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Top 20 interview questions and answers in 2023 [A useful guide to interviews]

By Snigdha | Last Updated on October 17th, 2023 11:59 am | 4-min read

Job interviews can be highly stressful if you aren’t prepared enough to face the interviewer, hiring manager, employer, or recruiter, and deliver the best possible responses or answers to the interview questions. While a little practice always pays off, the best way to improve your chances of landing your dream job is to anticipate the questions you’ll be asked in the interview. We would like to help, which is why we have prepared a list of the most commonly asked interview questions and their answers.

As you look for the next big opportunity, the one big concern in your mind remains about interview questions coming your way.

Your future opportunities pretty much rely on the questions that come your way as you appear in the interview and how you respond to them. It would not do you well to get flustered by an unexpected question with no clue about how to answer it.

Of course, you should not fall for a canned reply that sounds entirely made up and artificial. However, it doesn’t hurt to anticipate the questions and be prepared to face the most commonly asked questions. Additionally, you can also consider what responses the hiring manager expects to hear from the right candidate for any profile.

Our list of the most commonly asked questions in a job interview will be great as a guide for you to ace your next job interview.

Most common interview questions and how to answer them

  1. Tell me a little about yourself.

    As basic as this question might be, many interviewees fail to prepare for it.

    How to answer this question?

    In response to this question, you can tell the hiring manager a little about your current job and responsibilities. Then, you can talk about why you took the jobs you took in the past while also giving the interviewer reasons you left those jobs. This is a great opportunity to explain any gaps in your resume while emphasizing your hobbies and interests.

  2. What are your strengths?

    Though your resume tells the interviewer where your strengths lie, this question is often posed in a job interview.

    How to answer this question?

    When asked, you need to be precise, sharp, and on-point. Let’s say you are a great leader, don’t just say that! Give examples that prove how good your leadership skills are. In short, don’t claim, prove!

  3. Tell me your weaknesses

    Another commonly asked question, and typically a candidate knows that they only need to pick a hypothetical weakness and present it in a way that it turns into a strength.

    How to answer this question?

    Often this attitude can annoy seasoned interviewers as they can smell BS from afar. It is better to choose an actual weakness you have and mention how you are working on it. No one’s perfect. You know it, they know it! No harm owning up to it.

  4. Why don’t you walk me through your resume?

    This question is often an interview opener, and often the interviewer would like to know how you tell your career story.

    How to answer this question?

    One good way to do this is to group your qualifications by your past jobs and tell your career story. This is a great opportunity to relate an anecdote, if you have one, and then tell your story chronologically or start from your current profile and go back to your past responsibilities. No matter how you approach it, remember to highlight the accomplishments and skills most relevant to the job you are applying for.

  5. What would you like me to know about you that is not on your resume?

    Take this question as an opportunity to let the interviewer know that you are more than just a piece of paper.

    How to answer this question?

    Answer this question by mentioning a positive trait of yours or build a story around an experience that gives a hint of all that you are, your goals, and your future career path.

  6. How did you get to know about this job?

    The question might seem innocent, but it can be a great opportunity to tell them how serious and passionate you are about this job.

    How to answer this question?

    If you were referred by another employee at the organization, let them know and mention the name – it may help. If you came across the company in an article or a job posting, let the interviewer know what, in particular, caught your eye.

  7. What attracted you to our company?

    This is a great way to show that you have done your research and are serious about your job.

    How to answer this question?

    Make sure that you read up on everything about the company on the internet, including on their website, social media, or anything else. Know what is their vision, goals, and the latest updates. You can then talk about why you identify with the company’s mission and more.

  8. What do you think we can do better?

    It is natural to feel a bit under the pressure when answering this question because you want to give a good answer without insulting the company you are applying for.

    How to answer this question?

    Start with the positives of the company and the products before moving on to the feedback. While giving the feedback, carefully lay the background with evidence based on previous experiences.

  9. Describe your dream job

    Now you can add some humor to this answer and talk about your aspirations of becoming the next Rihanna. However, there can be some substance to this answer.

    How to answer this question?

    The interviewer is asking this because they want to know whether the open position and you are a good match. You can discuss your goals and ambitions and explain how this job will help you get closer to it.

  10. Where do you see yourself in five years?

    The interviewer needs you to be honest and precise about your goals and ambitions. The answer will indicate whether you can set realistic goals for yourself, whether you have ambition, and whether the position is in line with your goals and ambitions.

    How to answer this question?

    It is a good idea to think realistically about where this job could take you and draft your answer along those lines. In case you are uncertain about the job fitting in with your long-term goals, you can always say that. But be sure to mention how you see this experience being critical to helping you understand where you are headed.

  11. Why do you think you are a good fit for this position?

    This is a loaded question where the interviewer is trying to figure out how you see yourself fitting in the company, position, and culture.

    How to answer this question?

    Tell them about your past experiences and qualifications, and explain how they tie in with the new responsibilities. You can also talk about your personal values, goals, etc., and how they fit with organizational culture and goals.

  12. Why are you planning to leave your current organization?

    We all dread this question, but this is a staple question for all interviewers. Irrespective of how your experience is with your current organization, keep it positive.

    How to answer this question?

    Nothing good will come out of sharing negative experiences about your current employer with a future employer. It says more about you than them. Talk about your eagerness to find new opportunities and how this new role will help you find them.

  13. What are your salary expectations?

    This is a question for which you need to prepare well in advance. Do your research and find out what other such roles pay, and consider your experience, education, skills, and personal needs before calculating this number.

    How to answer this question?

    There are three ways to go about it. One, you quote a salary range keeping the bottom number a little higher than what you’re hoping for. Two, turn the tables and ask the interviewer if they have a range in place. And three, delay the answer by telling them that you want to take some time to learn more about the role and the rest of the package before discussing the salary you expect.

  14. What can you bring to the company?

    When an interviewer asks this question, they want to see whether you understand the challenges they’re facing as a department or company.

    How to answer this question?

    Always read the job description closely, and research the company beforehand. Make sure you also pay close attention in your early rounds to catch a glimpse of any issues you are supposed to solve after joining.

  15. How would your boss and coworkers describe you?

    Interviewers often ask this question to get a general idea of your self-awareness and personality.

    How to answer this question?

    The best way to answer this question is to be honest, as the hiring manager might call your coworkers, bosses, or references. Just pull out strengths or other positive traits you haven’t yet discussed and use detailed, relevant examples or anecdotes to support your answers.

  16. Are you willing to relocate?

    This might be a straightforward question if the requirement to relocate is not mentioned within the job description. If it isn’t the case, the aim of the interviewer is to try to get a sense of a candidate’s flexibility and interest.

    How to answer this question?

    If you want the job but are finding it difficult to commit to the relocation, you have to figure out the most appropriate way to break this news to the interviewer or hiring manager, without damaging your chances. Even if you’re okay but have certain conditions, make sure to express these clearly before signing the offer letter.

  17. Do you have any questions for us?

    This question is often asked at the end of an interview, and would probably make you a bit uncomfortable if you were under the impression that you’ve covered everything during the interview. However, it is always better to respond with a question rather than declining as it might give the impression that you’re not engaged with the conversation, or aren’t interested enough in the position.

    How to answer this question?

    Prepare a set of questions beforehand which can be about the company, job role, and so on. Show the interviewer or recruiter that you are passionate about this role and are interested in joining the company. Avoid overly personal questions or gossip and try to stay away from questions about your salary or any activity not related to work.

  18. How would you describe yourself?

    This might seem very similar to some other questions on the list but the key here is to explain why your experiences and abilities make you the best candidate for the role. Most importantly, when an interviewer asks you this question, they’re trying to figure out whether your skills and achievements align with the profile.

    How to answer this question?

    The first step to answering this question perfectly is to know which skills would be the best match for the responsibilities within the profile. Make sure to exhibit your skills clearly and describe yourself in a short but meaningful summary.

  19. What motivates you?

    The interviewer wants to know what motivates you to achieve your goals and enables you to succeed at your job. Furthermore, they’ll also be looking to figure out whether your motivation factors are aligned with the company’s goals and the job profile in which you would be working.

    How to answer this question?

    This is a strength-based interview question that can be very easy to misinterpret. The best way to respond to this interview question is to be honest and succinct. Back up your answer with examples from your life such as from your study

  20. When can you start?

    With this question, you might be tempted to answer that you can start as soon as possible or even immediately. This is probably because most of us believe that being as flexible, accommodating, or eager is the best way to land a job. However, that isn’t always the case.

    How to answer this question?

    While there can be no correct answer, not showing too much desperation is the best way to approach this question. It is ideal to communicate the response in a way that shows you’re thoughtful. Set realistic expectations and propose a start date that works for both you and your potential employer should they make you an offer.


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