Best Color for Resume Stand Out From The Crowd

Best Color for Resume: Stand Out From The Crowd

By Sambodhi | Last Updated on July 25th, 2024 2:02 pm

In today's competitive job market, it's crucial to make your resume stand out from the crowd. One effective way to achieve this is by strategically incorporating color into your resume design. By carefully selecting the best color for resume and crafting the best color scheme for your resume, you can draw attention to your career highlights and make a memorable impression on hiring managers. In this guide, we'll explore how to use color strategically to emphasize your accomplishments and create a visually appealing resume.

We’ll even discuss common questions like what color is best for resume, should a resume be colorful. By the end of this blog you’ll know a lot about resume and can definitely be benefitted by this. Appy Pie offers so many different resume templates which you can use to make your resume just the best.

  • resume templates
  • resume templates
  • resume templates
  • resume templates

Using Color Strategically in Your Resume

using color

In the competitive job market, it's essential to consider what color is best for your resume. Instead of using color indiscriminately, think strategically about where to incorporate it for maximum impact. Experiment with different color schemes to find the best color palette for resume design.

Building Hierarchy with Color

building hierarchy
  • To create hierarchy and structure in your resume layout, utilize a resume builder to effectively incorporate color. Distinguish between sections or categories by using different shades or tones. For example, differentiate main headings with a darker shade of color and subheadings with a lighter shade for clarity.

Achieve a Cohesive and Polished Resume

achieve a cohesive & polished resume
  • Consider whether your resume should be colorful or if opting for a monochromatic color scheme would be better. Choosing one dominant color and using different shades or tones of that color throughout your resume can create a cohesive and polished look.

  • Incorporating these color strategies can greatly enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of your resume. Also, you can try Resume Maker tools in order to create professional looking resumes seamlessly that stand out. Remember, your resume is your first impression, so make it count with a well-designed and strategically made layout.

Design a Professional Resume with Color Accents & Readable Fonts: Black & White Power

design a professional resume with color accents & readable fonts
  • Utilize a combination of black and white with strategic pops of color to create a professional and visually appealing design.

  • Use color sparingly to highlight key sections of your resume, such as your name, headings, or important achievements.

Font Color Selection

font color selection
  • Select font colors that contrast well with your background and are easy to read, especially in black and white.

  • Stick to neutral or dark colors for text to ensure clarity and legibility.

Font Style Matters

font style matters
  • Use clear and professional fonts that are easy to read, even at smaller sizes.

  • Avoid overly decorative or unconventional fonts that may distract from your content.

Don’t forget to utilize tools like AI Font Generator to experiment with various combinations and find the best font for your resume header

Stand Out in Your First Job Search: Targeted Resume

stand out in your first job

Customize your color choices to suit the expectations of your target industry. While creative fields may welcome more colorful resumes, traditional industries may prefer understated designs.

  • When considering the best font color for a resume, take into account the industry standards and preferences.

  • Adapting your resume to match industry expectations,- demonstrates professionalism and increases your chances of making a favorable impression.

  • Worried? Fresher, right? Get amazing ideas by reading how to make resume for first job?

  • Remember When crafting your resume for your first job, it's essential to pay attention to every detail, including the font color.

  • Opt for the one that is professional and easy to read, such as black or dark gray, to ensure clarity and legibility.

  • By following industry guidelines and choosing AI Design Tools like resume maker, you can create a resume that effectively showcases your skills and qualifications, setting you up for success in your job search journey.

Use Color Psychology & Design to Craft a Powerful Resume

use color psychology & design to craft a powerful resume
  • Consider the psychological effects of color when selecting hues for your resume. Blue conveys trust and reliability, green symbolizes growth and ambition, and red signifies passion and energy. Incorporating these colors strategically can subtly influence the reader's perception of your resume. Applying color psychology principles can help evoke the desired response from recruiters or hiring managers.

  • In essence, by carefully considering the best font for resume, along with appropriate font styles and resume designs templates, you can create a visually appealing and impactful document that effectively communicates your qualifications and experiences.

  • Remember, your resume is your first impression, so make it count by utilizing the power of color and design effectively.

Choose a Color Scheme

choose a color scheme
  • Take time to choose a cohesive color scheme that reflects your personal brand and industry norms.

  • Experiment with different color combinations using tools like Appy Pie's Color Wheel.

Keep it Professional

keep it professional
  • Maintain a professional appearance by avoiding overly bright or gaudy colors.

  • Stick to muted or subdued tones that compliment your overall design and enhance readability.

  • When pondering what a resume looks like, consider employing the best resume words to make it stand out. Best resume words can be categorized into two main areas: Action words & Power words. Action words showcase the impact you made in previous roles and highlight your skills and abilities. Power words add emphasis and impact to your descriptions.

Highlight Achievements

highlight achievements
  • Use color to draw attention to career achievements, awards, or milestones.

  • Differentiate bullet points or text with a different color or shading to emphasize qualifications.

  • Ensure it aligns with standard resume sizes.

Design a Stand-Out Resume: Color, Layouts, Branding & More

design a stand out resume
  • Use color strategically to create visual interest and break up large blocks of text.

  • Experiment with different color accents or backgrounds to create a visually engaging design.

  • Explore our library of professionally designed Templates to find the perfect layout for showcasing your skills and experience.

Create a Custom Letterhead

custom letterhead
  • Add a professional touch to your resume by creating a custom letterhead with Appy Pie’s letterhead maker.

  • Incorporate your name, contact information, and relevant logos or graphics using color to enhance branding.

Compatibility and Readability

compatibility & readability
  • Test your resume design for compatibility across different devices and platforms.

  • Check how your resume appears in both color and black and white formats to ensure optimal readability.

  • Once your resume is ready, don't forget to add resume to LinkedIn to broaden your professional network.


Incorporating color strategically into your resume can help to emphasize your career highlights and create a visually appealing design that captures attention. By combining color with black and white, using it strategically to build hierarchy, and choosing a cohesive color scheme, you can create a standout resume that makes a lasting impression on recruiters and hiring managers. Experiment with different color palettes, fonts, and layouts to find the perfect combination that reflects your personal brand and professional identity.

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