Appy Pie -Wordpress+ Microsoft Teams

How to Integrate WordPress with Microsoft Teams?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on March 25th, 2024 11:41 am | 4-min read

Nearly 91% of Fortune 100 companies use Microsoft Teams. Now that’s saying something about how important Teams is for a business. Microsoft Teams is a collaboration software that allows team members to communicate, share, and collectively work on tasks. It is an evolution of Skype and can be purchased as a part of the Office 365 suite of applications.

While Microsoft Teams is appreciated for all it offers, it has also been criticized for its lack of support for popular software outside of the 365 suite. Teams is not even directly compatible with GSuite software. However, GSuite software can be integrated with Microsoft Teams using Appy Pie Connect. In a similar vein, today we are going to discuss how you can integrate Microsoft Teams with WordPress.

The Necessity of WordPress-Microsoft Teams Integration

WordPress is a very popular tool for businesses. It is a freemium content management system that allows you to create and manage websites. Nearly 30% of all online websites are made with WordPress. This means that most companies that use Teams also use WordPress. While one may argue that both software serve a very different purpose, there is one key thing to be remembered. Teams is a collaboration software and a website requires constant collaboration between every team member responsible for running the website. Unlike no-code website builders, WordPress requires knowledge of PHP, HTML5, SQL, and CSS. This means that a WordPress website requires dedicated website developers on it all times. Apart from them, websites are constantly being updated and edited by marketing team members and other teams of an organization such as SEO, UI Design, and Content. There needs to be constant communication between all the teams to ensure the smooth functioning of the website. Teams serve that purpose of communication. One problem with Teams however, is that it has its own interface independent of WordPress. Teams does not offer any kind of integration that would allow you to connect to WordPress from the Teams interface. For a ‘collaboration’ software, not offering users the ability to use WordPress from within the Teams interface is a massive oversight from Microsoft. It reduces the usability of the software they term as ‘the collaborative work environment.’ To give you perspective, here are the benefits you get if you integrate WordPress and Microsoft Teams for your organization:

  • Better Collaboration
  • The main purpose of integrating WordPress and Microsoft Teams is easier collaboration. Once they are integrated, team members can create posts and simultaneously communicate at the same time through the same interface. The designer can post pictures right when a writer is creating their content and an editor is editing. This can save teams a lot of time that is wasted in communicating over different platforms.

  • Using WordPress and Teams on the Same Interface
  • Given how many software we use in our day-to-day work, the ability to integrate and use a software on the same interface is a welcome change. When you integrate Teams and Wordpress you can use the same interface for all your tasks related to these two software.

  • The Ability to Automate Tasks
  • The greatest advantage of integrating WordPress and Teams is the fact that you can automate simple tasks. For example, instead of logging in WordPress and then uploading and scheduling a post, you can simply automate it such that it automatically gets shared and scheduled onto WordPress through Teams
Before we go ahead, here’s an infographic with a few statistics - Wordpress+ Microsoft Teams - Appy Pie

How to Integrate WordPress and Microsoft Teams

Coming to the big question, it is extremely easy to integrate WordPress and Microsoft Teams. All you need to do is use a workflow automation tool. And guess what? We have one for you. Appy Pie Connect is a workflow automation tool that lets you create detailed visual workflows that can help integrate two or more software and can also be used to automate simple tasks. Connecting WordPress and Microsoft Teams is a simple 5-step process:Step 1: Choose Microsoft Teams as a Trigger app and authenticate your app on Appy Pie Connect.Step 2: Select the trigger that will start a data exchange between the two software. You can have multiple triggers.Step 3: Pick Wordpress as the action app and authenticate your WordPress account.Step 4: Select a resulting action.Step 5: Select the data you want to exchange between the two software. You can change this as per your needs. That’s it! Your Connect is now ready.Connect WordPress+Microsoft TeamsOnce you create this workflow, all data that you need to send from one software to the other will be automatically transferred. You can even add your team members and they can access both WordPress and Teams from the same interface. The data, triggers, and actions can all be changed as required.


Appy Pie Connect also provides other integrations for Microsoft Teams increasing the overall usability of Microsoft Teams as a software. If not that, there are hundreds of potential connects that might match your needs. Check Appy Pie Connect out today! Leave a comment if you want to see more blogs about Microsoft Teams and 3rd party software integrations!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie