Blog Article

10 Best Kanban Apps & Software in 2024

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on March 25th, 2024 6:55 am

10 Best Kanban Apps & Software in 2024 [Top Trello Alternatives]

Kanban tools, inspired by Toyota's production system, have gained prominence across software development, project management, and diverse industries. Trello has long been the preferred choice for Kanban boards, but in upcoming year, there's a wealth of Trello alternatives offering advanced features and allowing workflow automation. In this blog post, we'll delve into the top 10 Kanban apps and software that serve as formidable Trello alternatives, providing enhanced functionalities and capabilities. Whether you're managing projects or optimizing workflows, these Kanban tools present compelling options to elevate your efficiency and productivity.

The Best Kanban Board Apps & Software

  1. Jira Software
  2. Azure DevOps
  3. Kanban Tool
  4. ClickUp
  5. Asana
  6. Podio
  7. KanbanFlow
  8. Microsoft Planner
  9. MeisterTask
  10. Wrike

Comparison of the Best Kanban Apps

Kanban Board App/Software Customization Integration Collaboration Analytics
Jira Software High Excellent Strong Robust
Azure DevOps High Strong Effective Comprehensive
Kanban Tool High Versatile Moderate Solid
ClickUp High Wide Range Strong Comprehensive
Asana High Varied Effective Basic
Podio High Extensive Effective Moderate
KanbanFlow Moderate Limited Basic Basic
Microsoft Planner Moderate Strong Effective Limited
MeisterTask High Varied Effective Limited
Wrike High Wide Range Strong Comprehensive

Jira Software

Jira Software stands as a cornerstone among project management and issue tracking tools, particularly revered within the software development community. Its reputation is largely attributed to its robust Kanban board feature, which empowers teams to not only visualize but also effectively manage their tasks and projects. Within the Jira Software ecosystem, users have the flexibility to craft customized workflows, prioritize tasks, and closely monitor progress through real-time analytics. Furthermore, the seamless integration with other Atlassian products enriches its capabilities, rendering it a comprehensive solution for agile project management. In essence, Jira Software's suite of features and integrations positions it as a key player in streamlining software development processes and optimizing team productivity.

Azure DevOps

Microsoft's Azure DevOps is a formidable tool for teams that embrace the Kanban methodology. It encompasses a diverse array of features, such as comprehensive work item tracking, efficient backlog management, and robust release management. Azure DevOps distinguishes itself with a highly adaptable Kanban board, empowering teams to finely tune their workflows, fostering real-time collaboration, and providing invaluable insights into project advancement. Furthermore, Azure DevOps integrations with Azure services and the Visual Studio IDE elevates its appeal, positioning it as a preferred choice for development teams. In essence, Azure DevOps is a multifaceted solution that harmoniously melds Kanban principles with Microsoft's ecosystem to enhance project management and drive productivity within software development endeavors.

Kanban Tool

Kanban Tool stands out as a specialized Kanban app solution, purpose-built to empower teams in visualizing and optimizing their workflows. One of its key strengths lies in its provision of highly customizable boards, swimlanes, and pre-designed card templates. Beyond visual organization, Kanban Tool facilitates automation of tasks, enabling teams to enhance efficiency. Additionally, it empowers users to set Work-in-Progress (WIP) limits, a vital aspect of workflow management. The platform also excels in providing in-depth performance metric analysis, empowering teams with data-driven insights. Furthermore, Kanban Tool's integration with widely-used third-party tools like Trello, Slack, and Google Drive enhances its adaptability, making it a versatile solution suitable for a diverse range of industries and needs.


ClickUp emerges as a comprehensive project management platform with the added advantage of an integrated Kanban board feature. It distinguishes itself through its versatility by offering a spectrum of customizable views, encompassing List, Board, and Calendar formats. ClickUp's Kanban boards stand out for their adaptability, catering to a diverse range of workflows, spanning software development, marketing, and team-oriented projects. This adaptability positions ClickUp as an inclusive solution for teams across industries. Additionally, ClickUp provides indispensable tools for enhanced productivity, including time tracking, document sharing, and task automation features. In sum, ClickUp's multifunctional capabilities, coupled with its Kanban functionality, make it a compelling choice for efficient project management and workflow optimization.


Asana has cemented its reputation as a favored project management tool, lauded for its adaptability and user-friendly interface. While not solely dedicated to Kanban methodology, Asana thoughtfully incorporates Kanban board views into its feature set. Asana's Kanban boards prove highly effective for overseeing tasks, projects, and workloads, enhancing versatility across teams of varying sizes and industries. Noteworthy attributes of Asana's Kanban boards include customizable columns, due date management, and dependency tracking capabilities. These features collectively and Asana integrations make Asana an all-encompassing solution for seamless project and task management, accommodating the diverse needs of teams across the professional landscape.


Podio, under the umbrella of Citrix, stands out as a dynamic collaboration platform, empowering teams to construct customized workspaces and applications tailored to their unique requirements. Within its versatile toolkit, Podio presents a dedicated Kanban app that can be finely tuned to suit specific needs. This is free Kanban app supports a rich array of features, including the incorporation of custom fields, attachments, and comments, facilitating efficient management of tasks, projects, and processes. Moreover, Podio's integration capabilities extend to widely-used platforms such as Google Workspace, Dropbox, and Salesforce, further enhancing its adaptability and utility as a collaboration hub for diverse teams and industries.


KanbanFlow distinguishes itself as an uncomplicated and user-centric Kanban tool, prioritizing the visualization of work and the improvement of productivity. It offers a seamless drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the creation and management of tasks on boards that can be tailored to your specific needs. KanbanFlow goes beyond basic Kanban functionality by incorporating valuable features such as time tracking, integration with the Pomodoro technique timer, and an in-built analytics dashboard. These components empower teams to gain in-depth insights into their performance. This tool is particularly well-suited for small to medium-sized teams in search of an easy-to-navigate and straightforward Kanban solution that focuses on enhancing workflow efficiency.

Microsoft Planner

Microsoft Planner is an integral component of the Microsoft 365 suite, extending its capabilities to encompass a Kanban-style task management feature. This offering is particularly advantageous for teams entrenched within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Planner furnishes user-friendly task boards, simplifying task management, along with features like file attachments. It seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft tools such as Teams and Outlook, streamlining collaboration and communication. While it may not boast the extensive feature set of dedicated Kanban tools, Microsoft Planner proves to be a pragmatic choice for organizations that have already embraced Microsoft's ecosystem, providing a convenient and familiar option for efficient task management and team coordination.


MeisterTask stands as a collaborative task and project management tool centered around a Kanban board, making it an ideal choice for teams seeking an intuitive and visually engaging solution for task management. Its interface simplifies the complexities of managing tasks and projects, promoting efficiency and clarity. MeisterTask elevates team productivity through the creation of automated workflows, enabled by customizable task fields and time tracking features. Moreover, its seamless integration with third-party apps like Slack and Google Drive enhances collaboration and extends functionality. MeisterTask is particularly well-suited for teams in search of a user-friendly Kanban integrations that doesn't compromise on functionality, making it a valuable asset for streamlined project management.


Wrike emerges is one of the leading project management and collaboration platforms that offers a wide range of project visualization preferences, including the inclusion of a Kanban board view. Within Wrike's suite of offerings, its Kanban boards deliver a seamless drag-and-drop task management experience, accompanied by customizable columns that adapt to unique workflows. Real-time collaboration features foster efficient teamwork and communication. Moreover, Wrike's strength lies in its extensive integration capabilities, allowing it to seamlessly connect with an array of tools, including Salesforce, Google Workspace, and Adobe Creative Cloud. This integration prowess positions Wrike as a powerful choice for teams with multifaceted needs, solidifying its role as a comprehensive solution for project management and collaboration.

How to Choose the Best Kanban Apps & Software

Choosing the best Kanban app or software for your needs involves understanding what makes a good tool and how it aligns with your specific requirements. Here's a guide on how to select the right Kanban app or software:

  • Assess Your Needs and Goals: Start by understanding the size of your team and the complexity of your projects. A small team working on straightforward tasks might need a simpler tool, while larger teams with complex projects may require software with more advanced features.
  • Look for Essential Features: A good Kanban app should offer the basics like customizable boards, cards, and columns. Advanced features might include automation, analytics, and integration with other tools.
  • User Interface and Experience: The app should be intuitive and easy to use. A cluttered or confusing interface can hinder productivity.
  • Collaboration Capabilities: Consider how well the app supports team collaboration. Features like commenting, task assignments, and real-time updates are important.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Check if the app can integrate with other tools your team uses like email, calendar, or file storage services.
  • Scalability: The software should be able to grow with your team. Look for apps that can handle an increasing number of projects and users.
  • Security and Reliability: Ensure the app has reliable uptime and offers robust security features to protect your data.
  • Pricing and Budget: Compare pricing plans and check if they fit within your budget. Some apps offer free versions with basic features, which might be sufficient for small teams or simple projects.
  • Read Reviews and Testimonials: Look for feedback from other users. Reviews can provide insights into the pros and cons of different apps.
  • Trial Periods and Demos: Take advantage of trial periods or request demos. This allows you to test the app's features and usability before making a decision.
  • Customer Support: Good customer support can be crucial, especially when you're getting started or encounter issues. Check the availability and responsiveness of the support team.


Selecting the right Kanban app oSelecting the right Kanban app or software is a critical decision that directly influences your team's productivity and workflow efficiency. When making your choice, it's essential to assess factors like team size, project complexity, and specific requirements. Key features to look for include customization, integration capabilities, user-friendly interface, robust collaboration tools, and particularly, workflow automation and app integration. These features are pivotal in streamlining processes and enhancing team coordination. Additionally, consider the scalability, security, and reliability of the software, and ensure it aligns with your budget. Leveraging user reviews and trial periods or demos can offer practical insights into the software's functionality and user experience. Ultimately, the ideal Kanban tool should not only fulfill your current needs but also be capable of evolving and scaling with your team in the long run, integrating seamlessly into your workflow and existing software ecosystem.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie