Data247 is a simple, and secure on-demand data platform that provides businesses with a wide-range of data lookup services.
DNC Check returns whether a phone number exists in your internal dnc list OR in Federal Do-Not-Call list. In order to use Federal Do-Not-Call service, you need to open an account with us and then go to (the FTC's National Do Not Call Registry) and register with them.After you have registered with the FTC, you will need to specify the Area Codes that you will be calling.
Find the probable gender associated with a name.
Find phone number for your contacts. You supply names and addresses of your contacts, and it will return their phone for USA address.
Find 9-digit zipcodes for your contacts. You supply the addresses, and the api will return their zip code and other information.
Finds the name and address associated with a email id.
Takes a 5 or 9 digit zipcode, and returns the formatted address components(address, city, state etc) of that location.
Finds the name and address associated with a phone number.
Find carrier name, is wireless, email-to-SMS, and email-to-MMS gateway addresses for your wireless phone numbers. For now you can only provide US/Canada phone numbers.
Find carrier International returns carrier information for international phone numbers, including whether they are wireless or landline numbers. You must provide country code in your phone number.
Find carrier Type is similar to "Find carrier USA", but only returns a subset of the data (just the carrier type), and it works for Canadian phone numbers as well as USA without the requirement that the user subscribe to the CLNPC to get port corrected results.
Find carrier name, iswireless, email-to-SMS, and email-to-MMS gateway addresses for provided domestic US phone numbers.
Find email by address for your contacts. You supply names and addresses or their phone numbers, and it will return their email addresses.
Takes phone number as input and returns name of person behind it.
Find profile data service gives you additional information about the people on your lead list, including Financial, Interests, and/or Household data.
Takes phone number as input and returns whether it's on a list of SPAM callers.
Verify that email address is properly formatted and it is a working mailbox associated with it.
Verify that the provided phone is active or not.
It postal addresses and parses out to different address components for USA Address.