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Importance of Workflow Automation for Businesses in 2023

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on July 25th, 2024 6:30 am | 5-min tread

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower- Steve JobsA startup is all about turning imagination into innovation. It is about creating a unique product or service and bringing it to the market. Technically, the startup is a young company founded by a few enthusiasts or what we called entrepreneurs having a passion to work on a common idea. Besides the tight finances, the majority of startups face trouble in managing their workflows initially.*

Management of every workflow within a restricted budget proves as the sore throat for startups. On the contrary, automating a few workflows can be worth the investment for them. In this blog, we are going to discuss some of the major areas where workflow automation can help startups to do more with their limited resources. Before proceeding ahead, let us learn why startups need workflow automation and how it impacts the ROI of startups.Workflow Automation - Appy Pie

What is Workflow Automation?

Workflow automation is automating repetitive actions or workflows in the business process. It is the process to minimalize the human intervention and increase the efficiency of workflow. You can compare the workflow automation with Domino blocks. Once the first block is tapped, other blocks effortlessly fall in a harmonious pattern. Similarly, once the preset condition of any automated business process is triggered, work will be automatically done after the trigger. Workflow can be automated in the majority of business processes that can help in establishing better communication, saving time and money, reducing human error, and increasing overall productivity. It can turn the feeling of startup founders, “How should we make our daily tasks less chaotic” to “Our daily tasks can be managed on their own, let's strategize to increase our revenues.” Workflow automation is all that a startup requires so that entrepreneurs can do less and think more.

Why Workflow Automation is Important for Startups?

The benefits of workflow automation cannot be ignored by startups. Automating the various repetitive workflows can save hours and hours of the people working in startups. Also, it can reduce the chances of human errors and help in completing the specific task in less time. Workflow automation can prove to be highly beneficial for startups. Let us discuss some of the major benefits.

  1. Efficiency and Productivity
  2. Boosting productivity and increasing the efficiency of employees are major challenges for startups. Without increasing the headcount, startups can increase the efficiency of their team members by automating various tasks like updating the mailing list whenever a new subscriber chips in. Workflow automation tools can also help in the completion of work within a short span of time.

  3. Accuracy
  4. There is always a scope of human error in the workplace, especially in startups. Keeping an eye on every workflow might be difficult for entrepreneurs. Workflow automation software can offer a helping hand to startups. It can help in reducing human intervention, thereby lessen the chances of manual errors.

  5. Data Security
  6. Irrespective of honest employees, secured business servers, and effective antiviruses, startups have concerns related to data security. In this era when data is oil, workflow automation can help startups in securing the data. By automation and consolidation of cybersecurity tools, startups can ensure data security.

  7. Accountability
  8. For every entrepreneur, keeping track of team members’ accountability is necessary. It might prove challenging at times for a startup. To hold each team member accountable, startups can automate and define the business processes. Workflow automation can help in easily identifying bottlenecks and ensuring that the business processes are running smoothly.

  9. Satisfaction Levels
  10. Every startup faces the challenge to keep both its customers and employees satisfied at the same time. To ensure customer and employee satisfaction, various workflows can be automated. It can help in reducing waiting times for customers and demonstrating employees’ productivity.
There are many benefits of automating business processes. Any startup can easily integrate two business software and automate the workflows to increase productivity.

How Workflow Automation Can Benefit Startups?

The majority of the routine tasks of a startup can be automated with the help of workflow automation platforms. One can easily turn hard work into smart work with these platforms. Let us discuss in detail how workflow automation platforms can benefit startups by automating their daily tasks. Some of the major domains where workflow automation can turn the tables for a start-up are mentioned below.

  1. Maintaining Communication Network
  2. For effective business processes, there is a need to establish the proper communication flow among the teams. Particularly in a start-up where team members are limited, each member needs to be updated with every progress. By automating various workflows, a start-up can remove the roadblocks of their internal communication network and improve the overall efficiency of the team. For instance, by integrating two of the best platforms, Microsoft Teams, and Slack, a start-up can make the conversation flow systematic.

  3. Managing Marketing Processes
  4. Keeping the track of social media posts, updating the contact list for email campaigning, bifurcating the data to analyze results of promotional campaigns, and many other tasks related to the marketing domain may seem daunting to start-ups. What if all the tasks can be automated? By introducing marketing workflow automation tools in their business processes, startups can easily manage multiple tasks. For instance, you launch a webinar on Zoom to spread the word about your startup. If you integrate Zoom with Gmail then every time you receive a mail on Gmail, it will automatically add as a new registrant on Zoom. It can save the trouble of adding each member to your webinar.

  5. Administering Finances
  6. Every start-up needs to keep a record of their finances for maintaining the growth prospects high. Many a times, tracking every payment and updating the various documents to manage finances of startup become tedious task. Workflow automation can reduce the chances of missing out on any payment detail. For instance, by integrating multiple software like Paylocity, Zenefits, Gusto Payrole, Freshbooks with Gmail, you can automate processes related to the payment process.

  7. Tracking Analytics Reports
  8. A startup can witness growth only when it analyses reports. Maintaining the reports based on various parameters, keeping track of several documents, and managing every data efficiently might cause chaos in any startup. With workflow automation, a start-up can make it easier to oversee analytics reports without missing a single entry. It can automate the entry of data in various spreadsheets as per the relevance. For instance, by integrating MailChimp with Google Sheets, whenever a new contact is added in the MailChimp list, it gets automatically updated in Google Sheets. This spreadsheet can help in further analysis.
There are many software available online to integrate the applications and automate various workflows. We would recommend you choose one of the leading software in the industry-Appy Pie Connect. It is an easy-to-use no code platform which can help you integrate over 150+ software within just a few clicks.

Summing Up

Workflow automation is the key to remain competitive in the industry. It is one of the technology innovations that can help you become a leader and stands out among the competitors. To achieve the best ROIs and continuous growth of your start-up, you must automate your workflows today. Try Appy Pie Connect now!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie