Data extraction tool that helps businesses extract any information from emails including order and customer details. The platform enables managers to highlight data required to extract and Parsio automatically processes all similar incoming emails.
Clicksign is an electronic document signing platform that meets the requirements of integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation of Brazilian legislation.
Clicks Sign IntegrationsIt's easy to connect Parsio + Clicks Sign without coding knowledge. Start creating your own business flow.
Triggers when a new document is parsed.
Triggers when a event or a list of events occur
Parse a document
Activate the previously created Envelope
Create a new qualifying requirement in an envelope
Request for creating documents at Clicksign via upload
Request to create the Envelope
Request to create a signatory to sign a document
Create a new requirement in an envelope
Request to trigger signer notification
(30 seconds)
(10 seconds)
(30 seconds)
(10 seconds)
(2 minutes)