5 Powerful Reasons You Need to Use Video Marketing

5 Powerful Reasons Why You Need to Use Video Marketing

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on March 14th, 2024 11:06 am | 5-min read

In this day and age, a business that doesn't use video marketing is like a teenager without a smartphone: very rare. Rapid shifts in modern technology have caused the marketing landscape to evolve with it. Many people seek dynamic, engaging forms of content. Most of us have watched at least one video (likely more) at some point today. If you're on the internet, especially a social media site, videos are nearly impossible to avoid. For marketers, this is a great opportunity. Social media, blogs, websites and, of course, video streaming services themselves are ripe for video marketing and can help you reach potential clients, get better returns from existing ones and even build brand trust. Here is our ultimate guide to video marketing guide for beginner's that can help you get started without any hassles.5 Reasons You Need to Use Video MarketingYou might think it's complicated, expensive or unnecessary for your business. The truth is, any business can benefit from adding videos to its marketing strategy. Here are five powerful reasons you should use video marketing.

1. Videos Boost Sales and Conversions

Given the way businesses are continuing to embrace Video Marketing, it clearly benefits the bottom line. Past case studies have shown that using videos on landing pages can lead to significant increases in conversions, up to 80%. These results aren't specific to any industry, which reinforces the power of just changing a single factor. Videos can drive more sales, too. It doesn't matter how well a business describes its product in writing or shows it off in slick photos when an AI Video Generator tool demonstration easily trumps these two forms of media. The experience of being able to watch someone use or test a product is far more exciting to the average consumer than any other presentation. It makes perfect sense — pictures already boost sales and conversions, and videos are just a bunch of moving pictures (very stimulating ones). Receiving visual information in such a dynamic way is bound to drive up consumer activity. If you're unsure how to implement videos to boost sales and conversions, try these basic strategies:
  • Place videos near the end of your sales funnel. Getting even a few conversions or sales from a video is a huge motivator to start experimenting with different types of videos and their place in your overall video marketing strategy.
  • Start small. Signing up for every social media site you can find and spamming your videos isn't going to magically result in millions of views.
  • Don't forget mobile. Optimizing video playback for mobile devices simply can't be ignored. Smartphones are everywhere, and the amount of people viewing content on mobile devices is only going to increase.
  • Don't forget to K.I.S.S. (Keep It Short and Simple). You may be eager to show off your editing chops or brand-new DSLR camera, but this won't change the fact that the average viewer begins to lose interest after a few minutes.

2. Videos Boost Engagement

Have you ever encountered a video that piqued your interest so much you couldn't tear your eyes away from the screen? Very few people haven't. Whether they are entertaining or thought-provoking, strong visuals stir up emotions in their viewers. The best video marketers know this.Videos boost engagementA good video will capture the viewer's attention in a way that text or pictures simply can't. More importantly, we process the information we get from videos better than other media forms. People remember much more of what they watch in videos than what they read or hear. In fact, one of the best parts about video content is how easy it is to consume. Because of this, video marketing can more reliably reach even the laziest consumer who refuses to read product descriptions, reviews or testimonials. This becomes an additional benefit because they'll be more likely to purchase your product or service immediately if your ad is good and contains a CTA. What makes an engaging video? Consider using these common tactics:
  • Make your video's thumbnail interesting. Many people will view a video they otherwise had no interest in if they're curious about the thumbnail image.
  • Tell a story. While you don't want it to be too long or detailed, a good story will have the viewer thinking about what comes next, which is your chance to use a well-placed CTA to answer that question.
  • Put purpose first. If a viewer becomes confused at any point, especially after the video is over, you might be trying so hard to entertain that you watered down your message (or lost it completely).

3. Videos are SEO Friendly

When it comes to video content, YouTube is the most popular platform on the web. Luckily for marketers, it's owned by Google, and there's virtually nothing internet marketers are more used to than optimizing content for Google's web crawlers. And the same is true of some other search engines as well. Video marketing makes it easy to apply previous knowledge of SEO. Any of the SEO-friendly titles, headlines, descriptions and keywords that you'd normally use in a blog post can be used for the video's title, description and so on. Even better, Google prioritizes video content. Pages that contain videos are more than 50 times more likely to rank in the top results than content without one. More importantly, the ability of videos to "blow up" or go viral is like hitting the lotto for video marketers. They can rack up a staggering amount of traffic, backlinks and other SEO-related needs with way less effort than tactics like pitching guest posts to popular blogs. To get an extra SEO boost from your videos, use the following tips:
  • Do keyword research (again). Though YouTube is owned by Google, the two platforms operate differently. Understand the competition on both platforms. Keyword research tools like Ubersuggest come in handy.
  • Embed videos. Not only does this help your page ranking, but it also keeps visitors on your site after the video is over. No need to send visitors away.
  • Avoid clickbait. The short-term payoff may be good, but many platforms discourage this and penalize marketers who do it, hurting their rankings. It also tends to lead to a negative reputation among viewers.

4. Videos are Versatile

Videos can do more than just sell, sell, sell. As video marketing grows in popularity, businesses are coming up with increasingly creative ways to get their message across, whether it's to increase engagement, build brand trust or capture quality leads. Are you promoting a new product or service? Make a video demonstration. Do you need to explain a complicated concept in a short amount of time? Create an educational animated short. Is your business trying to build its reputation as a community leader? Film a local Event videos.Videos are versatileMost social media platforms allow video playback. While video marketing can be effective on its own, it produces even better results when combined with a broader content marketing strategy, especially since videos can contain both text and static images, which makes them ideal for repurposing existing text and images as video content. To get the best results, be sure to match the video type to your objective. Some of the most useful videos for marketing are:
  • "Explainer" videos: These videos are meant to be quick and informative, and they're good at encouraging prospective customers to act with the new information. Many are animated and feature an animated story or whiteboard background.
  • Brand videos: These are high-quality productions that focus on building brand awareness and capturing the company's mission, culture, vision, etc.
  • Product demonstrations: Instead of telling potential customers about the key features of your product or service, you can show them directly.
  • Testimonials: Showing customers successfully using your business' product or service is a classic and valuable marketing tactic.
  • Landing page videos: Putting a brief video on your landing page will catch visitors who ignore your written copy. It's best to include a call to action (CTA) at the end for this reason.
  • Event videos: If there's a popular event (e.g., a music festival, parade or conference) that's relevant to your business, you can film parts of it and edit that down to a short highlight reel with a marketing message. This lets you piggyback on the buzz around the event.

5. Videos Build Trust

An invaluable part of content marketing is building long-term relationships with customers. People love sharing videos, and that includes sharing videos from their favorite brands. Building trust through entertaining or informative videos encourages customers to seek your business out. By triggering an emotional response, you invite viewers to form a connection to your content. The value of trust-based marketing extends even further. Think about the popularity of YouTubers and other social media influencers who make videos. These elite consumers can start and carry a conversation about your product or service. If you can gain their trust, you can also gain the trust of their thousands, hundreds of thousands or sometimes millions of followers. Such an endorsement is a serious seal of approval. Moreover, in the e-commerce realm, fostering trust is a necessity. Regardless of how many advances have been made in cybersecurity and secure payment methods, many people still feel uncomfortable making purchases online, fearing scams and other types of fraud. A well-made, informal marketing video can relax them a bit and increase their confidence in making an online purchase. Consider several things when making videos to build consumer trust:
  • Target audience. Who is the typical viewer that you're trying to connect with?
  • Target emotions. What specifically do you want viewers to feel while watching the video? What should they feel when it's over?
  • Humanizing the brand. Does your video connect with viewers on a personal level through its storytelling?


The marketing world changes quickly. Widespread internet access and the popularity of social media have increasingly shifted strategies toward content marketing. In particular, video marketing is becoming a powerful tool to reach millions of potential customers, as well as maintain relationships with current ones. Though it may seem overly complicated at first, advances in technology have made video marketing an affordable option for most businesses. There are also many video marketing tools available. Businesses can boost sales, conversions and engagement with a wide range of SEO-friendly, trust-building video content. With a little knowledge, creativity and the tips in this article, any business can implement a video marketing strategy successfully.

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie