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How to choose a profitable business niche?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on April 26th, 2023 3:22 pm | 4-min read
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In this post we are going to give you tips on finding the most profitable business niche, explore small business ideas and step by step process to choose a suitable business niche. We will also be discussing the following:

  • How to find a profitable niche?
  • What is a niche market?
  • How to choose a niche for small scale business?

Have you been asking the question – how to find a profitable niche for too long? In fact, a lot of startup business ideas do not see the day of light because the aspirants do not know how to find a good niche for their new startup ideas.

What is a niche market?

Before we start with the process, let’s first discuss what a niche market really is! A niche or a niche market is a specific or a particularly focused section of the larger market which a business can cater to and set itself apart from their competition.

How to find a good niche?

As you are exploring niche business ideas, you would see multiple profitable niches list appear in your online research. However, while you are trying to find the best niche for your business, try and avoid making one of the most common mistakes – trying to find something that no one else knows about!
startup business ideas
Someone somewhere has already chosen the best business niche and is already working in it, and probably doing pretty well there already.

It is important to find a niche, particularly if you are a small business startup with the intent to create a steady stream of revenue while establishing a loyal audience.

Finding the right business niche helps make sure that a specific group of customers choose you and your business, instead of going to the competition.

Let’s take a look at the process of finding the best business niche for you broken down into easy steps!

  1. Bank on your passion
  2. This will be the fuel that would drive your business. If you do not have a burning passion for it, even the most profitable business ideas will not take. Make a list of your interests and passion areas and take a long, hard look at it. Running a business is not an easy job and it is going to get demanding, particularly in the beginning. Hence, if you choose something you do not really care about, chances of you giving up early in the journey are pretty high!

  3. Recognize the problems you can solve
  4. You have a list of topics or passion areas in your hand now. Time to narrow it down. If you are looking for best business ideas to make money, it imperative that you recognize the problems that exist in the niche and understand whether you can solve them. This can be done by having an in-depth discussion with your target market and try and bring out the real pain points. This can also be done quite efficiently by exploring a variety of forums in your niche and follow the discussions. At this level, it might help you to conduct a S.W.O.T. analysis and further strengthen your research in determining the viability of the niche you are planning to work with.

  5. Research the competition
  6. It’s good to have competition! This means you have chosen a niche that has the potential to bring in some profits. Conduct a thorough analysis of your competitors and create a record of it all while logging in all the relevant details for comparison. Once you have this data in front of you, it is time to figure out whether you have enough opportunity to make your space in the chosen niche.

    While you are looking at the competition watch for the following:

    • Bad Content
    • While searching for competition in a particular niche, if you come across low quality content which has gaps, you have a great opportunity right in front of you. By creating good quality, detailed content you can easily outrank the competition in these areas.

    • No transparency
    • When you see the search results dominated by faceless, cold corporate players, you have an opportunity to capture the market by creating an authentic, transparent presence.

    • No paid competition
    • If the niche you are researching has promising search volumes, but few players and minimal paid advertising, you have a lucrative opportunity in front of you.

  7. Evaluate niche profitability
  8. By this time, you have a fair idea of the niche that you are getting into, even if you haven’t narrowed it down to just but one passion area on your list. It is therefore important now to evaluate the niche for the kind of money or profits it can bring for you. As you are conducting an online search for competitors, one of the following three scenarios will emerge.

    • Numerous popular sites are already ranking for your chosen niche
    • If this happens, it means that the niche you are researching may be oversaturated. The bigger players are already doing quite well in the niche and you may have trouble fighting this level of competition. It may be a better idea to find a niche that still has some scope for new entrants.

    • No sites appear for the niche you are researching
    • As a novice, this may excite you by making you feel that the niche has loads of opportunity and no one serving it. However, you must exercise caution here, as there is a possibility that there’s no market for this niche.

    • Some low quality and small sites appear in the search rankings
    • This is a promising scenario, and this is the niche you should spend some time exploring. There are some low-level players who have stumbled upon the market, but there is not a very harsh competition, giving you just enough space to find success.

  9. Test the niche
  10. After a thorough market research and zeroing in on a profitable market niche that you plan to enter, it is time to test the niche in real-time to assess whether you are on the right path. An effective way to do this is by creating a landing page to market an information based product related to your chosen niche and offer it for free. Now, you can drive traffic to this landing page to understand how much of an interest can be generated in the niche you plan to take up. Measure the traffic and the downloads for the complete picture. If you are getting great traffic but low conversions, the issue may lie with the copy not the niche.


Get feedback on your business ideas

Once you reach this part of the process, you have already done a lot of groundwork on coming up with the best startup business idea and finding a niche for it. However, it is tough to be objective about your own startup idea. This is why you must get into the shoes of your target customers or your business niche to truly understand what the ideas are worth.


Finding the best and most profitable business niche for your business may sound like a never-ending job, but when you plan it well you can take your startup idea and convert it into a flourishing business. This post will help you plan better and in a logical manner.
Multiple small business startup ideas fail to take flight, because they simply didn’t know how to find a profitable niche for their small scale business.

After going through this blog and confirming the profitability of your niche, it is time to create a fully functional Website, a blog to help you push out valuable content for your target niche, generate more traffic, and finally boost up your revenue.

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie

App Builder

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