Call Center Software

What’s a BPO call center and what does it do?

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on May 18th, 2024 5:27 am

A business process outsourcing (BPO) call center is a company that provides call center services to other companies. It’s a dedicated call center that handles the customer service needs of other businesses. BPO companies are becoming more popular with businesses because they offer a cost-effective way to provide customer service. They also offer greater flexibility in call handling compared to in-house call centers. What is BPO meaning? BPO companies can handle customer calls around the clock and even provide customer service in different languages, which is useful for companies that want to expand their customer base. Call centers are also used to handle inbound and outbound sales calls, telemarketing calls, and surveys. Call centers may also be used for "back office" customer service and sales support.

What does a BPO call center do? BPO call centers are responsible for handling customer service inquiries and complaints, sales calls, call tracking and other customer interactions. They may also provide technical support, order processing, and other services. Businesses use call centers in various industries, including telecommunications, banking and finance, retail, and technology. A BPO call center can be either inbound or outbound. Inbound call centers receive calls from customers, while outbound call centers make calls to customers. BPO call centers may also provide customer service through email, chat, call, or social media. Types of Call Centers and Their Services Inbound Call Centers Inbound call centers are designed to handle customer service inquiries, whether they are sales related or not. Customers will call in with questions about your product or service, and your agents will be responsible for providing them with the information they need. Inbound call centers can also be used for customer support, technical support, and even appointment scheduling. Inbound call center services can include:
  • Customer service
  • Technical support
  • Order taking
  • Billing inquiries
  • Payment processing
  • Complaint resolution
  • Answer calls from inbound sales
  • Provide help desk services and technical support
Outbound Call Centers Outbound call centers are focused on making sales calls to potential or existing customers. Outbound call centers can be used for telemarketing, lead generation, and even debt collection. If you have a product or service to sell, an outbound call center can help you reach more customers and close more sales.Some outbound call center services include:
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Market research
  • Lead generation
  • Customer acquisition
  • Customer retention
  • Debt collection
  • Customer Surveys
Pros and cons of a BPO call center There are several pros and cons to consider when determining if a BPO call center is the right solution for your business. The pros of using a BPO call center include: 1. Increased flexibility – With a BPO call center, you have the flexibility to scale up or down as needed, without having to make a long-term commitment. This can be beneficial if your business experiences seasonal spikes in call volume. 2. Access to skilled labor – BPO call centers typically have a large pool of skilled workers to draw from, so you can be confident that your calls will be handled by professionals. 3. Increased Efficiency – A BPO call center can help to increase the efficiency of your company by handling customer service and support tasks on your behalf. This can free up your employees to focus on other tasks that are more important to your business. 4. Cost Savings – A BPO call center can also help you to save money on your overall operating costs. By outsourcing your customer service and support needs, you can avoid the need to hire and train additional staff members. 5. Improved Customer Satisfaction – Another benefit of using a BPO call center is that it can help to improve customer satisfaction levels. When customers have their questions and concerns addressed in a timely and professional manner, they are more likely to be satisfied with your company as a whole. 6. Increased Sales – A BPO call center can also help to increase sales for your company. By providing excellent customer service, you can encourage customers to make purchases from your business. The cons of using a BPO call center include: 1. Loss of control – When you outsource your call center to a BPO, you lose some control over the quality of service being provided. This can be mitigated by carefully selecting a reputable BPO provider. 2. Security risks – There is always a risk that sensitive customer data could be mishandled or leaked when it is outsourced to a third-party. Again, this risk can be minimized by choosing a reputable and trustworthy BPO provider. 3. Communication problems – When working with an offshore business process outsourcing company, the language barrier may turn out to be a hindrance to efficiency. Outsourcing work such as development or IT services, where a lot of people are involved, can lead to mistakes due to miscommunication. Conclusion If you recognize that your company requires a great solution that can handle all your customer support needs, then you need to look for a customer support software solution that has all the features you need. The good news is that there is an Appy Pie Desk that can help you manage your customer support team, track customer tickets and queries, and even offer useful features like live chat support.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie