Blog Article

How to Improve Website SEO With Chatbots?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on September 3rd, 2023 8:43 am | 4-min read

Everyone in the digital world is aware of the significance of search engine optimization and its impact on website ranking. Every website owner wants their website to rank at the top of the Google searches, and SEO is the most effective way to get there. Whether you code your website from scratch or use a website builder, you must pay attention to the SEO of your website. For this reason, Appy Pie makes sure that all the websites built on the platform are optimized for the search engines.


One of the most important parts of good SEO is to get site visitors to stay on your site for longer. It means that if your website visitors spend a lot of time on your website, it will help improve website SEO for you! Chatbots can help you attain this goal effortlessly. In fact, there are many other ways in which you can use your chatbot to increase Google ranking for your website. However, before we get into the details of how to improve SEO on Google with chatbots, let’s take a quick look at what actually is a chatbot.

What is a chatbot?

Chatbots are one of the most important and effective tools for businesses today. Chatbots are automated scripts that run on a website when a visitor lands on it. Depending on the chatbot’s functionality, it can answer simple questions, book appointments, capture leads, and more! For the longest time, chatbots were considered a fancy piece of software that was used for flair and flounce by big corporations. However, now that chatbots have become essential for the smooth functioning of a business, they cannot be restricted to just the big players. Appy Pie Chatbot lets you create your own chatbot without any technical knowledge within a restricted budget.

How to improve Google search ranking with chatbots?

Now that you know a little more about chatbots let’s dig deeper and understand the impact a chatbot can have on your website’s search engine ranking.
  1. Increase time on the landing page
  2. Like I mentioned early on in the post, the average time an individual visitor spends on your website is an important factor at play when it comes to your SEO efforts. Additionally, the more a visitor hangs around on your page, the greater the chances of their conversion. Suppose a site visitor spends a more extended amount of time on your website, exploring the page, reading about your company and products, and visiting meaningful links within your website. In that case, Google understands that your website has something valuable to offer to the intended site visitor. Adding a chatbot to your website gives you the opportunity to start a conversation with your site visitors. As they engage in a back and forth conversation with your chatbot, they get to know more about the products and services while spending an enjoyable time on your website.
  3. Helps get better ratings
  4. Imagine going to a website and being clueless about what you need to do next because there is no help at hand. You would not only have a bad experience but will probably go out of the way to give the business and website a lousy rating. In contrast, consider a website where a helpful chatbot greets the visitors and is readily available to answer any questions while giving all the relevant information about the business offerings. It is bound to boost the overall user experience and encourage them to better rate the website and business. A higher rating and a genuinely positive review for your business are bound to improve the authenticity and credibility of your website. While a better SEO will give you a boost in ranking, bad ratings will give you no clicks, and eventually, your rankings will plummet as well.
  5. Increase engagement
  6. A casual site visitor can become an ardent fan of your website if they are engaged in the right way. Imagine going to an impersonal website. Chances are you will quickly go back to your Google search and look for something more interesting. However, when a chatbot initiates a conversation as soon as a visitor lands on your site, they are going to feel a lot more connected and engaged. AN engaged customer is likely to spend a longer time on your website, visit more pages within your website for every session, more likely to come back to your site, and definitely more likely to convert into a paying customer.
  7. Enhanced onboarding experience
  8. A chatbot on your website can play a vital role in guiding a site visitor through your website. It lets the customers understand the best way to draw benefit from your business. Apart from improving the customer experience, it also increases the time your visitors spend on your website. And, we all know how important it is for your website SEO. One important thing is to remember that you are improving your website SEO through chatbots without actually employing any additional resources.
  9. Improves bounce rate
  10. Bounce rate is the percentage of one-page sessions on your website. If a session triggers only a single request to the analytics server, it is calculated as a bounce. It often happens when a user opens a single page on a website and then exits without triggering any other request to the analytics server in the session. A high bounce rate can hurt the overall SEO performance of your website, especially in the case of eCommerce or information-based sites. Through a chatbot, you can suggest to the visitors more valuable links within the website so that they are encouraged to explore more pages, products, etc., and thus improve your bounce rate.

How to make a chatbot for your website?

I am sure you are now convinced about adding a chatbot to your website and improving website SEO. However, some misconceptions about chatbots prevent most small businesses from adding a chatbot to their website. The first and biggest factor that prevents businesses from creating a chatbot is the perceived complexity of chatbot development. The second concern is often about the investment in terms of money and other resources. The chatbot builder from Appy Pie takes care of both these concerns. Not only is the platform entirely no-code for the users, but it also offers chatbot development for a fraction of the cost compared to industry standards. Let’s see how easy it is to make a chatbot with Appy Pie.
  • Give your chatbot a name
  • Type in the name of your chatbot (you can change it later) and choose the bot category as per your goals.
  • Personalize your chatbot
  • Choose colors, fonts, avatar, and many other such elements that are aligned better with your existing brand image, and then do a test run.
  • Integrate the chatbot on your website
  • Once you are happy with the way your chatbot is running, simply copy the widget and paste it on your website.
Once you have your chatbot integrated into your website, you can immediately start conversations with your customers and engage them with meaningful conversations.


The SEO performance and Google ranking of your website plays a very important role in the visibility of your website. Adding a chatbot to your website can definitely improve Google ranking of your website. Do you know another way to use a chatbot to improve website SEO? Let us know in the comments section below, I’d be happy to hear from you!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie