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How to Create a Customizable CRM with Google Sheets?

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on June 27th, 2024 1:34 pm

In an age where data is king, managing it in a way that is both efficient and effective can set a business apart. Google Sheets has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses looking to create a customizable Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to ensure workflow automation. This versatile platform offers a wealth of features and integrations, making it possible to tailor a CRM solution that fits the unique needs of any business. Let's explore how to leverage Google Sheets integrations, Google Sheets tutorials, and functions like pivot tables, along with specific integrations with platforms like Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Zoho CRM, and HubSpot, to enhance your CRM capabilities. In addition, by incorporating workflow automation tools like Appy Pie Connect, businesses can enhance their CRM capabilities, ensuring that data management is not only more efficient but also significantly more effective in driving strategic decisions and fostering customer relationships.

Why Google Sheets for CRM?

Google Sheets provides an incredibly versatile and accessible platform for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) purposes. Its user-friendly interface allows for the efficient management of customer information, sales operations, and communication records. One of the key advantages of using Google Sheets is its real-time collaboration feature, enabling teams to simultaneously update and retrieve data from any location, fostering a highly responsive and interconnected work environment. Additionally, Google Sheets is compatible with a wide range of integrations and add-ons, which can automate and enhance various CRM tasks, such as data entry, analysis, and reporting.

This compatibility facilitates the seamless merging of external data sources and tools, enriching the CRM system's functionality and insights. Google Sheets Integrations with workflow automation tool is also cost-effective, offering a powerful solution for businesses seeking to optimize their customer relationship management without significant investment in specialized software. The platform's scalability and customization options further ensure that it can adapt to the evolving needs of a business, making it an ideal choice for startups and established enterprises alike.

Here is how to build a CRM with Google Sheets

Building a CRM in Google Sheets allows for a highly customizable and cost-effective solution to manage your customer relationships and sales pipeline. This process involves several key steps, from initial setup to integrating advanced functionalities. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Initial Setup

  • Create a New Google Sheet: Start by creating a new sheet for your CRM. This will be the central place where all your customer data will be stored.
  • Define Your Structure: Determine the types of information you need to track. Common columns include Contact Name, Email, Phone Number, Company, Role, Status (Lead, Opportunity, Customer), Last Contact Date, and Next Steps.
  • Customize Your View: Utilize the "Freeze" feature to keep key columns like Contact Name and Company always visible. Use color coding for different stages of the sales cycle for at-a-glance status updates.

Step 2: Add a Form for Data Entry

  • Create a Google Form: Use Google Forms to collect data directly into your CRM. This is ideal for lead capture or feedback collection. Link the form to your CRM sheet so responses automatically populate your database.

Step 3: Contact Management System

  • Organize Your Data: Use filters and conditional formatting in Google Sheets to manage your contacts more efficiently. Filters allow you to sort contacts, and conditional formatting can highlight key information, like leads that require follow-up.
  • Data Validation: Implement data validation rules to maintain the quality and consistency of the data entered into your CRM.

Step 4: Automate Data Entry with Integrations

  • Integrate Web Forms: Beyond Google Forms, integrate web forms from your website directly into your Google Sheets CRM using tools like Appy Pie Connect. This streamlines the process of capturing leads or inquiries from your website.
  • Email and Calendar Integration: Use add-ons or third-party tools to sync emails and calendar events related to your contacts directly into your CRM, keeping all relevant information in one place.

Step 5: Track Interactions

  • Log Interactions: Create a section or a separate tab in your Google Sheet to log interactions with contacts, such as calls, emails, meetings, and notes. This helps in maintaining a history of communications and planning follow-ups.
  • Automate Interaction Logging: Explore ways to automate logging, especially for email communications, using email integration tools that connect with Google Sheets.

Step 6: Qualify Leads

  • Use Web Scraping: Implement Google Sheets functions like IMPORTXML to scrape web data for lead qualification. This can enrich your CRM with additional information on leads, aiding in prioritization and follow-up strategies.

Step 7: Build an Outreach System

  • Email Campaigns: Utilize Google Sheets to organize and track email campaigns. Tools like Mail Merge with Google Sheets can automate personalized outreach directly from your CRM.
  • Social Media and Email Follow-Ups: Plan and monitor your social media outreach efforts and email follow-ups within Google Sheets, ensuring consistent communication across all channels.

Step 8: Sales Pipeline Management

  • Visualize Your Pipeline: Create a pipeline view within Google Sheets to track deals through various stages, from initial contact to close. Use pipeline management CRM to forecast sales and identify bottlenecks in your sales process.
  • Dashboard and Analytics: Develop a dashboard using Google Sheets’ charting features to gain insights into your sales activities, such as conversion rates, average deal size, and sales cycle length.

Step 9: Refine and Scale

  • Feedback Loop: Implement a regular review process to gather feedback from users of your CRM. Use this feedback to make iterative improvements, adding new features or refining existing ones to better meet your team's needs.
  • Scale with Apps Script: As your needs become more complex, consider developing custom interfaces or functionalities within your CRM using Google Apps Script. This can include automated alerts for follow-ups, custom calculations for scoring leads, or even integrating AI for predictive analytics.

Make Your Google Sheets More Versatile with Appy Pie Connect

Automating Google Sheets with Appy Pie Connect offers an innovative solution for businesses looking to streamline their workflows and enhance productivity. By leveraging Google Sheets Integrations, users can connect their spreadsheets with a wide array of applications, including CRM systems, marketing tools, and much more, enabling seamless data synchronization and automation of routine tasks.

For those new to this powerful tool, numerous Google Sheets tutorials are available, guiding users through the process of setting up integrations and automating tasks. These tutorials often cover a range of topics from basic functionalities to advanced features like creating pivot tables in Google Sheets, which are essential for analyzing large datasets and extracting meaningful insights.

One of the most valuable integrations is between Google Sheets and CRM platforms. For instance, integrating Google Sheets with Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows for the automatic update of customer information across both platforms. This Microsoft Dynamics CRM Integration ensures that sales teams have access to the most current data, enhancing customer relationship management and sales strategies.

Similarly, Zoho CRM integrations with Google Sheets facilitate the automatic transfer of lead, contact, and deal information between the two platforms. This synchronization helps businesses maintain up-to-date records, improve lead tracking, and execute targeted marketing campaigns more effectively.

Another notable integration is with HubSpot, where HubSpot Google Sheets integration enables marketers and sales professionals to export data from HubSpot to Google Sheets automatically. This feature is particularly useful for analyzing marketing campaign performance, tracking sales activities, and generating custom reports without manual data entry.

By automating Google Sheets with Appy Pie Connect, businesses can significantly reduce the time and effort spent on data management tasks. This automation not only ensures accuracy and timeliness of information but also allows teams to focus on more strategic activities. Whether it's managing customer relationships, analyzing sales data, or tracking marketing campaign results, Google Sheets integrations through Appy Pie Connect provide a flexible and efficient solution to meet a variety of business needs.


Leveraging Google Sheets to build a customizable CRM system offers businesses of all sizes a dynamic and cost-effective solution for managing customer relationships and sales pipelines. By incorporating forms for data capture, creating a structured contact management system, automating data entry through integrations like Appy Pie Connect, and utilizing advanced features such as pivot tables for data analysis, organizations can significantly enhance their operational efficiency. Integrating Google Sheets with CRM platforms like Microsoft Dynamics, Zoho CRM, and HubSpot further streamlines workflows, ensuring seamless data synchronization and enabling more informed strategic decisions. Embracing this approach empowers businesses to maintain a competitive edge in managing customer data and interactions effectively.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie