Best Call-Tracking Software & Apps - Featured Image - Appy Pie Connect

Best Call-Tracking Software & Apps in 2024

By Snigdha | Last Updated on June 19th, 2024 9:26 am

Welcome to a curated list of the best call-tracking software and apps! In the current digital landscape, understanding customer interactions is vital. Whether for marketing analysis or customer service optimization, finding the best call-tracking solution is key. Read this comprehensive blog, where we navigate through top-notch software and apps available, dissecting their features, usability, and effectiveness. From advanced analytics to seamless integration, discover how these tools amplify business efficiency and refine customer experiences. Once you have made your decision and chosen the best call-tracking software for your business, you need not stop. You can further boost its performance and functionality by setting up integrations with the best call-tracking software using Appy Pie’s workflow automation platform.

Dive into this expertly curated resource to make informed decisions and elevate your call-tracking strategy. Uncover the power of these tools in enhancing your business's performance and customer satisfaction.

Best Call-tracking Software & Apps

App Name Key Features Pros Cons Pricing
Phonexa - Call tracking, distribution, and analytics
- Multi-channel attribution
- Instant caller data transfer
- IVR and other solutions included
- 8 proprietary tools for call tracking-friendly interface
- Customizable call management plans
- Steep learning curve
- No free version
CallRail - Call tracking
- Keyword-level attribution
- Scheduling
- Reporting tools
- User-friendly interface
- Robust analytics
- Limited customization options
- Higher pricing tiers
Subscription-based plans
Invoca - Call tracking
- AI-powered analytics
- Multi-channel attribution
- Advanced analytics
- Customizable solutions
- Complex setup for beginners
- Custom pricing plans
Custom pricing models - Call tracking
- Call recording
- CRM integration
- Easy setup
- Reliable call tracking
- Limited advanced features
- Less scalable
Infinity Call Tracking - Call tracking
- Dynamic number insertion
- Call analytics
- Comprehensive analytics
- Integration capabilities
- Pricing structure complexity
- Advanced features learning curve
Ozonetel CloudAgent - Call tracking
- IVR solutions
- Integration capabilities
- Scalable
- Customizable solutions
- Initial setup complexity
- Learning curve for new features
Custom pricing models
HubSpot Sales Hub - Call tracking
- CRM integration
- Sales automation
- All-in-one platform
- Robust CRM capabilities
- Steeper learning curve
- High pricing for additional features
Salesloft - Call tracking
- CRM integration
- Sales engagement tools
- Customizable
- Streamlined sales process
- Complexity for new users
- Pricing for additional features
Outreach - Call tracking
- CRM integration
- Sales engagement tools
- Sales automation
- Analytics-driven approach
- Interface complexity
- Pricing structure
OpenPhone - Call tracking
- Virtual phone system
- Integrations
- User-friendly interface
- Easy setup
- Limited features for power users
- Less customization
CallTrackingMetrics - Call tracking
- Multi-channel attribution
- Reporting tools
- Comprehensive analytics
- Integration capabilities
- UI complexity
- Limited customer support
Aircall - Call tracking
- Virtual phone system
- CRM integration
- Easy setup
- Scalability
- Limited customization options
- Pricing for additional features
Freshsales - Call tracking
- Sales automation
- CRM integration
- User-friendly
- Integration capabilities
- Reporting limitations
- Advanced features learning curve
MightyCall - Call tracking
- Virtual phone system
- Business phone features
- Easy setup
- Affordability
- Limited scalability
- Advanced features in higher tiers
Keap - CRM integration
- Sales automation
- Marketing automation
- Customizable solutions
- Marketing automation
- Call tracking not available
- Pricing for additional features
Dive into a curated selection of top call-tracking software, discover their functionalities, and learn how they can revolutionize your customer interactions and elevate your business performance.

  1. Phonexa
  2. Phonexa is a comprehensive performance marketing automation suite that synergizes state-of-the-art call intelligence – call tracking, distribution, and analytics – with other crucial marketing avenues like affiliate marketing or web leads. Call-wise, Phonexa provides exhaustive call management functionality, including a tailored cloud PBX, vanity phone numbers, and more.

    Key Features
    • Call Distribution: Routing inbound calls to a matching live operator based on predetermined factors like call location, source, price, agent availability, and more
    • Call Scoring: GEvaluating inbound & outbound calls to adjust marketing and call management strategies
    • Live Data Transfer: Transferring marketable caller information to the live operator in real-time, increasing the chance of a conversion
    • Outbound Calling: Putting high-intent web prospects in touch with the right sales rep at the right time
    • Post-Call Analytics: Dissecting successful and failed phone calls for traffic source, customer journey, and agent performance evaluation
    • An all-encompassing ecosystem that covers both call and web leads
    • IVR, predictive modeling, behavior analytics, and other unique call tools included
    • Highly customizable pricing plans that you can instantly evaluate
    • The learning curve might be steep for inexperienced marketers, requiring expert help
    • The free version is not available – instead, you can book a demo version
    Pricing: There’s an online pricing calculator to see your price. The Lite suite starts at $100 per month.

  3. CallRail
  4. CallRail is a robust call-tracking software designed to help businesses optimize their marketing strategies and enhance customer interactions. It offers comprehensive call analytics, intuitive reporting, and integration capabilities to track calls across various channels, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions.

    Key Features
    • Call Tracking: Assign unique phone numbers to different marketing campaigns for precise tracking.
    • Call Analytics: Gain insights into call duration, caller location, and more to refine marketing efforts.
    • Integrations: Seamlessly integrates with popular marketing platforms like Google Analytics, Salesforce, and more.
    • Keyword-Level Tracking: Attribute phone calls to specific keywords and understand campaign performance.
    • Dynamic Number Insertion: Automatically swaps website numbers with tracking numbers to monitor online interactions.
    • User-friendly interface for easy navigation and setup.
    • Robust reporting and analytics for data-driven insights.
    • Extensive integration options with third-party applications.
    • Customizable features to suit varying business needs.
    • Excellent customer support and resources for guidance.
    • Advanced features might require some learning curve for new users.
    • Limited features in basic plans compared to higher-tiered pricing.
    Pricing: Tiered subscription plans based on the number and minutes usage.

  5. Invoca
  6. Invoca is an advanced call intelligence platform tailored for marketers aiming to optimize customer engagement and conversion strategies. It specializes in call tracking, analytics, and automation to provide actionable insights and maximize the impact of inbound calls on marketing ROI.

    Key Features
    • Call Tracking and Attribution: Trace calls back to specific marketing campaigns, keywords, or channels for accurate attribution.
    • Conversation Analytics: Analyze call conversations to understand customer intent and behavior for better targeting.
    • AI-Powered Insights: Utilizes AI to derive actionable insights from call data, enhancing marketing strategies.
    • Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with leading marketing tools like Salesforce, Google Ads, and more.
    • Automation and Personalization: Automate call routing and personalize customer experiences based on call data.
    • Advanced analytics and AI-driven insights for optimizing marketing strategies.
    • Seamless integration with major marketing platforms enhances workflow efficiency.
    • Automation capabilities streamline call processes, improving customer experiences.
    • Strong focus on call attribution and conversion optimization.
    • Pricing might be higher for smaller businesses or those with limited call volumes.
    • Some advanced features may require technical expertise for optimal use.
    Pricing: Pricing is available on request.

  8. provides a comprehensive suite of virtual phone system services, including toll-free numbers, call forwarding, voicemail, and more. Their platform aims to streamline communication, enhance professionalism, and improve customer interactions through versatile telephony solutions.

    Key Features
    • Toll-Free Numbers: Offering memorable and professional toll-free numbers to enhance business credibility.
    • Call Forwarding: Redirecting calls to designated devices or numbers for efficient call management.
    • Voicemail: Recording and managing voicemails for missed calls, ensuring no opportunity is lost.
    • Analytics: Basic call analytics to understand call volume, duration, and basic insights.
    • Customization: Tailoring features to suit specific business needs and branding.
    • Easy setup and user-friendly interface for quick integration into existing systems.
    • Affordable pricing plans are suitable for small to medium-sized businesses.
    • Offers a variety of virtual phone system features in one platform.
    • Limited advanced features compared to more robust enterprise-level solutions.
    • Basic analytics might not suffice for businesses requiring in-depth call data.
    Pricing: Various plans are available based on the number of users, minutes, and additional features.

  9. Infinity Call Tracking
  10. Infinity Call Tracking offers an advanced call analytics solution, allowing businesses to track and analyze inbound calls, attributing them to specific marketing campaigns or channels. The platform provides valuable insights into customer behavior, enabling data-driven decisions to enhance marketing ROI.

    Key Features
    • Dynamic Number Insertion: Assign unique phone numbers to different marketing channels for precise tracking.
    • Call Attribution: Attribute calls to specific marketing campaigns or keywords to understand performance.
    • Analytics and Reporting: Detailed reporting on call data, caller demographics, call duration, and more.
    • Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with various marketing and CRM platforms for enhanced functionality.
    • Visitor Tracking: Track online and offline interactions to gain a holistic view of customer journeys.
    • Robust analytics and reporting tools for understanding call performance and marketing attribution.
    • Dynamic number insertion enables accurate tracking of inbound calls from various sources.
    • Integration capabilities with popular marketing tools for seamless data flow and analysis.
    • Customizable features tailored to meet specific business needs.
    • Pricing may be higher for businesses with larger call volumes.
    • Some advanced features might require technical expertise for setup and optimization.
    Pricing: Offers different plans suitable for businesses of varying sizes and needs.

  11. Ozonetel CloudAgent
  12. Ozonetel CloudAgent offers a suite of contact center solutions including inbound and outbound voice, email, chat, and social media interactions. The platform aims to optimize customer service delivery and support sales efforts through efficient communication channels.

    Key Features
    • Multichannel Support: Handles inbound/outbound voice, email, chat, and social media interactions from a unified interface.
    • IVR (Interactive Voice Response): Automated routing and handling of incoming calls for efficient call management.
    • CRM Integration: Seamless integration with CRM systems to access customer data and enhance agent productivity.
    • Real-time Analytics: Reporting and analytics tools to track and measure call center performance.
    • Call Recording and Monitoring: Monitoring and recording features for quality control and training purposes.
    • Multichannel support for diverse customer communication needs.
    • Integration capabilities with CRM systems to access and utilize customer data efficiently.
    • Offers various features to enhance call center performance and agent productivity.
    • Specific pricing information might not be readily available without contacting their sales team.
    • The complexity of features might require some training for optimal utilization.
    Pricing: For accurate and detailed pricing information, contact Ozonetel's sales team directly.

  13. HubSpot Sales Hub
  14. HubSpot Sales Hub is a part of the HubSpot CRM suite, offering tools and features specifically focused on optimizing sales activities. It aims to streamline sales processes, improve productivity, and enable sales teams to build and manage relationships with prospects and customers effectively.

    Key Features
    • Contact Management: Centralized database for managing leads, prospects, and customer information.
    • Email Tracking: Tracking of email opens, clicks, and engagement metrics to understand prospect interest.
    • Sales Automation: Automation of repetitive tasks to streamline sales processes and save time.
    • Pipeline Management: Visual representation of the sales pipeline to track deals and forecast revenue.
    • Sales Analytics: Reporting and analytics tools to measure sales performance and identify trends.
    • User-friendly interface and easy-to-use tools for sales professionals.
    • Integration with other HubSpot products for a unified marketing and sales ecosystem.
    • Provides a range of features to support various aspects of the sales process.
    • Advanced features might require higher-tiered plans, which could be expensive for some businesses.
    • The learning curve for mastering all features might take time for new users.
    Pricing: HubSpot Sales Hub offers various pricing plans starting from a free version with limited features.

  15. Salesloft
  16. SalesLoft provides a comprehensive sales engagement platform that assists sales teams in efficiently managing their workflows, engaging prospects, and fostering meaningful customer relationships. It facilitates personalized communication and streamlines sales processes to drive revenue growth.

    Key Features
    • Cadence Management: Organizing and automating sales outreach across multiple channels.
    • Email Tracking: Monitoring email opens, clicks, and responses for effective follow-ups.
    • Sales Dialer: Integrated phone system for making and logging calls within the platform.
    • Analytics and Reporting: Tracking and analyzing sales activities for performance insights.
    • CRM Integration: Seamless integration with CRM systems to centralize data and workflow.
    • User-friendly interface with customizable features for personalized sales strategies.
    • Automation capabilities to streamline outreach and follow-up processes.
    • Integration with CRM systems for a cohesive sales workflow.
    • Higher-tier plans might be costly for smaller businesses or startups.
    • Requires a learning curve for mastering all features and maximizing its potential.
    Pricing: SalesLoft offers various pricing plans tailored to different business needs and sizes.

  17. Outreach
  18. Outreach provides a comprehensive sales engagement solution designed to streamline sales workflows and enhance customer interactions. It empowers sales teams with tools for personalized outreach, analytics, and automation, aiming to drive revenue growth.

    Key Features
    • Sequencing and Cadence: Organizing and automating sales outreach across multiple channels.
    • Email Tracking and Templates: Monitoring email engagement and providing customizable email templates for effective communication.
    • Sales Dialer: Integrated phone system within the platform for efficient calling and call logging.
    • Analytics and Reporting: Tracking sales activities to analyze performance and optimize strategies.
    • CRM Integration: Seamless integration with CRM systems to centralize data and streamline workflows.
    • Intuitive and user-friendly interface empowering sales reps to personalize outreach strategies.
    • Automation features that help in scaling and streamlining sales processes.
    • Integration capabilities to unify sales efforts within existing CRM systems.
    • Higher-tier plans may be expensive for smaller businesses or startups.
    • Learning curve for mastering advanced features might require training and time investment.
    Pricing: Outreach offers various pricing plans tailored to different business sizes and needs.

  19. OpenPhone
  20. OpenPhone offers a cloud-based phone system that enables users to make calls, send texts, and manage contacts using a dedicated business phone number accessible via mobile or desktop applications. One of the best free call-tracking apps, OpenPhone aims to modernize communication for businesses with user-friendly features and seamless integrations.

    Key Features
    • Dedicated Business Numbers: Providing users with dedicated business phone numbers for professional communication.
    • Text Messaging: Sending and receiving text messages using the business number.
    • Call Management: Features include call forwarding, voicemail, call recording, and customizable voicemail greetings.
    • Integration Capabilities: Integrates with other business tools such as CRM systems and Slack for improved workflow.
    • Multiple Devices: Accessible on various devices including smartphones and desktops for flexibility.
    • User-friendly interface and easy setup for swift adoption by teams and individuals.
    • Accessible on multiple devices, enabling flexibility in communication.
    • Integration capabilities with other business tools for enhanced productivity.
    • Some advanced features might be limited compared to more robust enterprise-level solutions.
    • Pricing plans might not suit every budget, especially for smaller businesses with limited communication needs.
    Pricing: OpenPhone offers different pricing plans based on usage and features required.

  21. CallTrackingMetrics
  22. CallTrackingMetrics, the best free call-tracking software offers a comprehensive suite of call tracking, routing, and analytics tools. It helps businesses attribute and analyze call data, providing insights into marketing ROI, customer interactions, and overall call center performance.

    Key Features
    • Call Tracking: Assigns unique phone numbers to different marketing campaigns for accurate attribution.
    • Call Routing: Routes calls based on custom rules, location, or agent availability.
    • Dynamic Number Insertion: Automatically swaps website numbers with tracking numbers for online attribution.
    • Analytics and Reporting: Provides detailed insights into call data, caller behavior, and marketing attribution.
    • CRM Integration: Seamless integration with popular CRM systems for streamlined workflows.
    • Advanced call tracking capabilities with robust analytics and reporting tools.
    • Flexible call routing options to optimize customer interactions.
    • Integration capabilities with CRM systems and other tools for enhanced workflow efficiency.
    • Pricing might be relatively high for businesses with larger call volumes or advanced feature requirements.
    • Some advanced features may require a learning curve for optimal utilization.
    Pricing: CallTrackingMetrics offers various pricing plans structured based on usage, features, and number of users.

  23. Aircall
  24. Aircall provides a virtual phone system that enables businesses to set up and manage phone numbers, handle calls, and facilitate team collaboration from anywhere. As one of the best call-tracking platforms, it focuses on enhancing customer interactions and streamlining internal communication processes.

    Key Features
    • Virtual Phone System: Offers phone numbers, call routing, and forwarding functionalities.
    • Call Management: Manages incoming and outgoing calls, call transfers, and voicemail.
    • Collaboration Tools: Integrates with various business tools and CRMs for seamless workflow.
    • Analytics and Reporting: Provides insights into call data and performance metrics.
    • Multi-channel Support: Enables communication through calls, messages, and integrated apps.
    • User-friendly interface and easy setup for swift adoption by teams.
    • Flexibility in managing calls and team collaboration from various devices.
    • Integration capabilities with other business tools for enhanced productivity.
    • Advanced features might be limited in lower-tier plans.
    • Pricing might not suit every budget, especially for smaller businesses with limited communication needs.
    Pricing: Aircall offers different pricing plans based on the number of users and additional features required.

  25. Freshsales
  26. Freshsales is a CRM platform designed to help businesses manage their sales pipeline, track leads, and improve customer relationships. It provides tools for contact management, lead scoring, email tracking, and sales automation, aiming to streamline the sales process and enhance sales team productivity.

    Key Features
    • Contact Management: Centralizes customer data for easy access and management.
    • Lead Scoring: Identifies and prioritizes leads based on their behavior and engagement.
    • Email Tracking: Tracks email opens, clicks, and responses for better engagement insights.
    • Sales Automation: Automates repetitive tasks to streamline sales processes.
    • Reporting and Analytics: Provides insights into sales performance and pipeline metrics.
    • User-friendly interface and ease of use for sales teams to adapt quickly.
    • Customizable workflows and automation to tailor processes to specific needs.
    • Integration capabilities with other Freshworks products and third-party apps.
    • Advanced features might be limited in lower-tier plans.
    • Integrations with certain third-party apps might be restricted.
    Pricing: Freshsales typically offers pricing plans based on the number of users and additional features required.

  27. MightyCall
  28. MightyCall offers a virtual phone system with features aimed at improving customer interactions and managing various communication channels. It provides tools for call management, voicemail, call forwarding, and more, catering to the needs of small businesses and entrepreneurs.

    Key Features
    • Virtual Phone Numbers: Offers virtual phone numbers for business use.
    • Call Routing: Routes incoming calls to appropriate team members or departments.
    • Voicemail: Records and manages voicemails for efficient customer response.
    • Call Forwarding: Forwards calls to mobile or landline numbers for easy accessibility.
    • Mobile App: Allows users to manage calls and messages on-the-go via mobile devices.
    • Simple and user-friendly interface, suitable for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
    • Virtual phone system features facilitating better customer communication.
    • Mobile app for managing calls and messages remotely.
    • Might have limitations in scalability and advanced features compared to larger systems.
    • Advanced integrations or customization options could be limited.
    Pricing: MightyCall typically offers pricing plans structured based on the number of users and additional features required.

  29. Keap
  30. Keap (formerly known as Shape Software) provides CRM and marketing automation solutions tailored for small businesses. It focuses on helping businesses manage customer relationships, automate marketing tasks, and streamline workflows to improve efficiency and grow sales.

    Key Features
    • Contact Management: Organizes and manages customer data in a centralized database.
    • Marketing Automation: Automates marketing campaigns, email sequences, and follow-ups.
    • Sales Pipeline Management: Visualizes and tracks the sales pipeline for better deal management.
    • Invoicing and Payments: Allows for easy invoicing and payment processing.
    • Integration Capabilities: Integrates with various business tools for enhanced functionality.
    • Tailored CRM and marketing automation tools for small businesses.
    • Automation features for streamlining marketing and sales processes.
    • Integration capabilities for a more comprehensive business workflow.
    • Advanced features might have limitations compared to larger CRM platforms.
    • Pricing plans might be a consideration for smaller businesses.
    Pricing: Keap typically offers pricing plans structured based on the number of users and specific features required.

How to choose the best call-tracking app?

Choosing the perfect call-tracking app for your business requires thoughtful consideration. Navigate the options wisely by prioritizing features, ease of use, customization, integration, scalability, security, and customer support. Discover a tailored solution to optimize your sales and marketing strategies effortlessly.
  1. Feature Set: Evaluate the features offered by different call-tracking apps. Look for essential functionalities such as call recording, call analytics, call attribution to marketing channels, integration with CRM systems, and customizable reports. Ensure the app aligns with your specific business needs.
  2. Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation are crucial. Consider apps that are easy to set up, configure, and use on a day-to-day basis. This reduces the learning curve for your team and facilitates smoother adoption.
  3. Customization Options: Opt for a call-tracking app that allows customization according to your business requirements. It should enable personalized call flows, custom tags, and reports that align with your unique marketing and sales strategies.
  4. Integration Capabilities: Ensure the app integrates seamlessly with your existing tools and software stack, especially with CRM systems (e.g., Salesforce, HubSpot) and marketing platforms. This integration streamlines data management and ensures a unified view of customer interactions.
  5. Scalability and Flexibility: Consider the app's scalability. It should accommodate your business's growth and adapt to changing needs. Look for flexible pricing plans that can adjust as your call volume or team size changes.
  6. Security and Compliance: Security measures, such as encryption protocols and compliance with industry standards (like GDPR for data privacy), are crucial. Ensure the app adheres to necessary regulations, especially if dealing with sensitive customer information.
  7. Customer Support and Reviews: Assess the quality of customer support provided by the app's team. Look for reviews and feedback from existing users to gauge their satisfaction level. Prompt and helpful support can be invaluable in resolving issues quickly.
Remember, the best call-tracking app varies based on your business's unique requirements and workflows. Consider these factors in alignment with your specific goals to make an informed decision.


In the dynamic landscape of business, selecting the best call-tracking app is a strategic choice. By considering essential factors like feature richness, usability, integration capabilities, and scalability, businesses can make informed decisions aligned with their objectives. Remember, the best choice is one that seamlessly integrates into your workflow, enhances customer interactions, and amplifies marketing efforts. With a tailored call-tracking app, businesses gain the power to optimize sales, leverage data-driven insights, and propel growth. Stay vigilant, assess your needs, and embark on a journey toward efficient communication and improved customer experiences in the ever-evolving realm of business.

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