Twitter is a social networking platform that allows its users to send and read micro-blogs of up to 280-characters known as “tweets”. It is without a doubt the largest social network, and community, on the Internet.
FuseDesk is your Help Desk and Messaging Platform for small business. Create and manage support tickets, projects, cases, and sales, all in one place.
FuseDesk IntegrationsIt's easy to connect X (formerly Twitter) + FuseDesk without coding knowledge. Start creating your own business flow.
Triggers every time the specified user likes a tweet.
Triggers every time you create a new tweet.
Triggers whenever your chosen user gets a new follower.
Triggers whenever you gain a new follower.
Triggers from mention of search term in a specific geo location.
Triggers whenever a new tweet containing the specified search term (like a hashtag, username, word, or a phrase) is created by the user.
Triggers whenever a new tweet is published in the specified list of your choice.
Triggers every time a specific user tweets.
Triggers when a new case is created in FuseDesk
A user is added to one of your lists.
Includes an image in the tweet.
Composes a tweet.
Created a new Case in FuseDesk
(30 seconds)
(10 seconds)
(30 seconds)
(10 seconds)
(2 minutes)