Appy Pie - How to Build a Q&A Chatbot for FAQs

How to Create FAQ Chatbot?

Prerna Pundir
By Prerna Pundir | Last Updated on July 26th, 2024 8:48 am | 3-min read

Frequently asked question (FAQ) chatbots have become invaluable tools for companies looking to improve customer support efficiently. These intelligent systems provide quick answers to common inquiries, helping to alleviate the workload of human agents. With the ability to operate around the clock, they ensure that customers receive assistance whenever needed. This blog will explore what FAQ chatbots are, their benefits, and how to choose the right one for your business while offering guidance on creating an effective FAQ bot.

What is a Customer Feedback Chatbot?

A FAQ chatbot is a helpful tool that answers common questions about a product or service. You often see these chatbots on websites or customer service apps. They use a special technology called natural language processing to understand and respond to questions just like a human would.

Natural language processing is a type of artificial intelligence. It helps the AI chatbot to understand the words and sentences people use when they ask questions. For example, if you ask, "What are your business hours?" or "When are you open?", the chatbot can understand both questions mean the same thing and give the correct answer.

The main benefit of FAQ chatbots is they provide quick and accurate answers. This saves time for both customers and businesses. They can handle simple, repeated questions easily, so human customer service agents can focus on more complicated issues. Plus, FAQ chatbots work 24/7, so you can get help anytime, day or night. This makes them a great tool for improving customer service and making support more efficient.

How to Create Your FAQ Bot with Appy Pie?

In just a few steps, you can create a helpful FAQ chatbot for your website using Appy Pie's builder. Here's how to get started:

Step 1. Build an Account

Go to the Appy Pie

Go to the Appy Pie's chatbot builder. Sign up if you are a new user or login if you already have an account.

Create name of your feedback chatbot

Create name of your feedback chatbot

Step2: Choose Customer Feedback Bot

Choose Customer Feedback Bot

Appy Pie offers different chatbot templates. Choose the "FAQ Chatbot" option. Click "Start Customization" to begin.

Edit Bot Flow

Click "Edit Bot Flow" to access the chatbot builder and personalize your bot's responses and functionalities.

Step 3. Create the Conversation Flow

Conversation Flow

Use the visual editor to create dialogue nodes for the AI feedback chatbot's conversation with users.

Step 4. Design Your Chatbot for FAQ

Design Your Chatbot for FAQ

Click on “Design Customization” to personalize the appearance of your customer feedback chatbot widget.

For more details on setting up and customizing your bot's widget, click here to learn how to customize the design of your bot's widget.

Step 5. Deploy Bot in Website

Deploy Bot in Website

After customizing the text, go to the "Set up" section, copy the code, and paste it into each page of your website.

What are the Benefits of FAQ Chatbot?

FAQ chatbots offer a range of benefits that enhance customer service efficiency and accuracy, while also reducing operational costs and human error.

  1. Save Time and Reduce Costs
  2. One of the primary advantages of FAQ chatbots is their ability to save time and money. Chatbots handle routine questions, freeing up your human staff to focus on more complex tasks. This efficiency reduces labor costs as fewer human agents are needed to answer repetitive queries.

  3. Minimize Human Error
  4. Another significant benefit of FAQ chatbots is their accuracy. Humans can make mistakes, especially when answering the same questions repeatedly. Chatbots, however, provide consistent and correct information based on their programming. They can’t give incorrect answers unless the data they’re programmed with is wrong.

  5. Offer Multi-Language Support
  6. In today's global market, the ability to communicate in multiple languages is crucial. FAQ chatbots can be programmed to respond in various languages, making them invaluable for businesses with international customers. For example, a chatbot can switch between English and French effortlessly, catering to customers who speak different languages without the need for multiple human agents fluent in those languages.

  7. Boost Sales
  8. FAQ chatbots can also drive sales by providing quick and helpful responses to customer inquiries. When a potential customer asks, "Do you ship to my country?" the chatbot can not only confirm shipping availability but also suggest products or promotions, like, "Yes, we do. Have you checked out our latest collection?" This immediate assistance can guide customers through the purchasing process, increasing the likelihood of completing a sale. By addressing concerns promptly, chatbots help keep customers engaged and reduce the chances of cart abandonment.

  9. Improve Response Times
  10. Speed is critical for good customer service. Customers expect quick responses, and AI FAQ bot can provide instant answers around the clock. Unlike human agents who work in shifts, chatbots are available 24/7, ensuring that your customers receive immediate support at any time of day or night. This constant availability improves customer satisfaction, as they no longer have to wait for business hours to get their questions answered. It also ensures that international customers in different time zones can receive support whenever they need it.

  11. Maintain Consistency
  12. Consistency is key in customer service, and FAQ chatbots excel in this area. They provide uniform responses based on their programming, ensuring that every customer receives the same level of service. This consistency helps in building trust and reliability with your customers, as they know they can expect the same accurate information every time they interact with your chatbot for FAQ.

  13. Improve Customer Experience
  14. Providing a positive customer experience is essential for retaining customers. FAQ chatbots contribute to this by offering immediate, accurate, and polite responses. Customers appreciate the convenience and efficiency of getting their questions answered without having to wait or navigate through complex systems.

  15. Collect Valuable Data
  16. FAQ chatbots can also collect and analyze data from customer interactions. This information can be used to identify common questions, customer preferences, and potential areas for improvement. By understanding what your customers are asking, you can update your knowledge base , improve your products or services, and tailor your marketing strategies to better meet their needs.

  17. Personalized Customer Interactions
  18. Although chatbots are automated, they can still offer personalized interactions. By using data from previous interactions, chatbots can tailor their responses to individual customers. For instance, if a customer has previously asked about a specific product, the chatbot can follow up with relevant information or suggest related products. This personalization can make customers feel valued and understood, fostering a stronger connection with your brand.

  19. Integration with Other Systems
  20. FAQ chatbots can work together with other systems and platforms, like customer relationship management (CRM) software, e-commerce platforms, and social media channels. This teamwork makes everything run smoothly and gives customers a consistent support experience. For example, if a chatbot is connected to your CRM system, it can look up a customer's order history. So, when a customer asks about their order status, the chatbot can give a precise and personalized answer based on the most up-to-date information.

Types of FAQ Chatbots

FAQ chatbots are automated systems designed to answer frequently asked questions from customers. They can be categorized into different types based on how they operate. Understanding these types can help you choose the best one for your business needs. Here are the main types of FAQ chatbots:

  1. Rule-based Chatbots
  2. Rule-based chatbots are the simplest type of FAQ chatbot. They follow a set of predefined rules to provide answers. Think of them as following a decision tree where each question leads to a specific set of possible responses. Here’s how they work:

    • Predefined Path: The bot presents users with a series of options or questions. Based on the user's choice, it leads them down a specific path to provide the relevant answer.

    • Limited Scope: These bots are best for straightforward, common questions. If a question falls outside the predefined rules, the bot won't be able to answer it.

    • Easy to Build: Setting up a rule-based chatbot is quick and doesn’t require advanced technical knowledge. They are perfect for businesses that need to handle basic customer inquiries efficiently.

    Example: If a user asks, "What are your store hours?" the chatbot will provide the store hours from a preloaded list of responses.

  3. Keyword-based Chatbots
  4. Keyword-based chatbots operate by recognizing specific words in the user’s query and responding accordingly. They are more flexible than rule-based chatbots because they don't follow a strict decision tree. Here’s how they work:

    • Keyword Detection: These chatbots analyze the user's input to find keywords that match predefined terms.

    • Contextual Responses: Based on the keywords identified, the bot provides the most relevant answer.

    • More Conversational: Users can type their questions in various ways, and the bot will still understand them as long as the key terms are present.

    Example: If a user asks, "How do I return an item?" the chatbot looks for keywords like "return" and "item" and provides instructions on the return process.

  5. Natural Language Processing Chatbots
  6. NLP chatbots are the most advanced type of FAQ chatbot. They use artificial intelligence to understand and respond to user queries in a more human-like manner. Here’s how they work:

    • Understanding Context: NLP chatbots can understand the context and nuances of language, making conversations more natural.

    • Learning Capability: These bots can learn from previous interactions to improve their responses over time.

    • Handling Complexity: They are capable of managing complex queries and can handle multiple questions in a single conversation.

    Example: If a user asks, "Can you tell me how to return an item I bought last week?" the chatbot understands the entire question and provides a detailed response about the return process.

  7. Hybrid FAQ Chatbots
  8. Hybrid FAQ chatbots combine the strengths of rule-based and NLP chatbots. They use predefined rules for simple queries and NLP for more complex ones. Here’s how they work:

    • Dual Approach: They use a decision tree for straightforward questions and switch to NLP for more detailed queries.

    • Versatile: This type of chatbot is suitable for businesses that have a mix of simple and complex customer inquiries.

    • Enhanced Accuracy: By combining both methods, hybrid chatbots can provide more accurate and relevant responses.

    Example: For a basic question like "What are your store hours?" the chatbot uses predefined rules. For a more complex question like "Can you help me return a gift I received last month?" it uses NLP to understand and respond appropriately.

  9. Self-service Chatbots
  10. Self-service chatbots allow users to find answers on their own without human intervention. Here’s how they work:

    • Knowledge Base Access: These chatbots are connected to a comprehensive knowledge base where they pull answers to user queries.

    • User-led Interaction: Users ask questions and the chatbot provides responses directly from the knowledge base.

    • Efficient for Users: They are ideal for businesses that want to empower customers to find answers independently.

    Example: If a user asks, "How can I track my order?" The chatbot provides a step-by-step guide from the knowledge base.

What to Look for When Choosing an FAQ Chatbot

Selecting the right FAQ chatbot for your business is essential to ensure efficient customer support and optimal results. Here are the key factors to consider, explained in simple terms:

  1. Business Goals and Capabilities
  2. Before choosing a chatbot, determine why you need one. Ask yourself if your support team is overwhelmed or if you want them to focus on more complex tasks. Knowing your goals helps in selecting a chatbot that fits your needs. Also, consider the cost and compare different chatbot options to find one that offers good value.

  3. Industry Requirements
  4. Different industries have unique customer support needs. For example, an online store might need a chatbot that can handle questions about products, delivery times, and returns. Make sure the chatbot you choose can understand and respond to the specific needs of your industry to improve customer satisfaction.

  5. FAQ Database
  6. The type and size of your FAQ database are important. If you have a large and complex database, you might need an advanced chatbot with Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities. For simpler databases, a rule-based chatbot may be sufficient. Choose a chatbot that can handle your database effectively.

  7. Integration Channels
  8. Consider the communication channels your business uses to interact with customers. Make sure the chatbot can integrate with these channels, such as your website, social media platforms, and messaging apps. This ensures consistent support across all customer touchpoints and keeps all interactions synchronized.

  9. Customization and Flexibility
  10. Your chatbot should be customizable to match your brand’s style and specific needs. Look for a platform that allows you to easily adjust the conversation flow, design, and interface to provide a seamless experience for your customers.

  11. Comprehension and Contextual Understanding
  12. Choose a chatbot that can understand the context of customer questions. This ability allows the bot to handle more complex and varied queries, providing more accurate and relevant responses. A chatbot with good comprehension skills can improve the overall customer experience.

  13. Performance and Scalability
  14. Ensure that the chatbot can handle a high volume of queries without slowing down or crashing. It should be able to maintain quick response times even during peak traffic periods to keep customers satisfied.

  15. Cost-effectiveness
  16. Evaluate the pricing structure of the chatbot. Consider the initial setup cost, subscription fees, and any additional expenses for maintenance and updates. Choose a chatbot that fits within your budget while meeting your needs.


Choosing the right FAQ chatbot doesn't have to be a complex process. By considering your business goals, industry needs, and budget, you can find a cost-effective solution that streamlines customer support. Remember, a well-designed FAQ chatbot can not only answer common questions but also empower customers to find solutions independently. With the ever-changing digital landscape, utilizing a chatbot can be a valuable asset for enhancing customer experience and keeping your business competitive.

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