A Brief Guide to Video Marketing for businesses in 2021 - Appy Pie

A Brief Guide To Video Marketing for Businesses in 2021

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on May 30th, 2024 7:47 am | 4-min read

Video marketing includes all your efforts to reach out to customers with audiovisual content. Of course, the first television commercials back in the 50s set the tone for what was to follow for the next six decades. It was expensive, and a 30 second commercial during Super Bowl cost $5.2 million in 2018 and reached 110 million viewers.Video Marketing for businesses in 2021 - Appy Pie>The prohibitive cost of video content marketing is, however, no longer a barrier with the emergence of social media, in particular, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Here’s a helpful video that tells you about all the places where you can use your videos.

(Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.)

Benefits Of Video Marketing

Owners are often left wondering how to do online marketing to increase revenue. They release a few Facebook posts and share images on Instagram in a haphazard manner. However, the proper placement of visual content with hashtags resulting from an excellent keyword research tool can reach out to a few thousand almost instantly.
  • Improved Brand Awareness
  • The most critical task of digital marketing is broadcasting to more people about what your business creates and sells. And how their product and service can help you to improve your life. You must use video marketing coupled with a good website for proper communication of your brand value. The video below talks about product review videos that you can create or get created and improve your brand awareness.
    (Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.) People are naturally attracted to the visual medium. How many people read books? Many more watch movies. The same applies to digital marketing. No matter how many carefully written blogs you publish after thorough SEO keyword research, it is a video that impresses the new customer more. A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is probably worth a million. This is a great video that teaches you how you can use SEO to help your videos rank higher.
    (Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.) Using a professional video camera and YouTube marketing, you can broadcast a marketing campaign at nearly zero cost apart from that incurred for the production.
  • Expand Your Online Footprint
  • You may already have a fantastic website. Probably you also publish social media posts regularly and reach out to your regular clients with customized discounts via email.What else you ask. Why not diversify into video and generate a whole new audience. YouTube is not only a social media platform but a part of Google search. Type into Chrome “what is black forest cake,” and the browser will immediately throw up not only websites but also YouTube links as tiles. Do you know you can use YouTube comments to get higher conversion? Here’s a video that tells you how!
    (Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.) If someone clicks and enters YouTube, they are immediately shown related content. Thus even if your videos are not good enough to make it to Google search page, you get a second chance inside YouTube itself.
  • Video is Versatile
  • Video can be shared not only on YouTube but also on Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. You can share YouTube through Twitter. It is not that you need an entirely new narrative for each of these. The video can be planned in a way that some parts of a longer YouTube video can be snipped down to a minute, as required by TikTok and Instagram. This routinely happens with TV commercials and often a 30-45 second long advertisement is pared down to 20 second smaller edition. The demographics for YouTube are different from that of Instagram. Thus you reach out to a massive number of viewers at no extra cost. There is no possible way for blogs to have this effect. Not only that, but YouTube allows you to list as many links as you would like in description. List all of your social media accounts, blogs, online store, affiliates, and endorsements to generate traffic.

Types of Marketing Videos

There are essentially 9 types of marketing videos you can create for your business. Each type of marketing video has a different effect on your audience and can be used for different purposes. Here is a concise description of each type of marketing video:
  1. Brand Videos: These types of videos help create user awareness for your brand. They highlight your services, products and show users how they can use your product.

  2. Culture Videos: Culture videos are used to humanize your brand by showing off your company culture and the people that work within your organization. These videos help increase brand recognition and show your business in a positive light.

  3. Event Videos: Event videos are either long recorded videos/livestreams or highlights from events organized by your company/brand. These videos are created by professionals and are an excellent way to show off brand power. Apple is a great example of a brand that makes excellent event videos.

  4. Interview Videos: Interview videos are videos where special guests and high ranking employees of your company interview and talk about your industries. Interview videos are a great way to delve deeper into your company philosophy and align your brand with corporate influencers.

  5. Tutorial/How tos: Tutorial/How tos are basic videos that explain to users on how your products work and how they should be used. They help make self-service guides to existing customers and potential users.

  6. Q/A Videos: Q/A videos are similar to culture videos and you can use these videos to answer popular user questions or maybe have a little fun.

  7. Case Studies: Case studies are lengthy, carefully made videos that interview users that actively use your products. It is a great way to improve brand awareness and one of the best marketing videos you can create for your business.

  8. Webinars: Webinars are commonplace for most brands. They help create a better relationship between your organization and its clients. To learn more about webinars, you can read our guide on webinars.

  9. Announcement Videos: Announcement videos are simple videos. Announcement videos are made for important announcements, from a new feature/product to new updates. Announcement videos follow the same philosophy as brand videos.

Top Tips For Video Marketing

Are you worried that you do not understand how to do online marketing using video? Fear not and read on.
  1. Have a publishing schedule
  2. Folks on YouTube are not very demanding. They are quite kind with their comments and provide genuine feedback. But they do expect that you would maintain a regular content publication schedule. Granted that it is hard to produce video content on a consistent basis, it is still doable with little forethought. But unless you put out something regularly, you would fall behind on subscribers. Once every two weeks is a nice pace. That works out to about 25 videos a year or approximately 150 – 400 minutes depending on the content. Developing six hours of video is not a really hard task. Most regular publishers have episodes – a narrative stretched out into many chapters. If each story has 10 parts, just two stories are needed every year.
  3. Tutorials and How-To Videos
  4. This is the bread and butter of YouTube. You don’t need to give away any trade secrets. If you own a bakery, why don’t you show recipes of 20 different types of cakes and cookies? That is sure to push you up in recommended videos, get you likes, and your website would be visited by thousands of new users. You can create informative videos about your products and more and use it to upsell. Find out more about this, in the video below.
    (Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.) Explain how your products work if you are manufacturing something. If you are a doctor, why don’t you make a few videos with animations about common diseases? Keep it simple, and you will find thousands of views daily. What is more – since it can be monetized easily, you could recoup at least partially the cost of production and hiring video equipment. When you are getting into video marketing, it is only natural that you would need to know about the ideal (but not bank breaking) video equipment. Check out this video and find out more.
    (Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.)
  5. Customer-centric content
  6. Give a real-world feel to your content by interviewing a few customers. Talk with them in an informal interview. Show them around your business. This is a behind the scenes story that is not so obvious peek about what you make and sell. Customers relate to other customers more than they do with celebrities. This format, if possible, is undoubtedly going to be a hit.
  7. Add video to emails
  8. Emails do not allow you a lot of space to communicate. It is at most 200 words long. To avoid rambling on about your business, give an introduction, and provide a link to your videos. Since due to smartphones viewing videos is a ubiquitous habit, most probably, your offering will be lapped up when people open their inbox in the morning.

Video Content Marketing Courses

There is, of course, a lot more to the topic than what has been outlined above. You can enroll for Appy Pie Academy today and find out plenty of courses that tutor you about video marketing, video script writing and much more. Make sure that your product is concise yet entertaining, and success will follow.

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie

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