Best Fonts for Resume - Featured Image - Appy Pie Design

30 Best & Worst Resume Fonts for Job Seekers in 2024

By Snigdha | Last Updated on June 11th, 2024 11:59 am

Your resume is often your first impression of a potential employer, making it crucial to present yourself in the best light possible. One often overlooked aspect of resume design is the choice of fonts. In this digital age, where the visual impact of a document can significantly influence decision-makers, the fonts you use can make or break your chances of landing that dream job. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of resume fonts, list the best fonts for your resume, explain how to choose the right fonts, and introduce you to Appy Pie's AI Font Generator and AI Resume Maker to help you create a standout resume.

Why are Resume Fonts Important?

Before delving into the best fonts for resumes, let's understand why choosing the right font is crucial for a successful job application. The choice of font affects the readability and overall impression of your resume. Here are a few reasons why resume fonts matter:
  • Professionalism: The right font conveys professionalism and seriousness. It reflects your attention to detail and your commitment to the job application process.
  • Readability: Some fonts are easier to read than others. A well-chosen font ensures that your resume is easy to skim through, making it more likely to be read in full.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Fonts can help your resume stand out and make it visually appealing. A well-designed resume can catch the eye of the recruiter.
  • Consistency: A consistent font choice throughout your resume helps maintain a clean and professional look.
Now that you understand why fonts are essential for your resume, let's explore the 20 best resume fonts and 10 worst fonts for resume before deciding what font should a resume be in.

20 Best Resume Fonts for Jobseekers

As we list out the 20 best fonts for resume, we are offering you a guide on deciding what is the best font for a resume.

  1. Arial
  2. Best Resume Fonts - Arial - Appy Pie DesignArial is a simple and clean sans-serif font and a good font for resume. It's a versatile choice, often used in professional documents due to its readability and modern appearance. Arial's straightforward design conveys a sense of clarity and professionalism, making it suitable for various industries.Why Choose This Font: Arial is a safe choice for resumes. Its clean lines and simplicity make it easy to read and suitable for a wide range of industries.

  3. Times New Roman
  4. Good Resume Font - Times New Roman - Appy Pie DesignTimes New Roman font style is a classic serif font known for its timeless elegance and readability and is one of the good resume fonts. With its traditional and formal appearance, it's a popular choice in industries like law, academia, and finance, where a conservative and professional image is essential.Why Choose This Font: It's a trusted choice for traditional industries like law, academia, and finance. The serifs add a touch of sophistication, making it one of the good fonts for resumes.

  5. Calibri
  6. Good Fonts for Resume - Calibri - Appy Pie DesignCalibri is a contemporary sans-serif font that exudes a modern and professional vibe. Its clean lines and readability make it a suitable choice for a wide range of industries, providing a fresh and uncluttered look to your resume. It is often deemed as the best font to use for resume.Why Choose This Font: Calibri is a good choice for a wide range of industries, particularly those that value a modern and professional look.

  7. Garamond
  8. Best Fonts for Resume - Garamond - Appy Pie DesignGaramond is an elegant serif font with a classic and timeless aesthetic. Its high readability and sophisticated appearance make it the best font for CV in creative or artistic fields where a touch of refinement is desired.Why Choose This Font: Garamond is a great option for those in creative or artistic fields, as it adds a touch of sophistication to your resume.

  9. Helvetica
  10. Professional Font for Resume - Helvetica - Appy Pie DesignHelvetica is a widely recognized sans-serif font known for its simplicity and clarity. This minimalist font is ideal for design and tech-related industries, projecting a clean and modern image.Why Choose This Font: It's an excellent choice for a minimalist, modern, and clean look. Ideal for design and tech-related industries.

  11. Cambria
  12. Good Resume Font - Cambria - Appy Pie DesignCambria font is a serif font designed for readability and a classic look. It's often chosen for traditional industries like law and finance, adding an air of trustworthiness and professionalism to your resume.Why Choose This Font: It's a solid choice for traditional industries like law and finance, ensuring your resume looks professional and trustworthy.

  13. Verdana
  14. Best Professional Resume Font - Verdana - Appy Pie DesignVerdana is a highly legible sans-serif font with a modern appearance. It offers a clean and fresh look, making it a solid choice for various industries that value a contemporary design.Why Choose This Font: Verdana is an excellent choice for those looking for a clean and modern appearance, suitable for various industries.

  15. Georgia
  16. Best CV Font - Georgia - Appy Pie DesignGeorgia is a serif font that combines elegance with readability. Its stylish look is an ideal choice for creative or communication-related fields, adding a touch of personality to your resume.Why Choose This Font: Georgia is a strong choice for those in creative or communication-related fields, adding a touch of personality to your resume.

  17. Avenir
  18. Best Font for CV - Avenir - Appy Pie DesignAvenir is a sleek and modern sans-serif font. Its professional appearance is well-suited for technology, design, and creative industries, projecting a contemporary and sophisticated image.Why Choose This Font: Avenir is a great choice for technology, design, and creative industries, projecting a contemporary and sleek image.

  19. Trebuchet MS
  20. Professional CV Font - Trebuchet MS - Appy Pie DesignTrebuchet MS is a unique sans-serif font with a modern appearance. It adds an individual touch to your resume, making it an excellent choice for creative roles and tech industries.Why Choose This Font: It's an excellent option for creative roles and tech industries, adding a touch of individuality to your resume.

  21. Lato
  22. Best Resume Fonts - Lato - Appy Pie DesignLato is a sans-serif font that combines simplicity and readability. It offers a fresh and contemporary look, suitable for a wide range of industries.Why Choose This Font: Lato offers a contemporary, fresh look suitable for a wide range of industries.

  23. Century Gothic
  24. Traditional Resume Fonts - Century Gothic - Appy Pie DesignCentury Gothic is a clean sans-serif font with a timeless appeal, providing a minimalist, professional look ideal for various fields. It’s safe to say that it is among the most professional fonts for resume.Why Choose This Font: It's an excellent choice for a minimalist, professional look and is well-suited for various fields.

  25. Didot
  26. Best Resume Fonts - Didot - Appy Pie DesignDidot is an elegant serif font with a high-contrast style. It adds sophistication and is ideal for creative or fashion-related industries.Why Choose This Font: Didot adds a touch of sophistication and is ideal for creative or fashion-related industries.

  27. Book Antiqua
  28. Professional Resume Fonts - Book Antiqua - Appy Pie DesignBook Antiqua is a classic serif font with a traditional and timeless appearance. Its elegance makes it a reliable choice for fields that value a classic and refined style.Why Choose This Font: It's a reliable choice for fields where a traditional and elegant style is valued.

  29. Palatino
  30. Good CV Fonts - Palatino - Appy Pie DesignPalatino is a serif font with a classic, timeless appeal. Its elegant design is suitable for industries that value a touch of refinement, such as law and academia.Why Choose This Font: Palatino's elegant look is ideal for industries that value a touch of refinement, such as law and academia.

  31. Futura
  32. Good Font for Resume CV - Futura - Appy Pie DesignFutura is a geometric sans-serif font with a modern and clean design. It's a perfect choice for design, architecture, and technology industries, projecting a futuristic and professional image.Why Choose This Font: It's an excellent choice for design, architecture, and technology industries, projecting a futuristic and professional image.

  33. Candara
  34. Professional CV Fonts - Candara - Appy Pie DesignCandara is a modern sans-serif font known for its clarity and readability. It's a versatile choice, offering a fresh and professional look suitable for a variety of industries.Why Choose This Font: It's a versatile choice suitable for a variety of industries, offering a fresh and professional look.

  35. Myriad Pro
  36. Best Fonts for Resume - Myriad Pro - Appy Pie DesignMyriad Pro is a sleek sans-serif font with a modern appearance, making it a great choice for tech and design-related industries, providing a contemporary and professional edge.Why Choose This Font: It's an excellent choice for tech and design-related industries, giving your resume a contemporary and professional edge.

  37. Rockwell
  38. Choose Best Resume Font - Rockwell - Appy Pie DesignRockwell is a slab-serif font known for its bold and impactful appearance. It's an ideal choice for those in creative fields who want to make a bold statement with their resume.Why Choose This Font: Rockwell is ideal for those in creative fields who want to make a bold statement with their resume.

  39. Baskerville
  40. Best Fonts For Resume - Baskerville - Appy Pie DesignBaskerville is a classic serif font with an elegant, timeless design. Its sophistication is perfect for traditional and conservative industries where a touch of class is appreciated.Why Choose This Font: Baskerville is an excellent choice for traditional and conservative industries where a touch of class is appreciated.

10 Worst Resume Fonts You Should Never Use

Experience the impact of font choices in shaping your professional narrative! While the right font can elevate your resume, the wrong one can jeopardize your chances. Dive into our exploration of the 10 worst to avoid at all costs.

  1. Comic Sans MS
  2. Worst Resume Font - Comic Sans MS - Appy Pie DesignComic Sans MS is a playful, informal font with a casual appearance. Its rounded edges and quirky style make it unsuitable for professional documents.Why Not to Choose: Comic Sans MS lacks the formality and professionalism required for a resume. Its informal nature can be perceived as unserious and may harm your chances in industries where a polished image is crucial.

  3. Papyrus
  4. Best & Worst Resume Fonts - Papyrus - Appy Pie Design Papyrus is a decorative font inspired by ancient scripts, featuring irregular shapes and an artisanal feel.Why Not to Choose: Papyrus is considered overused and outdated. Its decorative nature can be distracting and may not convey the seriousness needed for a professional resume.

  5. Brush Script
  6. Worst Fonts for Resume - Brush Script - Appy Pie DesignBrush Script imitates hand-painted lettering with flowing strokes, offering a casual and artistic appearance.Why Not to Choose: Brush Script is challenging to read in smaller sizes, and its artistic style may be perceived as unprofessional. It lacks the clarity and formality required for a resume.

  7. Mistral
  8. Worst Fonts of Resume - Mistral - Appy Pie DesignMistral is a script font with a handwritten aesthetic, featuring flowing strokes and an informal vibe.Why Not to Choose: Mistral's cursive nature can make it difficult to read, and its informal style may not be suitable for professional documents. It lacks the clarity and seriousness required for a resume.

  9. Courier New
  10. Worst Resume Fonts - Courier New - Appy Pie DesignCourier New is a monospaced font with a fixed-width design, resembling typewriter text.Why Not to Choose: Courier New is outdated and lacks the modern and polished appearance needed for a resume. Its rigid structure can make your document seem old-fashioned and less visually appealing.

  11. Wingdings
  12. Worst Resume fonts - Wingdings - Appy Pie DesignWingdings is a symbol font with various icons and symbols instead of traditional letters.Why Not to Choose: Wingdings lacks readability and professionalism. Using symbols in place of standard characters can confuse ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) and may result in your resume being overlooked by automated systems.

  13. Jokerman
  14. Worst Resume Fonts - Jokerman - Appy Pie Design Jokerman is a bold and decorative font with elaborate, swirling designs.Why Not to Choose: Jokerman's elaborate and flamboyant style is not suitable for a resume. Its excessive design elements can be distracting and may convey an unprofessional image.

  15. Courier
  16. Worst Fonts for Resume - Courier - Appy Pie DesignCourier is a monospaced font with fixed-width characters, similar to Courier New.Why Not to Choose: Like Courier New, Courier is outdated and lacks a modern appearance. Its monospaced design can make your resume seem less visually appealing and may not convey a polished image.

  17. Impact
  18. Worst Fonts for Resume - Impact - Appy Pie DesignImpact is a bold, sans-serif font with thick strokes and a strong presence.Why Not to Choose: Impact is overly bold and may come across as aggressive. Its heavy design can be overwhelming and may not convey the subtlety and professionalism required for a resume.

  19. Kristen ITC
  20. Best & Worst Resume Fonts - Kristen ITC - Appy Pie DesignKristen ITC is a casual, script font with a handwritten style and uneven strokes.Why Not to Choose: Kristen ITC lacks the formality and readability needed for a resume. Its handwritten appearance can be perceived as unprofessional, potentially undermining the seriousness of your job application.
Avoiding these fonts is crucial for maintaining a polished and professional image in your resume. Opt for fonts that prioritize readability and convey a sense of formality to make a positive impression on potential employers.

How to Choose Fonts for Your Resume?

Now that you're familiar with some of the best resume fonts and why you might choose them, let's discuss how to select the right fonts for your specific needs:
  • Consider Industry: Your choice of font should align with the industry you are applying to. Traditional industries may prefer classic fonts, while creative industries can lean towards more modern or unique options.
  • Legibility: Prioritize legibility. Regardless of the font you choose, make sure it's easy to read, both on a computer screen and when printed.
  • Consistency: Maintain font consistency throughout your resume. Use one font for resume headings and another for the body text, but don't mix too many fonts, as it can create a cluttered look.
  • Personal Branding: Consider how your font choice aligns with your personal branding. If you're a designer, a more creative font might be suitable, while a finance professional might opt for a more conservative choice.
  • Test and Review: Create a draft of your resume and review it with your chosen font. Ensure that it looks clean, professional, and easy to read.

What Size Font Is Good For Resume?

The resume font size plays a crucial role in ensuring readability and making a lasting impression. Aim for a consistent font size for your resume throughout. Typically, the best font size for resume should be between 10 and 12 points. Headers may be slightly larger, around 14-16 points, to distinguish sections. Striking the right balance is key; too small, and your resume becomes hard to read, too large, and it may appear unprofessional. Find the sweet spot that maximizes legibility, creating a polished document that captivates recruiters. Remember, a well-chosen font size enhances the overall visual appeal, making your qualifications stand out with clarity and professionalism.

How to Generate Fonts Using Appy Pie's AI Font Generator?

Now, let's introduce you to Appy Pie's a href="">AI Font Generator, a tool that can help you create custom fonts for your resume, making it even more unique and personalized. Here's how to use it:
  1. Visit Appy Pie's AI Font Generator: Go to the Appy Pie website and access the AI Font Generator tool.
  2. Choose Your Style: Select the style of font you want for your resume. You can explore various options, from elegant scripts to modern sans-serifs.
  3. Customize the Font: Adjust the font parameters, such as size, weight, and style, to match your preferences and branding.
  4. Preview Your Font: Preview your customized font to see how it looks. Make any necessary adjustments until you're satisfied.
  5. Download Your Font: Once you're happy with your font, you can download it and use it in your resume.
Appy Pie's AI Font Generator allows you to create a personalized font that sets your resume apart from others, adding a unique touch to your job application.

How to Make a Resume Using Appy Pie's AI Resume Maker?

In addition to font customization, Appy Pie offers an AI Resume Maker to help you create a professional and visually appealing resume. Here's how to use it:
  1. Login to the AI Resume Maker: Visit the Appy Pie website and find the AI Resume Maker tool.
  2. Select a Template: Choose from a variety of professionally designed resume templates that suit your industry and personal style.
  3. Fill in Your Details: Enter your personal information, including contact details, work history, education, and skills.
  4. Customize Your Resume: Customize the template by selecting fonts, colors, and layout options that match your personal branding and preferences.
  5. Preview and Edit: Review your resume and make any necessary edits to ensure it's error-free and professionally presented.
  6. Download Your Resume: Once you're satisfied with your resume, download it in your preferred format (PDF, Word, etc.).
Appy Pie's AI Resume Maker simplifies the resume creation process, ensuring your document is polished and visually appealing.


Your resume is a crucial tool in your job search, and the choice of fonts can greatly impact how it's received by potential employers. It's essential to choose the right font that aligns with your industry, personal branding, and the image you want to project. Whether you opt for a classic serif, a clean sans-serif, or a unique font you created with Appy Pie's AI Font Generator, the key is to make sure your resume is professional, readable, and visually appealing. Combine this with the convenience of Appy Pie's AI Resume Maker, and you have the perfect recipe for a winning resume that will leave a lasting impression on hiring managers. Don't underestimate the power of fonts – they are a small detail that can make a big difference in your job application success. So, take the time to choose the perfect font and create an outstanding resume with Appy Pie today.

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