Mobile apps

Top Tips to Make A Successful Business App

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | Last Updated on June 9th, 2024 7:13 am

There’s an app for almost everything, be it fashion, transport, food or entertainment. With the app culture becoming ubiquitous, users are spending 90 per cent of their time on apps compared to mobile websites. Even pre-school kids make apps now. A countless number of people dream of developing apps simply because they are easier to distribute than hardware. But what if you’ve never developed an app and muddled up, having no idea where to kick-start? To create a business app and to make it a success, you must keep in mind a few tips and tricks that well meets the needs of customers.Maintain OriginalityFirst and foremost, it is important to think of an app as a separate product rather than a replica of your website. Coming with something innovative is as important as creating an app. As a starting point, take a look at your business and then come with a simple and clear idea that is signified in the app and one that grabs customers’ attention.Define Target AudienceOne of the key factors in the success of any app is defining the specified audience, which will help you decide on the quality of the branding to be used. The style, design, look, feel, usability of an app must resonate with the definite customer segment for which it has been created. It is vital you make note of your application’s performance from an operational as well as from a user’s point of view. It is important you track every exception and error to understand user’s response on those issues.Deliver Real ValueIt is important your app delivers real customer value to encourage loyalty. As users are time poor, they are always looking out for convenience and speed, but have limited storage on their smartphones. An app can be put to use while dining, shopping or paying a utility bill enabled with seamless features is interesting. It is important to identify the core value your app intends to provide to its audience.Define ReachThe way you distribute an app into the hands of the customers can either make or break your app. As an entrepreneur, it is vital you exploit every channel of marketing in the early stages of promoting your app. Further, analyze the results of your efforts across channels over a period of six months, to gain insight into the most operative channel that delivers the best conversions.Harnessing FeedbackApp users are usually happy in providing constructive feedback and at times come up with suggestions and criticism broadening the scope for App’s improvements.  Be sure to listen to them carefully and update your app accordingly. Building an app users can’t resist using is one of the most challenging tasks in the development of an app.  Having discussed a few essential points, always remember to keep things simple, yet innovative and most importantly -user friendly. So, if you are looking at building a mobile app for your own business, you can now create easily with the awesome App Builder, Appy Pie. You need no coding skills – just a great idea, a dash of creativity and less than 10 minutes of time – to create an app for your business. So let those creative juices flow- try out how to create an app at Appy Pie – NOW!!

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Aasif Khan

Head of SEO at Appy Pie