Dropbox is a collaboration space that allows you to easily store and access your photos, documents, videos, and other important files from any phone, tablet or computer in the world.
Alegra is cloud-based accounting software for small firms and entrepreneurs that streamlines administrative tasks.
Alegra IntegrationsIt's easy to connect Dropbox + Alegra without coding knowledge. Start creating your own business flow.
Triggers upon addition of new files to a folder. Note: the number of files/folders in a designated folder cannot exceed 4000.
Triggers upon addition of a new folder. Ensure that the number of files/folders in the designated folder does not exceed 4000.
Triggers when a new contact is created.
Triggers when a new estimate is created in Alegra.
Triggers when a new invoice is created.
Triggers when a new product or service is created.
Generates a brand new folder at the specified path.
Generates a brand new text file from predefined plain text content.
Adds a new line to an existing text file. If the file doesn't exist, it creates the text file.
Upload an existing file or attachment up to 100 MB in size.
Crear un contacto nuevo. Creates a new contact.
Crear una nueva cotización. Creates a new estimate.
Crear una nueva factura de venta. Create a new invoice.
Create a new Invoice Payment. Crear un nuevo pago a factura.
Crear ítem en Alegra. Create a Item in Alegra.
Crear un impuesto para ítems. Create a Tax for Items.
Enviar una cotización por correo. Send an estimate via email.
Enviar una factura por email. Send an invoice by email.
Actualizar un contacto en Alegra. Update an Alegra contact from a trigger.
Actualizar un ítem en Alegra. Update an item in Alegra.
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(30 seconds)
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