How to write an article

What is copywriting and how to become a copywriter? [Copywriting Insights]

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on April 15th, 2024 12:44 pm | 5-min read

In this blog post, we are going to talk about how to write an article, learn copywriting, and the principles of copywriting. If you are wondering how to become a copywriter this can prove to be a great resource for you. Further ahead in the post, we will answer the questions listed below.

  • How to write an article?

  • How to become a copywriter?

  • How to write content?

  • What is AIDA model?

  • How to write a good headline?

how to become a copywriter

How to write an article?

When it comes to writing anything whether it is an article or a book, it is a good idea to proceed with a plan. If you are wondering how to write an article, this step by step guide can help you get through the process in a focused, organized manner.
  • Create a list of ideas

  • Research the topic you zero in on

  • Take notes & organize your ideas

  • Try writing a couple of punchy sentences

  • Write short paragraphs

  • Include anecdotes or story

  • Add value

  • Set a word limit to keep it tight

  • Edit & catch the errors

  • Re-read & tweak

  • Get feedback

  • Make changes & improve the piece

What is copywriting?

Copywriting involves writing “copy” or text for advertising or for other forms of marketing. This is done with the intent to increase brand awareness and attract the target customers to take the desired action. Copywriting is entirely different from news or article writing, as the focus of a copy lies in getting the audience to complete an action.

Why do we need copywriting?

As a business owner, you need to know how important it is for you to market your products and services well. It is the magic of strong copywriting that can help you attract your audience and choose you over your competitors. Listed below are the ways good copywriting can help your business.
  • It immediately gets your customers’ attention

  • It can set you apart from the rest and gain visibility through SEO

  • It can help you nurture your leads and increase your revenue

  • It can encourage customers to take the action you desire and convert without friction

  • It will increase the quality of your content and increase your credibility & authority

Know your readers

If you have been struggling with the question – how to start copywriting, you should start first by knowing your readers well. This is critical, because if you do not know who is going to read your copy, you wouldn’t know what to write either! You may think you can guess your way through knowing your customers, but that would be the gravest mistake you can make. Here’s a video that will further take you towards your goal to learn copywriting, by teaching you how you can get to know your readers better.
(Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.)

Getting readers to take an action

How to write content that gets the readers to take an action? The idea behind copywriting is to get the readers to take an action once they have read what you wrote for them. Your call to action or CTA should directly convey what the audience will get for taking the action you want them to take. Here’s a video that tells you the secret to get the readers to take an action.
(Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.)

How to write a good headline?

According to one of the most popular books (followed by copywriters), Tested Advertising Methods, there are three main principles that make headlines effective.
  • Self-interest – the most important aspect that you can add to your headline to make it effective

  • News – it may be an announcement of a new product or service or an update to an existing product or service

  • Curiosity – this is to make sure that your readers read the body copy as it will probably answer a strange (curious) question in the headline

How to write an articleIf you want to know more about how to use these principles and how to write great headlines, here’s a useful video you can watch.
(Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.)

What is AIDA model?

Let’s first talk about what does AIDA stand for? AIDA is an acronym and it stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. The AIDA model is an advertising effect model that identifies the phases a prospect goes through as they complete the process of purchasing a product. This model has proven to work wonderfully well in getting people to take a desired action. The model is applied in almost all the marketing materials and once you understand what it is, you are bound to see it all around you! Let’s elaborate further on the acronym:
  • Attention – typically your headline

  • Interest – why should your customer be interested

  • Desire – get your customer to imagine the benefit of taking the action

  • Action – tell the customer exactly what you want them to do

Here’s a video that tells you how to apply the AIDA model to make your copy more persuasive.
(Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.)

How long should your copy be?

A question that does not really have one right answer. The length of your copy does not really matter. What matters is that you cover all the important points you want your customers to know and yet do not have any unnecessary information. Having said that, you must also consider the fact that readership falls drastically up to 50 words and after that remains almost the same up to 500-1,000 words. If you want to know more about the length of your copy, here’s a video to help you out.
(Above video is a part of a more elaborate course on Academy by Appy Pie. To access the complete course, please Click Here, or continue reading below.)

How to be a better copywriter?

Like any other skill you may want to acquire, copywriting is a skill that takes time to acquire expertise in. It is with resilience and continuous efforts that you would be able to become a better copywriter. Whether you write 100 words in a day or 10,000, it is important that you write these words well. One way to ensure well-written content is by citing sources properly. Proper nods to original sources not only give credibility to your content but also protects you from accusations of plagiarism. Check out free APA citation creator tools online. They'll make your life easier when it comes to providing credible sources for your readers, and give your content that professional edge. Here are some effective tips for you to become a better copywriter.

  • Read diverse stuff
  • Good writers read a lot. Great writers read diverse stuff including blogs, newspapers, books, magazines, ads, billboards and everything else under the sun.

  • Write first, judge later
  • It is natural to struggle when it comes to typing in the first sentence. A good workaround is to type whatever comes to your mind. It may be terrible, but it is a start. So, write first, judge later! And use a grammar and style corrector tool like Grammarly to polish up your sentences.

  • Know the readers
  • If you do not know who you are writing for, your copy will be all over the place! While writing, it is important that you remember to write for real people who you are trying to motivate to take an action.

  • Give it some space
  • One great tip that really works in improving the quality of copy you are writing is to stop for a little bit and step away from your desk. Take some time to do unrelated things and come back to your copy. This can help you regain perspective, benefitting you in editing process.

  • Don’t commit too soon
  • A good copywriter doesn’t just commit to the words they write. Be objective and do not let yourself fall in love with what you are writing. Edit ruthlessly to remove anything that is unnecessary in your copy.


Good copywriting can bring in a big impact when it comes to your marketing efforts. The marketing message can only be conveyed properly with clear communication and that is what copywriting can accomplish. This post touches on the principles of copywriting that can help you become a better copywriter and do a better job at promoting your products and services. Do you have a business of your own? Are you looking for ways to market your services better and reach out to more customers? Appy Pie’s app builder lets you create an app that can help you reach out to more customers, serve them better, and give you an effective marketing channel.

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie

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