An Introduction to Programming In HTML5 and CSS - Appy Pie

An Introduction to Programming In HTML5 and CSS

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on July 2nd, 2024 11:19 am | 5-min read

How do you begin programming? Unquestionably, by learning HTML and CSS. HTML (HyperText Mark-Up Language), created by Tim Berners Lee in the early 90s, was a cornerstone in the development of the internet. It has two parts – It is “hypertext” that is machine-readable. And secondly, it is “markup” that is plain text punctuated by symbols such as and for typography.An Introduction to Programming In HTML5 and CSS- Appy PieFor instance, <i>My Name</i> would read as My NameThus, if you open your browser, steer to any site, right-click and inspect element you will see something like this and that gives you an insight into what is programming like actually. <li>German sentences can make you creative </li> <li>If you're not sure if it will help in the way you want</li> Which reads as – 1. German sentences can make you creative 2. If you're not sure that it will help in the way you want There have been several versions of HTML thus far, and the latest is HTML5. When used with CSS it creates all the wonderful web pages that you come upon when you scroll. Although primary website building can be done with a WYSIWYG editor, there is often a need to customize a webpage or the entire site and theme. Understanding what is HTML and CSS is vital to front end web development. With a good understanding, you can produce a web page and site looking precisely how you want.

What is HTML5?

HTML5 is the language of the web! Here’s all you can do with HTML5. Understanding it is the best introduction to computer programming.
  • Create Web Pages

    The worldwide web is, in reality, just a set of documents that can be searched and displayed to you through browsers. At first, it was mostly documents and images. Then through Flash and later, through the use of HTML5, videos were added. If you want to work with the web in any capacity, you need to have a solid understanding of HTML5. Even the page you are reading right now is stored as HTML on a server somewhere in the world.
  • Navigation

    Whenever you read a site, you come upon the text that is marked usually in blue, which, when clicked, takes you to another page. HTML allows a website to link with another. If the pages are stand-alone, they are not accessible easily. But if you write an article and use HTML5 and a hyperlink, the reader can seamlessly travel between web pages without returning to the search engine and having to look for the info all over again.
  • Video Support

    The most significant additional feature of HTML5 over 4 is that it supports graphics. Put simply, it supports video without the need for a third-party plugin. Previously when you wanted to watch YouTube after formatting your computer, the browser prompted you to install Adobe Flash. It was notorious for being exploited by hackers. That doesn’t happen any longer. A web page can playback graphics. Remember, graphics are not only videos but also applications and page elements such as Google Map, Google Earth, 360° images, banner ads, animated emojis, and so on.
  • Mobile Web

    As of 2019, 63% of all surfing happened via mobile. HTML5 is ideal for scaling a page up or down, depending on the device and browser. Screens are no longer fixed 15 or 19 inches of CRT monitors and come in a variety of sizes (from 5 to 50 inches). With a bewildering range of aspect ratios and resolutions to manage, HTML5 is the only way to deliver a web page consistently.

What Is CSS For?

What does CSS stand for? CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) was created about five years after HTML. Whereas HTML delivers the content and the structure (Headings and subheadings), CSS that lends it a distinct style. In other words, change how the page looks by defining font, font size, color, etc.CSS is related to the aesthetic aspect and not the functional aspect of a website. Not using CSS means more extended HTML scripts and flat looking pages. You could find some examples of old website pages using WayBack Machine that show the internet before the adoption of CSS. For the past two decades, the study and use of HTML and CSS go hand in hand.

Key Concepts Of HTML

You could as well learn a little bit of HTML as an intro to programming. It is in text format which means you can open an HTML file using a text editor. Such as open Notepad and type <b>Appy Pie teaches HTML</b> and save it with the filename “HTMLISFUN.html” (without quotes or spaces) as All Files on your desktop. Click on it and it will open in browser and show Appy Pie teaches HTMLThe <b > .. </b> made it bold If you now type <h1>Appy Pie teaches HTML </h1> <h2> What is your name </h2> My name is John. <h3> Who are you </h3> I am Kate. The output will be

Appy Pie teaches HTML

What is your name

My name is John.

Who are you

I am Kate. Adding <h1> .. </h1> makes it the main heading You can nest till <h6> .. </h6> under it. If you make any mistake, don’t worry. An online free tool such as Freeformatter will instantly show that <!DOCTYPE html> is missing. What can be easier to learn or more enjoyable than learning how to create your first web page.

How To Begin Learning HTML and CSS?

The first step is to learn how to use HTML5. It would tutor you basic coding for the web. If you spend two hours daily, you would have learned a lot about HTML coding in a week. Of course, you would not be able to build a complex website but surely a simple one-page site with images and a video is possible. After the first week, begin learning CSS alongside. There are a vast number of HTML projects available. The main advantage is that HTML is supported by a community of a few million programmers. Reading through threads of resolved questions and project walkthroughs will give you an idea of how to learn HTML5 for real-life applications. By the end of the month, you would be able to build a complete website and attach it to a domain name. The use of libraries would allow you to quickly add functions. You would also have the ability to be a fully competent WordPress developer who can tweak themes and make changes to CSS as needed.

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie