of Jira. Whether it's for segmenting major annual projects, or assigning dedicated projects to different teams, understanding how to adeptly create and manage these projects is crucial.

How to Create a Project in Jira?

Create a Project in Jira

Upon your first login into Jira, the platform will prompt you with a series of questions regarding your role, team size, and intended use of the tool. These initial responses guide Jira in recommending suitable project templates.

Select the Right Template

Select the Right Template

Jira offers a variety of templates to cater to different project management methodologies, including Agile and Scrum frameworks through the Scrum template, and the Kanban template for those preferring a Kanban board approach. The choice of template significantly influences your project's functionality, affecting features such as sprint creation and issue tracking.

Jira templates are categorized into 'next-gen' and 'classic' templates, with the former offering simplicity and essential features like roadmaps, while the latter allows for extensive customization at the cost of a more complex setup. To ensure you pick the template that aligns with your team's needs, delve into the detailed descriptions provided for each template by Jira.

Project Creation

Select the Right Template

After template selection, the next steps involve naming your project and finalizing its creation. This process marks the beginning of your journey with Jira, allowing you to start populating your project with issues and tailoring it to fit your workflow needs.

The Jira Ecosystem: Comparisons to Similar Tools

In the realm of project management tools, Jira often finds itself compared with other leading platforms like Asana, ServiceNow, and Trello. Each tool offers unique features and integrations, making comparisons with these apps common among users seeking the optimal solution for their project management needs. Understanding the strengths and limitations of Jira in relation to these platforms can further inform your decision-making process and project setup.

Jira vs. Asana

Jira is renowned for its robustness and flexibility, particularly favored by software development teams due to its powerful issue and project tracking features. It excels in Agile and Scrum methodologies, offering comprehensive tools for sprint planning, tracking, and reporting. Jira's extensive customization capabilities through workflows, fields, and issue types make it highly adaptable to complex project requirements.

Asana, on the other hand, is celebrated for its intuitive user interface and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for teams seeking straightforward project and task management tools. Asana's strong points include task assignments, due dates, and visual project plans, facilitating seamless collaboration among team members. When it comes to Asana vs. Jira, Asana lacks the depth in issue tracking and software development-specific features found in Jira, it compensates with superior task visualization and user-friendly experience.

Jira vs. ServiceNow

ServiceNow is a platform that excels in IT services management (ITSM) and IT operations management (ITOM), offering a broader range of services beyond project management. It provides extensive features for IT service desk operations, asset management, and enterprise service management. ServiceNow is designed for organizations requiring comprehensive IT service management and automation capabilities.

Compared to Jira, which is primarily focused on project and issue tracking, ServiceNow offers a more IT-centric approach. When it comes to Jira vs. ServiceNow, Jira offers flexibility and customization for project management and software development workflows, ServiceNow is the go-to for enterprises seeking a unified platform for IT service delivery and operations management. Jira might be preferable for teams focused on Agile software development, while ServiceNow is suited for organizations looking to centralize their IT services.

Jira vs. Trello

Jira, with its comprehensive set of features for tracking, planning, and managing software development projects, stands out for teams needing detailed project management capabilities. Jira's ability to handle complex workflows, sprints, and reporting is unmatched by Trello's simpler, board-centric approach. However, for teams or individuals seeking simplicity and a highly visual task management tool, Trello may be more appealing.

Trello is known for its simplicity and visual approach to project management, utilizing Kanban boards to help teams track tasks and projects. Its user-friendly interface and straightforward setup make it an attractive option for small teams and projects requiring basic task management capabilities. When it comes to comparing Trello vs. Jira, Trello's strengths lie in its visual task management, easy setup, and use, making it ideal for personal projects or small teams.

Popular Jira Integrations


Jira stands out as a powerful workflow automation tool, capable of accommodating a wide array of project management scenarios. From setting up your initial project to expanding your project portfolio, Jira offers a flexible and comprehensive environment for managing tasks, teams, and workflows. By carefully selecting the appropriate project templates and customizing your Jira projects to fit your specific needs, you can maximize efficiency and streamline your project management processes. Whether you're comparing Jira with other platforms like Asana, ServiceNow, or Trello, or simply looking to enhance your Jira expertise, this guide provides the foundational knowledge needed to elevate your project management experience.

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Samarpit Nasa

Content Team Lead at Appy Pie