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How to Maximize Your Income with Amazon Affiliate Marketing?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on June 17th, 2024 2:57 pm | 6-min read
Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Amazon Affiliate Marketing is one of the fastest and most convenient ways to create an additional source of income from online sales but has the potential to become a full-time online business as well.

Amazon was a small online book retailer with a limited marketing budget. Instead of spending a huge amount on advertising, Amazon decided to pay people a commission if they recommended Amazon to their network. Amazon calculates the commission on the amount that excludes the marketing cost.

Amazon launched its affiliate marketing site with the challenge of attracting the right traffic, turning visitors into prospects, getting more clicks, and making more sales. Fortunately, it worked and is helping millions of affiliate marketers make money from home.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Wondering what Affiliate Marketing is?

In the blog further, we will talk about the Amazon Affiliate Program, Amazon Affiliate Marketing, its pros and cons, how you can promote your Amazon Affiliate Links, and how you can set up Amazon Affiliate Program to maximize your sales, and your Amazon Affiliate Income.

Amazon Affiliate (Associate) Program

In 1998, when Amazon Affiliate Program was launched, there were not many affordable ways for internet entrepreneurs to make money. The only challenge with the Amazon Associate Program was to make significant income as the program required the affiliates to sell a ton of books. At present, Amazon has extended its product line and it has become easier to generate more income using this online marketing program.

Amazon still offers relatively low payout as compared to other affiliate marketing programs. However, with a huge customer base, substantial product line, and enormous credibility, the odds are that you can make good amazon affiliate earnings by promoting your products and making money easily.

To make money with Amazon you need to research well and then move on to promote the products. Let us go through some pros and cons of becoming an Amazon Affiliate.

Pros of Becoming an Amazon Affiliate

Amazon is a highly visited website and there are multiple reasons why you should join the Amazon Associate program. Amazon is a well-known name and People trust the brand.

  • Amazon Affiliate Program is free to join.

  • Amazon offers millions of products to promote and sell.

  • There are no metrics or traffic thresholds that you need to accept to join the program.

  • Amazon offers specialized tools to help you sell certain items or a category of items.

  • Amazon offers a good reporting system for the users to analyze the number of clicks and products that have been sold.

  • Amazon offers direct deposit payments to the affiliates’ bank account.

  • Amazon provides good customer service to the consumers reducing the risk of them getting mad at you if they have any issue with the product.

  • If the visitor, on that visit, buys another product instead of the one that you recommended, you still earn a commission.

Now that you know the pros of being an Amazon affiliate, let’s talk about the cons.

Cons of Becoming an Amazon Affiliate

Everything that has a positive side, has a negative one too and the Amazon Associate Program is no exception. Here are some cons of becoming an Amazon Affiliate.

  • Amazon offers low commission rate as compared to other affiliate programs. The program offers a flat commission rate for the reward programs, such as $3 for Prime referrals, $15 for business account sign-ups, and $5 for Audible referrals.

  • Amazon website cookies only last 24-hours which means if your referral doesn’t purchase within 24 hours, you won’t get a commission. However, if they add the product to their cart, the cookie lasts 90 days.

  • Amazon affiliate links can’t be shared through emails other than the ones that include blog posts. This rule disappoints the referrers since email is an awesome way to share great offers with your readers.

  • You do not get credit for the products bought from outside the country. For example, if you have referred a product on Amazon U.S. and the user buys it from Amazon U.K. it will not work for you.

  • Amazon provides limited options such as direct deposit, Amazon gift card or cheque for making payments. PayPal, one of the most popular payment options is not supported by Amazon.

After going through the pros and cons of becoming Amazon Affiliate Marketer you can make a wise decision, and if you are looking forward to becoming one, check out how you can promote your Amazon Associate Program and Links.

Ways to Promote Your Amazon Affiliate Links

There are multiple ways that you can use to promote your Amazon Affiliate Marketing links. Let us find out the most effective ones.

  1. Blogging
  2. Blogging is the most popular way for affiliates to make money using the Amazon Associate program. Bloggers create a general topic site where they use a wide range of affiliate programs and other monetization options to make money. Making money using Amazon Associate Program on a blog can be done by-

    • Writing content for your blog or website about the products available for purchase on Amazon.
    • Writing about the best sellers.
    • Writing reviews for new products.
    • Promoting special offers in the blog post.

    In the digital era, people go online to search for buying options. Various bloggers can post blogs related to different products. For example, a food blogger can promote cooking tools, a salon site blogger can promote hair accessories and hair styling tools.

  3. Social Media
  4. You can leverage social media and share your affiliate links directly, or you can link them with your blog content. It’s important that you specify that the link is an affiliate link so that you do not annoy your followers. Social media visitors are not always in a mood to buy something, so the affiliate links should be integrated in non-sales or non-affiliated posts.

  5. YouTube Videos
  6. You can also create videos with the content and post product reviews on them. The benefit of posting videos for generating income is that you can provide tours, tutorials, and other visual content that helps consumers decide whether to buy the product or not.

    Amazon Affiliate Marketing

  7. Lead Magnet and Email
  8. Various successful affiliate marketers have an email marketing system and a basic two-page website that promote their affiliate links on autopilot and help them make passive income. They create one page as a landing page to promote a lead magnet that attracts the target audience to subscribe to the email. Once the visitors subscribe, they get sent to the second page, which provides information about the affiliate product.

    Marketers send emails to the users with product details, related helpful information, and offers for affiliate products.

  9. Add Amazon Offers to Your Existing Business
  10. You can link the amazon products offers to your other business offerings to promote your products and create an additional income stream. If you promote a product or make a sale, there are chances users get to see other related products and buy them too. This can benefit you even more.

Use the above-mentioned means and promote your Amazon products as much as you can.

How to set up your Amazon Affiliate Program

Setting yourself up as an Amazon Affiliate is simple and free. Find out how you can start with it!

  1. Visit Amazon, sign up, go for Amazon affiliate login, and fill in the forms.

  2. Read the Amazon Associate policies.

  3. Determine the products that you want to promote and sell.

  4. Decide how you will promote the product.

  5. Build traffic.

  6. Link your product with the topics on your website.

  7. Select products you want to link.

  8. Add links and linkable photos to your content.

  9. If you are writing a blog, do not forget to mention that the links are affiliate links.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Follow these steps and become the best Amazon Affiliate. Promote your products in a way that people keep their faith in you. Consumers are more likely to buy the products that you recommend. If you do not have any experience with the product, make sure you that you at least check out the reviews and read about other people’s experience with it.

How to Maximize Sales for Your Amazon Associates Account

Now that you know how you can create Amazon Affiliate Marketing Account. Let us find out what you can do to maximize your income and boost your sales.

  • Promote related products
  • When you are offering a product to the users, promote related products and try to sell them too. For example, when you go to Mc Donald’s or Burger King and order a burger, you’re asked if you want fries with that. Many products can be enhanced with accessories and work best with other products which you can promote.

  • Study the referrals buying list
  • Amazon Associate Program is unique in letting you know which products your referrals are buying and whether you referred those products or not. If the products they have bought are not added to your product list, you can go ahead and add them. Promote the product and check if they are a fit for your website or blog.

  • Monitor your analytics
  • Make better use of the reporting system that Amazon provides to the sellers and promoters. Keep a check on the number of clicks on the specific products, see what is selling and analyze other data to figure out what your market wants and is willing to pay for.


Affiliate marketing with Amazon is an excellent way of making money at home. However, it takes more than creating a website, starting a blog page, and sharing a few affiliate links. What it takes is for you to understand consumer needs, provide related information, and arrange resources to meet those needs.

In this age of internet, affiliate marketing has become an effective performance marketing strategy. Quite a few popular affiliate marketers have defined Digital Marketing as a key to their success. This goes on to show that Digital Marketing is a unique and critical factor for both individuals and marketers.

You can also become a successful Amazon Affiliate Marketer if you are serious about it. With dedication towards your objective, necessary knowledge, and the right attitude, you can make a decent amount of money.

Why don’t you start right now?

Visit Amazon and create your Amazon Affiliate Account, choose the products to sell and create your business website using Appy Pie’s Website builder and start promoting the products you choose.

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie

App Builder

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