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How to Create a Live Streaming App like Twitch?

By Snigdha | Last Updated on April 27th, 2024 1:27 pm | 5-min read

Live streaming has been around for a long time, but in 2020 as the world was in the throes of a pandemic, live streaming reached new heights. In the entertainment industry, live streaming gained popularity due to the gaming industry.

In 2020, global users spent about 482.5 billion hours on live streaming apps, a 35% increase since the last year. Video as a format has gained way more popularity than text, picture, or audio content.

People are more likely to watch a live stream than read blogs or listen to podcasts. This is probably why the global video streaming market is predicted to reach $223.98 billion by 2028. These numbers are so lucrative that many small business owners and entrepreneurs are tempted to venture into the field.

However, traditional app development is not easy. It takes time, money, and skill to create an app from scratch. Unfortunately, this is not possible for everyone. This is where Appy Pie comes up as a great solution. The solution is affordable, requires no coding, and takes just a few minutes!

What is the Twitch app, and how does it work?

Twitch is a video streaming app that lets users watch and telecast pre-recorded or live videos. The platform is particularly popular in the gaming community. Gamers often use Twitch to broadcast videos, including comments. The app also lets users interact with gamers through live chat.
The app goes beyond the gaming world. Twitch hosts e-tournaments and demos for scheduled games. The app is also used as a platform for software development learning where communities stream entire programming video projects.

Top features you must add to make an app like Twitch

Twitch is often associated with the gaming community, but the streaming service has gone beyond just that niche and hosts full-fledged live events. There are several other streaming services like Twitch, but there is a reason why Twitch enjoys the position that it does. If you plan to create a live streaming app like Twitch, you must consider adding the following features.

  1. Onboarding

    Intuitive onboarding makes the entire app experience a lot more engaging. If you want to make an app like Twitch, ensure that you offer an informative onboarding experience for the new users. Explain, in simple terms, all the app features, functionalities, and navigational controls. However, do not go overboard. Limit the total number of slides and make the transitions smooth.

  2. User Registration and Login

    Let your app users register and log in to their app before they can start using it. However, it is critical to make the registration process simple without too much friction. It is a good idea to enable registration through email addresses or social media accounts. This ensures that your app users can register with just a tap or click!

  3. Video Library

    Since you are making an app that is primarily video-based, it is critical that you include rich video libraries. Let your app users browse through the entire video library and choose the content that they want to play and watch at that particular time. Make sure that the library has easy navigation and a strong search functionality.

  4. Live-streaming

    This feature lets the app users live-stream their video content through the app so that other app users can watch the content and become a part of it. Let your live-streaming feature be smooth and friction-free so that the viewing and streaming experience is exemplary.

  5. Instant Chatting

    There is a social aspect to this live streaming app. Hence, the instant chatting feature enables communication between all the app users. This feature allows direct interaction between the app users and between the app users and content creators. Using instant chats, users can easily pose queries and pass on the feedback directly and without inhibitions.

  6. Search Bar

    A functional search bar makes it easy for app users to find any video content they want to look at. This feature lets your app users quickly find relevant content.

How to create a streaming service like Twitch?

Till now, we have discussed the Twitch app in detail, how the app works, and the features you must add to create streaming services like Twitch. Now, we move on to the core question of the blog – how to create a streaming service like Twitch.

Creating an app from scratch requires heavy financial investment and months of hard work from an especially skilled team of developers. Most small businesses and startups do not have the required resources to pursue traditional app development. Appy Pie offers a no-code platform that tackles all these challenges and helps you make your own app in minutes!

  1. Give your app a name

    After giving your app a name, choose an appropriate app category, design theme, and app layout. Add your company branding by adding your brand logo.

  2. Add the appropriate features

    Consult the list of features above and add each one to your app. You can now edit the app to perfection.

  3. Test your app and go live

    Test your app on real devices and debug the app. Your app is now ready to go live on all the leading app stores.


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