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Google Lead Form Extension: Elevate Your Google Ads Campaigns

By Tanya | Last Updated on May 5th, 2024 11:01 am

In today's digital marketing landscape, Google Search ads stand out as a powerful tool for generating new leads. The effectiveness of these ads is rooted in their ability to connect with potential buyers at the moment they're demonstrating interest in making a purchase. However, the journey from click to conversion is fraught with challenges, not least of which is the cost associated with non-converting clicks. This is where Google lead form extensions come into play, offering a streamlined path to higher conversion rates and efficient lead management.

When Google Lead Ads are integrated with workflow automation tools, the efficiency and effectiveness of lead management are further enhanced.

What are Google Lead Form Extensions

Google lead form extensions are a feature designed to enhance the performance of Google Search ads by embedding a lead generation form directly within the ad. This approach simplifies the user's journey by presenting a call to action earlier in the process, thereby reducing the number of steps required to convert. These extensions are part of Google's suite of ad enhancements, which also includes sitelinks, callouts, structured snippets, and direct calling options.

Google lead form extensions streamline the process of gathering leads by embedding a form directly in search ads, similar to LinkedIn's approach. However, to effectively utilize these extensions, consider the following key points:

  1. Device Restrictions : These extensions are displayed exclusively on mobile and tablet devices, not on desktop computers as of now.
  2. User Restrictions : Only users who are logged into their Google accounts will see the lead form extensions, which may affect their visibility in certain tools like the Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool.
  3. Campaign-Level Application : Lead form extensions must be applied across an entire campaign rather than to specific ads or ad groups, requiring strategic planning for their use.
  4. Category Restrictions : Ads in certain categories, such as those related to alcohol, gambling, healthcare, and politics, are ineligible for lead form extensions, aligning with Google's advertising policies.
  5. Data Privacy Compliance : Adhering to Google's strict guidelines on personal information is crucial. Ensure that the data collected through lead form extensions complies with these policies to maintain user trust and legal compliance.

By keeping these considerations in mind, advertisers can more effectively leverage Google lead form extensions to reduce friction in the lead generation process while adhering to platform guidelines and user privacy standards.

Setting Up Google Lead Form Extensions

Configuring Google lead form extensions is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few minutes. The setup involves selecting the campaign to which you want to apply the extension, customizing the extension and form to align with your campaign goals, and specifying the information you wish to collect from leads. Setting up Google lead form extensions is a straightforward process that enhances your Google Ads campaigns by directly capturing lead information. Here's how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Sign In to Google Ads

Begin by logging into your Google Ads account.

Step 2: Access Extensions

  • Navigate to the "Ads & extensions" menu.
  • Select "Extensions" from the dropdown.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the section dedicated to lead forms.

Step 3: Initiate Lead Form Creation

  • Click on the lead form section to open the lead form dialog.
  • Hit the blue plus sign to start creating a new extension. You'll need to accept Google's terms of service at this point.

Step 4: Select Your Campaign

Choose the campaign(s) you wish to apply the lead form extension to. Remember, the extension applies at the campaign level, not to individual ads or ad groups. If necessary, consider creating new campaigns for more targeted applications.

Step 5: Customize Your Lead Form Extension

Use the lead form extension builder to customize your form. This includes:

  • Call to Action (CTA) : Decide on a CTA, like "Learn more" or "Get a quote".
  • CTA Text : Write a brief text that will appear below your CTA.
  • Highlight Option : Choose whether to highlight your extension for visibility.

Step 6: Design Your Lead Form

Further customize the form that users will interact with:

  • Headline : Add a concise headline (up to 30 characters).
  • Business Name : Specify your business name (up to 25 characters).
  • Description : Provide a description (up to 200 characters).
  • Questions : Include up to 10 questions, selecting from generic or industry-specific options.
  • Privacy Policy URL : Link to your privacy policy.
  • Background Image : Upload an image for the form's background.

Step 7: Configure the Submission Message

After users submit their information, they'll see a submission message, which you can customize with:

  • Headline : Craft a headline for the message (up to 25 characters).
  • Description : Add a description (up to 200 characters).
  • CTA Button : Decide if you want a CTA button and its label.

Step 8: Set Up Lead Delivery

For automation and integration with your CRM or other systems, use the "Lead delivery option" to provide a Webhook URL.

By following these steps, you can efficiently set up Google lead form extensions to capture valuable lead information directly through your Google Ads, streamlining the process for both you and your potential customers. This strategic integration not only enhances your lead generation efforts but also solidifies your position in the sphere of digital marketing with Google Ads, ensuring your campaigns are optimized for maximum impact and reach in the digital marketplace.

Reasons to use Google lead form extensions

  1. Enhanced User Experience : Google Ads Lead Form Extensions simplify the conversion process by allowing users to submit their information directly within the search ad. This reduces the number of steps required to convert, leading to a smoother and more user-friendly experience.
  2. Higher Conversion Rates : By minimizing the friction associated with navigating to and loading a separate landing page, lead form extensions can significantly increase conversion rates. Users are more likely to complete a form when it's directly accessible from the search results.
  3. Efficient Lead Generation : These extensions provide an effective way to collect lead information such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers. This direct method of capturing leads is not only efficient but also allows for quick follow-up, enhancing the lead management process.
  4. Mobile Optimization : With mobile internet usage on the rise, the mobile-first design of lead form extensions ensures that ads are optimized for the growing number of users accessing Google Search on mobile devices. This maximizes the reach and effectiveness of your ads across all platforms.
  5. Customizable Forms : Google Ads Lead Form Extensions offer various customization options, allowing advertisers to tailor the form based on their specific needs. From choosing the right call-to-action to selecting which information to request from users, these customizations ensure that the lead form aligns with the campaign's objectives and target audience.

The Role of Workflow Automation Tools in Enhancing Lead Management

While the integration of lead form extensions can significantly boost conversion rates, the real challenge lies in efficiently managing the influx of leads. Manual lead management processes, such as downloading CSV files and manually following up with leads, are time-consuming and prone to errors. This is where platforms like Appy Pie come into play.

Popular Google Apps Integration


Incorporating Google lead form extensions into your Google Search ads campaigns can significantly enhance your lead generation efforts by reducing conversion friction and engaging potential buyers more effectively. By adhering to best practices and leveraging these technologies, marketers can achieve higher conversion rates, optimize ad spend, and drive growth in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

Additionally, integrating these strategies with insightful Google search tips can further refine your approach, ensuring that your ads not only reach the right audience but also deliver compelling, action-driving messages that resonate with potential customers.

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