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9 Fun & Creative Holiday Marketing Ideas to Try This Holiday Season

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on February 21st, 2024 7:29 am | 4-min read

The holiday season is here, ladies and gents! Well, almost here. The holiday season is an important time for businesses. It is a time when most businesses experience a massive boost in sales. Apart from sales, the holiday season is also an excellent way for businesses to connect with their audiences. Companies can use this time to increase customer loyalty, reengage leads effectively, and launch intense and powerful brand campaigns. It is crucial that businesses get the holiday season right. To help your business do that, we decided to list down nine creative holiday marketing ideas that will help you do just that! Before we get into it, you need to understand why it’s important to use these marketing ideas. To simplify, here are some statistics that tell you exactly why you need to focus your business efforts on holiday marketing.

  1. Create ad campaigns for the holiday season: Google ads are a great way for businesses to market during the holiday season. It is a time of discounts, great offers, and more. Seasonal marketing campaigns for holidays will help you significantly.
  2. There are many ways you can create ad campaigns for the holiday season. For example, if you are marketing an online store, you can create targeted ads for certain keywords. If you sell cosmetics, you can market your gift packs of cosmetics as ‘holiday gift packs’ and create relevant ads & landing pages for the same. You can also create campaigns around other limited-time offers and offer discounts through these ads. For example, you can offer free shipping over purchases of, say, 100$. These ad campaigns will attract customers to your product pages and help you generate more revenue during the holiday season. You can create these ads using tools like APpy Pie Design’s banner maker, which is excellent for creating banner ads for Facebook. It can also be used to create offline banners for billboards.
  3. Holiday giveaways on social media channels: Giveaways are very popular nowadays. They help companies engage users by offering them a company’s products for free. It is essentially a great way to ensure that customers get attracted to your business.
  4. Run social media giveaways for a set number of your products. After all, who doesn’t love free stuff? The number of people that participate in your giveaway will also help you record metrics and analyze the success of your social media channels. The more giveaways you do, the better your brand reception among your customers and potential leads. Appy Pie provides a graphic design tool that can help you create various graphics for your social media channels
  5. Seasonal marketing emails: After push notifications, marketing emails are probably the most successful form of marketing there is. The holiday season is the perfect opportunity to create new emails specifically for the holiday season.
  6. Festivals are a great time to send effective marketing emails. Connect yourself to their inboxes. Connect yourself to their inboxes through catchy phrases, great designs, special offers, etc. Whatever it takes, good marketing emails during the festival season will definitely attract more people to your businesses.
  7. Reengage cold leads: As a business, you must have a list of leads that almost became customers. The sort of people that added a product from your store to the cart but never bought it. Such customers are a goldmine during the holiday festive season.
  8. Re-engage them with emails or targeted ads. Send them special offers, reminders, notifications, etc. This process is also known as remarketing. The truth is that people during the holiday season tend to make decisions faster. So remarketing will essentially give them the necessary push to finally buy your product. Make good use of that push!
  9. Personalized marketing to users: A relatively new tactic in the marketing industry, personalized marketing is the next big avenue. And the festival season is the perfect time to market to audiences. As a digital marketer, you likely have a lot of user data that you’ve collected over the years.
  10. This user data can be utilized more effectively during the holiday season. The first step to personalized marketing is to segment your users into various categories. For example, if you are a smartphone seller, you can isolate your various demographics and figure out what a particular demographic looks for. Teenagers would want great cameras or gaming performance on a smartphone, whereas adults would want better software. Once you do that, create marketing messaging (push, email, ads) and market to each segment separately. Now, this is a lengthier process, but it is an effective marketing technique. So effective, in fact, that it can help double your revenue during the holiday season.
  11. Special Holiday-themed design: One of the ways to connect with your customers is to celebrate a festivities with them. You can do that by giving your business website and social channels a festival-themed look. Or you can change your product packaging to match the holiday season.

  12. Creative video ads: Video advertising is another effective way to celebrate the holiday season. Create video ads with the festive theme in mind. Hire a videographer and get your best designers and editors to work on it. These ads can either go online on Youtube or on TV channels.
  13. These ads help create a positive connection between your brand and leads. An example of a creative video ad would be a recent Cadbury ad campaign that ran during the holiday season of Diwali in India. The ad, which uses machine learning, tracks the location of a viewer and recommends local businesses in the area using its brand ambassador, Shahrukh Khan’s face and voice. The message behind the ad is that Cadbury wants to make its brand ambassador the brand ambassador for small local businesses across the country and help promote them during the festive season. The ad has been received very positively all over the country. Such creative ideas can be a great way to market your business during the holiday season.
  14. Give them the ‘FEELS’: A common way to get creative with video ads is to create emotionally effective advertisements to compel & coerce viewers into buying your products. Every major brand does this, and it works relatively effectively.
  15. However, these ads can be expensive to create since you need to invest quite a bit. These ads are all about the underlying message and high production quality. Good luck!
  16. Influencers: Last but not least, influencers are also a great way to promote brands during the festive season. You can learn more about influencer marketing and how to hire influencers through our simplified influencer marketing guide.
  17. Influencers are very active during the festive season. Getting them to promote your brand will help you increase your sales. The success of an influencer depends mostly on their following and how likely their followers are to buy your products.


The festive season is near, and it's the perfect time for your business to start preparing for it. We wish you luck, and we wish your business a Happy Holidays!!!Leave us a comment if you have your own creative ideas to share with us!!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie