SendFox is an easy-to-use email marketing platform that includes a user-friendly dashboard, smart campaigns, automation series, numerous lists, landing sites, embedded forms, and more.
Scheduler by Appypie is a native tool designed for setting up recurring tasks. Schedule an action to occur daily, even specifying the desired hour. For developers familiar with the concept, this functions similarly to crontabs, cronjobs, or cron.
Scheduler By Automate IntegrationsIt's easy to connect SendFox + Scheduler By Automate without coding knowledge. Start creating your own business flow.
Lists the campaigns.
Lists the contacts.
Lists the lists.
Triggered when a contact is unsubscribed.
Activates daily at a selected hour, scheduling tasks, routines, or daily operations to run at a specified time each day.
Activates every hour, initiating scheduled tasks, recurring activities, or hourly operations at regular intervals.
Activates monthly on a selected day at a specified time, scheduling tasks, monthly routines, or periodic operations to run on a set date each month.
Creates a new list.
Unsubscribes a contact.
(30 seconds)
(10 seconds)
(30 seconds)
(10 seconds)
(2 minutes)