App Developers - Appy Pie

3 Questions All App Developers Should Ask Themselves

Originally Posted By Ryan Mach  | November 24, 2014  | 5-min read
Jayraj on August 12, 2020  

Mobile Application Development is on the rise because more and more mobile apps are being used every day. There is enough proof of this increase in the usage of mobile apps and it is directly responsible for the rise of mobile development. The one thing about mobile app development that hasn’t changed at all is the fact that it needs a proper development plan. From designing an app to a proper business plan for your app, the development of an app can be a lengthy process. Sure tools like Appy Pie AppMakr make mobile app development easier, app development still requires developers to take up challenges and occasionally face real challenges. In the blog today, we’re gonna talk 3 questions all app developers should ask themselves. Before we go into those three questions there are some things that you should know about mobile app development and its phenomenal rise in recent times. Here’s an infographic for the same. Do read on after that!Mobile App Development - Appy PieAs the title suggests, there are 3 questions that all developers should ask themselves. Now there are more questions that can be asked but nothing can be more crucial than these. Infact, these are questions to ask an app developer if you are not a developer yourself. In short, always ask these questions while making an app.

  1. How is Your App Going to Make Money?
  2. Too many app makers focus on aesthetics, or adding functionality before they focus on the bottom line. Can’t you just work on making the best app you can now and save monetizing for later? While that’s a good impulse to have as a developer, your app may never be able to help anyone if it doesn’t make the money to support itself. Your ideas and design are what define the app, but revenue is what defines its success in the marketplace. In-app advertising is currently the most popular model of monetization, but if you think that ads will turn off your customer base, there are plenty of more direct alternatives. For instance, you could charge users a monthly subscription fee, or you could offer them items or upgrades for purchase within the app through in-app purchases. This is a better monetization idea for an app. You could boost your in-app purchases through simple optimization. Whichever you choose, what’s important is that the way you monetize matches your app’s design. Use analytics sites like AppAnnie to take a look at what popular apps are doing to support themselves and compare their successes, especially ones that use similar business models or apps that solve the same problem yours does. If you decide how you’re going to monetize early, you can develop your app with that in mind, avoiding possible glitches or setbacks in the future.

  3. What Do Your Customers Want?
  4. Even at this early stage of the mobile app’s existence, there are plenty of people who will tell you that there’s an established model that your app’s design should follow. But when it comes to developing, a business perspective will only go so far--your audience should be the ultimate authority on how you develop and market your app. That’s why, as important as your business model is, you should never let it get in the way of the user experience. If, for instance, your app is trying to give people quick and easy access to something, making your audience swipe through a bunch of invasive advertisements is going to hinder that goal. Your product should be so useful that customers are happy to pay for it --if paying for it gets in the way of using it, you’re doing something wrong. Unfortunately, it can be pretty hard to gauge what exactly your audience wants. Market research and focus groups can tell you what problems many smartphone users experience, but figuring out the easiest, most efficient way to solve those problems is the developer’s job. At every step of the development process, think of your customer’s needs to make sure your app is perfect for consumers.

  5. What Can My App Do that a Website Couldn’t?
  6. If you aren’t looking to make something that consumers will want to use on the go, at any time, in any situation, you might be in the wrong business. Mobile apps have a distinct advantage over websites precisely because they’re mobile. Being successful in this industry takes a product or service that can save people a trip to their desktops when time counts the most. This means that you can’t think of the app experience as just a website that’s been shrunken down to fit on a smaller screen. If you’ve ever browsed a website on your phone that wasn’t optimized for mobile use, you know how irritating it is to be constantly zooming in and out, trying to click on tiny links with the full force of your unwieldy thumbs. Think about how the best apps get you what you want with only a few swipes instead of putting you through a dizzying array of available options and variables. If your app can satisfy customers’ needs without making them stop from what they’re doing, all without needing constant monetary support, you might have what it takes to make money in one of today’s most competitive markets.


That was all for today. Do you also think that these 3 questions are crucial? Tell us in the comments section below. If you feel that there are more crucial questions that must be asked to developers or developers need to ask themselves, put it in the comments. We’ll add them to this blog. Before we end, I suggest checking out Appy Pie AppMakr, the industry-leading no code app builder software. It’s awesome, try it out!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie