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Maximize Your Mac Space: How to Hide Dock and Menu Bar for More Space

By Tanya | Last Updated on May 8th, 2024 11:02 am

In today's fast-paced digital environment, maximizing screen space on your Mac can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency. Whether you're juggling multiple projects, conducting research, or managing your daily tasks, having a streamlined workspace can make all the difference. This guide will walk you through several effective strategies to optimize your screen real estate, including hiding the dock and menu bar, adjusting display settings, and utilizing multiple desktops. By integrating these tips and utilizing workflow automation tools, you can create a more organized and productive digital workspace.

Adjusting Your Display Settings for More Space

Creating more screen space on your Mac can significantly enhance your ability to multitask and manage complex projects efficiently. One effective method to achieve this is by adjusting your display settings to reduce the size of icons and text, thereby expanding your workspace. Here’s how you can adjust your display settings for more space:

  1. Open System Preferences

Begin by clicking on the Apple logo located at the top left corner of your screen. From the dropdown menu, select "System Preferences."

  1. Navigate to Displays

Within System Preferences, find and click on the "Displays" icon. This will open the display settings for your Mac.

  1. Select 'Scaled' Option

Look for the "Resolution" section in the Displays settings. Click on the "Scaled" option to reveal different scaling choices for your display.

  1. Choose 'More Space'

Among the scaling options, select "More Space." This option will adjust your screen to display more content by making icons and text smaller.

Benefits of Adjusting Your Display Settings

  • Expanded Workspace : By choosing the 'More Space' option, you effectively increase your digital workspace, allowing for more windows and applications to be open simultaneously.
  • Enhanced Productivity : With more screen real estate, you can easily compare documents side by side, keep essential tools accessible, and reduce the need to switch between tabs or windows.
  • Customized User Experience : Adjusting your display settings lets you tailor your Mac’s interface to your preferences, balancing between readability and workspace size.


  • Visibility : Reducing the size of icons and text can make them harder to read for some users. It’s important to find a balance that doesn’t strain your eyes.
  • Individual Display Settings : If you use multiple monitors, you’ll need to adjust the settings for each display individually to ensure consistency across your workspace.

By following these steps, you can easily adjust your Mac’s display settings to create a more spacious and efficient working environment. This simple adjustment can make a significant difference in your daily productivity and the overall usability of your Mac.

Hiding the Dock to Free Up Vertical Space

The dock on macOS serves as a convenient hub for accessing your most frequently used applications, but it also takes up a significant amount of vertical screen space. Here’s a detailed guide on how to hide or resize the dock to free up vertical space on your Mac.

Steps to Hide the Dock

  1. Access Dock Settings :

Move your cursor to the dock and right-click (or control-click) on the vertical dividing line. This line separates the application icons from the trash and folders area.

  1. Enable Dock Hiding :

From the context menu that appears, select "Turn Hiding On." This command will set the dock to automatically hide when not in use.

  1. Reveal the Dock :

To access the dock after hiding it, simply move your cursor to the bottom of the screen. The dock will slide into view, allowing you to use it as needed.

Steps to Resize the Dock

  1. Locate the Divider

Find the vertical dividing line on the dock that separates app icons from the rest of the dock items.

  1. Adjust Dock Size

Click and hold the dividing line, then drag it up or down. Dragging up makes the dock smaller, while dragging down increases its size.

  1. Fine-Tune with Settings (Optional)

For more precise control over the dock size and magnification, open System Preferences > Dock. Here, you can adjust the size slider and enable magnification, which enlarges icons as you hover over them.

Benefits of Hiding or Resizing the Dock

  • Increased Screen Real Estate : Hiding the dock frees up vertical space, allowing for a larger viewing area for your applications and documents.
  • Reduced Distractions : With the dock out of sight, you can focus more on your tasks without the temptation to switch apps frequently.
  • Customized Workspace : Resizing the dock offers a balance between accessibility and space, enabling you to tailor your desktop to your working style.


  • Accessibility vs. Space : While hiding the dock maximizes space, it may slow down workflow for users who rely heavily on dock shortcuts. Consider your usage patterns when choosing between hiding and resizing.
  • Visibility : Ensure that the dock is not too small to interact with comfortably, especially if you choose to resize it for more space.

By utilizing these steps to hide or resize the dock, you can significantly enhance your workspace on your Mac. Whether you prefer a completely unobstructed desktop or a small, unobtrusive dock, these adjustments can contribute to a more efficient and personalized computing experience.

Optimizing Screen Space by Hiding the Menu Bar on Your Mac

The menu bar, while an essential part of the macOS interface for accessing system and application menus, occupies valuable vertical space on your screen. For users seeking to maximize their workspace or those who prefer a minimalist desktop aesthetic, macOS offers the option to automatically hide the menu bar. Here’s how you can hide the menu bar:

  1. Open System Preferences :

Click on the Apple logo located in the top left corner of your screen. Select "System Preferences" from the dropdown menu to open the settings window.

  1. Navigate to General Settings

Within System Preferences, find and click on the "General" icon. This will take you to the general settings for your Mac.

  1. Enable Menu Bar Hiding

Look for the option labeled "Automatically hide and show the menu bar." Check this box to activate the automatic hiding feature for the menu bar.

  1. Accessing the Hidden Menu Bar

After enabling this feature, the menu bar will be hidden by default. To view the menu bar, simply move your cursor to the top edge of the screen. The menu bar will appear for as long as you hover your cursor in that area.

Benefits of Hiding the Menu Bar

  • Enhanced Screen Real Estate : By hiding the menu bar, you gain additional vertical space, making more room for your applications and content.
  • Focus on Content : With fewer elements on the screen, you can concentrate better on your tasks, leading to increased productivity.
  • Sleeker Desktop Appearance : A hidden menu bar contributes to a cleaner and more uncluttered desktop environment.


  • Accessibility : Users who frequently access the menu bar for specific tasks might need some time to adjust to the extra step of revealing it.
  • Habituation : Initially, remembering that the menu bar is hidden and not immediately visible may require a slight adjustment in your workflow.

By following these simple steps to hide the menu bar, you can significantly enhance the usability and appearance of your Mac’s workspace. This adjustment allows for a more focused and spacious environment, suitable for various tasks and preferences. Whether you’re working on detailed projects that benefit from a larger display area or simply prefer a tidier desktop, hiding the menu bar is a straightforward and effective solution.

Expanding Your Workspace with Multiple Desktops on Mac

Mission Control is a standout feature of macOS that is often overlooked by users. It offers the ability to create multiple desktops, significantly expanding your digital workspace. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to leverage multiple desktops for a more organized workspace.

  1. Access Mission Control

Perform a four-finger swipe upwards on your touchpad or press the control-up arrow keyboard shortcut. This action will activate Mission Control, providing an overview of all open windows and desktops.

  1. Add a New Desktop

Once in Mission Control, move your cursor to the top of the screen. You'll see your current desktops displayed as thumbnails at the top. Look for a + button in the top-right corner of the screen and click it to add a new desktop.

  1. Organize Windows Across Desktops

With multiple desktops created, you can drag and drop windows from one desktop to another. Simply click and hold a window in Mission Control and move it to the desired desktop thumbnail.

  1. Switch Between Desktops

To navigate between your desktops, use a three or four-finger swipe left or right on your touchpad. Alternatively, you can use the control-left or control-right arrow keyboard shortcuts to move between desktops.

Benefits of Using Multiple Desktops

  • Enhanced Focus : By segregating your work into different desktops, you can concentrate on one task at a time, minimizing distractions from unrelated applications.
  • Improved Organization : Multiple desktops allow for a more organized digital workspace, making it easier to switch between different types of work or projects.
  • Customizable Workspaces : You can tailor each desktop to a specific task, such as one for work-related applications, another for personal use, and a third for entertainment or relaxation.


  • Memory Usage : Keep in mind that having many applications open across multiple desktops can consume more system resources. Monitor your Mac’s performance and adjust as necessary.
  • Learning Curve : For new users, it might take some time to get accustomed to navigating and managing multiple desktops efficiently. Practice using Mission Control and its features to become more proficient.

By utilizing multiple desktops through Mission Control, you can significantly enhance the functionality and organization of your Mac’s workspace. This feature allows for a more efficient separation of tasks, enabling users to focus on their work without the clutter and distractions of unrelated applications.

Popular MacOS Calendar Integrations

You can use Appy Pie to connect your macOS Calendar with many other apps easily. Also, check out the top calendar apps for Android and iOS to keep your schedule organized on any device. This can help you manage your time better.


By implementing these strategies, you can significantly enhance your Mac's usability and your productivity. Adjusting display settings, hiding the dock and menu bar, and utilizing multiple desktops are straightforward yet effective ways to maximize your screen space. These adjustments not only optimize your work processes but also create a more organized and distraction-free environment, allowing you to concentrate on what's truly important. Adopt these changes to unlock a more efficient and enjoyable computing experience on your Mac. Exploring the best Mac apps can further complement these strategies, elevating your overall efficiency and satisfaction with your Mac experience.

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