Answer bot

Provide instant and precise answers automatically.

How to Create an Answer Bot in 5 Easy Steps

Follow these steps to create your own answer chatbot:


Enter your answer bot’s name

Choose a unique name to help your answer bot stand out


Select the bot type

Choose answer bot as bot type and add your brand name to make it perfect


Select answer bot personality

Select the personality you want your answer bot to have


Train and Test your bot

Add questions and answers to the bot flow ensuring that your chatbot answers the questions correctly


Launch your answer bot

Your answer bot is ready to go live. Launch it.

Benefits of Using Answer Chatbot

Answer bots can also be referred to as AI assistants. Here are the major benefits of using an AI assistant for your business.

Instant Responses

Answer bot helps businesses answer their users’ questions instantly. They go through the question asked, pick the keywords, understand the context of the question, search the keyword in the programmed project knowledgebase, and deliver the answers to the users. Although there are multiple steps in the whole process, the answer bot just takes a few seconds to finish it.


Answer bots are affordable for businesses that don’t have enough resources to answer their customers’ queries in real-time. This saves these businesses from keeping their customers waiting in a queue and spending hours or even days to get the resolution. These AI bots enable businesses to address their customers’ concerns right away and fix their issues in very little time.


Answer Bots enable businesses to keep their users engaged round the clock. They work nonstop, take up repetitive tasks, save your time, and free up your team to work on other complex issues.

Customer Support

Answer bots can be integrated with your Help and Support System to offer quick access to support articles. You can create and program a bot that answers questions and train it to chat with the customers. This helps in making the inquiry process well-organized and comprehensive.

Automated Answering

The automated answering service of answer bots helps businesses give their users accurate and relevant answers other than just giving them suggestions. These intelligent bots save your users from searching the knowledgebase articles to get a solution to their problem. People when stuck with something, they don’t care if there is a machine or a human being on the other end of the conversation, as far as they get fast resolutions, they are good.

Features of Answer Chatbot

Here are a few top features of AI chatbots to help you learn how they can be beneficial for your business.

Keyword Search

Answer chatbots read the keywords from the text that users enter in the chat window. They understand the context of the question, search for the information based on those keywords, and delivers it to the users.

Bot Personality

You can assign your answer bot a personality and humanize it as per your business requirements. This way your bot can interact with your users like a human agent and keep them engaged.

Upload Q&As URLs and Files

With this feature, you can upload links and files in your chatbot. Your answer chatbot uses these files to find answers to the users’ questions and assists them better.

Training Your Bot

Not every user comes with the same thought process. They can ask one thing in different ways or they can even mistype sometimes. You can use your smart chatbots to answer questions smartly. You can train the bot to ensure that it provides correct answers to the questions even if asked differently. Also, to train your bot, you can link your product knowledgebase articles to it. This helps your users find correct and up to date information.

How Answer bot Helps Your Users

Appy Pie offers the best chatbots to help you connect better with prospective customers and turn them into potential clients. These bots help you add your brand name to the flow and interacts with your customers just like a human agent. They help people know more about your brand and its products and keep them engaged.

The answer chatbot initiates chat with your website visitors and answers the questions asked. In case it needs more clarity, it asks the user to rephrase the question. If the user doesn’t have any alternate question, they can either simply get connected to the live agent or send their inquiry for someone from the support team to get in touch with them later.

Page reviewed by: Abhinav Girdhar  | Last Updated on February 10th, 2024 7:03 am