Salesforce AWS S3 Integration | How to integrate Salesforce with AWS S3?

By Snigdha | Last Updated on July 11th, 2024 11:42 am

Data is gold. A statement that is quickly turning into a time-tested cliche. As a business owner, it is important to manage and store your sales and customer data securely while being easily accessible. While Salesforce is the market leader in CRM platforms, a substantial number of files and attachments are generated and automatically stored in the primary file storage. Not only is it cumbersome, but has strong limitations as the primary Salesforce file storage. Buying extra storage from Salesforce is especially pricy and may not be a viable option for everyone. As a solution to the space and file management issues on Salesforce, Appy Pie Connect offers Salesforce AWS S3 integrations. Ahead in the post, I have talked about both the applications in fair detail, the advantages of Salesforce Amazon S3 integration, and the process to set up Salesforce to Amazon S3 integration.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a leading Customer Relationship Management platform. The platform lets all the teams within your organization, including marketing, IT, sales, finance, operations, and others, work more cohesively from anywhere in the world and cater to your customers anywhere in the world. This cloud-based software helps businesses establish and maintain strong relationships with customers, find viable prospects, convert and close deals, and satisfy customers with great service.

Top Salesforce Integrations

Boost your Salesforce capabilities with Appy Pie Connect's top-notch integrations in Salesforce! Unlock the true potential of your CRM by seamlessly connecting it with a plethora of powerful apps. Explore our comprehensive Salesforce integrations list and discover how to effortlessly integrate and automate workflows for enhanced productivity and efficiency.

What is Amazon S3?

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is one of the most popular cloud-based storage platforms that offers scalable and secure storage for all your files. AWS S3 is specifically designed to deal with large amounts of data and has built-in capabilities to support numerous storage and access functions like archiving, backup and restore, disaster recovery, and data lakes, among other things.

Top Amazon S3 Integrations

Maximize the potential of Amazon S3 with Appy Pie Connect's top Amazon Web Services S3 integrations! Seamlessly integrate Amazon S3 with a variety of powerful apps to supercharge your data storage and management capabilities. Explore our curated list of Amazon S3 integrations and unlock new levels of efficiency and flexibility in handling your valuable data.

  • Integrate Amazon S3 with ChatGPT so that whenever you add or update a file in a specific S3 bucket, a completion is automatically created for the provided prompt and parameters on ChatGPT.
  • Connect Amazon S3 with SharePoint so that whenever you add or update a file in a specific S3 bucket, a new item is created automatically in a list on SharePoint.

Benefits of Salesforce S3 integration

As a highly sought-after CRM platform, Salesforce does have provisions for data storage, but it is cumbersome and uses space inefficiently. As you set up Salesforce Amazon S3 integration, you can overcome this inherent issue with Salesforce and benefit from this Salesforce integration in numerous ways. Let’s take a look at some of the prominent ones:

  • Evolved Data Management

    Data collected from customers on Salesforce, when transferred to S3 is managed a lot more efficiently. As you store data from Salesforce and other channels on an S3 data lake, it is a lot easier to integrate all the data in one unified space for more efficient analytics and use it in other applications.
  • Better security

    S3 offers businesses the benefit of AWS’s security features like data encryption and data replication making it reliable for businesses that handle a lot of customer data and need to keep it safe and secure.
  • Lower costs

    Businesses that use Salesforce and have a big number of customers can also enjoy a reduction in cost if they move their data from Salesforce to Amazon S3. If you were to store all your data in Salesforce by archiving your data or increasing your storage limits, it will become way more expensive while still being cumbersome.
  • Greater scalability

    AWS S3 is highly scalable and lets you store and access data at any time from anywhere in the world. This ability allows businesses to adapt to changing business needs and growth and also supports projects that involve massive data management.
  • Better analytics & reporting

    Salesforce Amazon S3 integrations allow Salesforce to analyze and visualize the data stored on your Amazon S3 data lake to get deep insights into customers and operations and thus make data-driven and better-informed business decisions.
  • Enhanced communication & collaboration

    Ideally in a Salesforce AWS S3 integration, S3 stores and manages all data files and Salesforce lets users share and access these files which makes collaboration way more effective and communication smooth and seamless.

How to set up Salesforce AWS S3 integration?

Now we move on to the more interesting part of the entire blog. Let’s learn how to set up Salesforce S3 integration. Step 1: Go to the Appy Pie Connect website and sign up or log in if you already have an account on the platform.Step 2: Choose Salesforce as a trigger app and authenticate it on Appy Pie Connect.Step 3: Select a desired “Trigger” from the list of triggers available on the platform.Step 4: Now, choose Amazon S3 as the action app and authenticate it on the platform.Step 5: From the list of actions available on the platform choose the “Action” you want.Step 6: Now, select the data that you want to send from Salesforce to Amazon S3.Step 7: That’s it! Your Connect is ready for use. It's time to start enjoying the benefits of workflow automation.


In conclusion, integrating Salesforce with AWS S3 provides a powerful and efficient solution for managing and storing large volumes of data. By seamlessly connecting these two platforms, businesses can enhance their data-driven decision-making processes, streamline workflows, and boost overall productivity. Leveraging AWS S3's scalable and secure cloud storage capabilities alongside Salesforce's robust CRM functionalities opens up endless possibilities for data storage, sharing, and analysis. The seamless integration ensures real-time access to critical information, fostering a deeper understanding of customers and empowering businesses to deliver personalized experiences. Embracing this integration is a strategic move that equips organizations with the tools they need to thrive in today's data-driven landscape.

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