50 Examples of Successful Facebook Ad Templates that Actually Work - Appypie

50 Examples of Successful Facebook Ad Templates that Actually Work

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on May 24th, 2024 11:58 am | 4-min read

Facebook is one of the best social media to advertise your brand and raise your brand’s reputation. Thanks to the versatility provided by Facebook’s ad interface, it gives advertisers hundreds of ways to efficiently market their brand. To learn more about Facebook advertising read our comprehensive guide to Facebook advertising.Ad Templateson Facebook - Appypie

How to create attractive Facebook Ad Creatives?

Your Facebook Ad creative comprises of two sections - visual and textual content. Hence, I am going to divide this list into two sections. Let’s take a look!

Creating the perfect ad image

While scrolling through their newsfeed, the first thing people will see in your ad is the image you used. If your ad image fails to impress, chances are, they would keep scrolling. This is how important images are! There are some basic rules set forth by Facebook when it comes to creating Facebook App Install ad images:
  • Recommended size: 1200x628px. Sticking to this size will ensure that your image is not cut out of frame or stretched out
  • Only about 20% of the image may contain any text. Facebook does not allow too much text in their Facebook Ads.
  • The images should not exploit political, sexual, or any other sensitive issues.
  • The images should not be excessively sexual, imply nudity, show excessive amounts of skin or cleavage, or focus unnecessarily on body parts.
Facebook is coming down heavy on the accounts that are not following the guidelines, so it is good to go through Facebook image guidelines to stay on the safer side. Let’s get into the tips now.

  1. Tweak the image according to your target audience
  2. Choosing a generic image for your ad in hopes of appealing to everyone is a big mistake. A generic image won’t be relatable to anyone! Create a Facebook ad that targets a specific audience segment. This way you would be able to choose an image that will appeal to this segment, giving you greater ROI!

  3. Stay true to your brand
  4. This goes without saying, but I am going to say it! No matter which segment you focus on, make sure that it resonates with your brand image. This means, the colours, the text and font.

  5. Don’t get carried away
  6. In your effort to make your image attractive, you can make good use of bright colours. However, it is easy to get carried away. Over-use of bright colours can turn out to be a bad thing for your brand. An advertisement that looks obviously like an advertisement will be quickly skipped over by the viewer.

Write great ad copy to seal the deal

Once you have caught the attention of your target audience, it is time to reel them in, and that is where your copy will do the talking for you. On your Facebook Ad, you get two sections to add text - the headline and the body. The headline is the short description that you add at the bottom of the image. The body text is more detailed and describes the features and other important aspects of your product or service. Let’s take a look at those tips

  1. Draft a strong headline
  2. Your headline is the key benefit you wooudl be offering or the offer you are running! Make sure that you do this in as few words as possible. Your headline should be the major benefit they are going to get instead of what you want them to do.

  3. Informative body text
  4. So your headline got the target audience’s attention. It is time to convince them that your products are the best choice for them. Keep it short and sweet. Identify a problem and present a solution.
Despite the ease of creating ads for Facebook, finding an ad format that is equal parts engaging and efficient is hard. Knowing how and when to use the right template is a skill and after researching over 25000 facebook ads, we’ve compiled a list of 50 examples of successful advertisements divided across 15 types of templates. Without further ado, let us begin.

General Templates

Our first list of templates includes the most popular template types that are neutral and work for all. These are well suited to businesses looking for low-risk & high-reward templates. However, despite the relative ease of distributing these advertisements, their success comes down to the their end design.
  1. Image + Center-Text:One of the most common types of ad templates that can be found on Facebook. These advertisements are extremely easy to make and highlight whatever is written which can include the product USP, brand slogan or one-liners. It also encloses your brand logo for additional recognition and brand influence. 
  2. Examples:Image + Center-Text Image + Center-Text Image + Center-Text
  3. Image + Aligned Text: Just like the format above, this template is easy to make and maintain. The aligned text must coincide with the alignment of the logo. This kind of advertisement is easily noticeable albeit a bit ‘boring’. It is also the most common ad template on Facebook.
  4. Examples: (Note the alignment with the logo in the following)Image + Aligned TextImage + Aligned TextImage + Aligned TextImage + Aligned Text
  5. Image + Centered Text Inside a Circle:This template is excellent for showcasing discount offers and shopping advertisements to the viewers. The ad template tends to focus a user’s attention to the center of the image where the offer is specified. High contrast with the background image is a must in this template.
  6. Examples:Image + Centered Text Inside a CircleImage + Centered Text Inside a CircleImage + Centered Text Inside a Circle
  7. Image + Text inside a Square/Rectangle:Works similar to number 3. However, a semi-opaque background is recommended for this one. Fairly common among advertisers on Facebook.
  8. Examples:Image + Text inside a Square/RectangleImage + Text inside a Square/RectangleImage + Text inside a Square/Rectangle
  9. Image + Text + CTA: This template uses the various templates mentioned above and just adds a CTA to it. Use simplistic CTAs that the user is more likely to click. 
  10. Examples:Image + Text + CTAImage + Text + CTAImage + Text + CTA
  11. Plain Image + Logo:The most simplistic facebook advertisement there is. Extremely simple to create which portrays an ‘understated elegance’ and minimalism to your ad if done right. However, this is more suited to brands with good recognition and Fortune 500 companies. Should usually be avoided if you are a relatively newer business.
  12. Note: Placement of the logo can be done anywhereExamples: Plain Image + LogoPlain Image + LogoPlain Image + Logo

Other Templates

The facebook ad templates given above are the ones that are used in a more general sense and are applicable to all industries, products, and services. They are relatively simple and easy to create. The ROI on the templates given above is ok but in a larger sense is too simplistic to make an impact. Simple is not always good. There are a lot of unconventional template designs that have evolved from the general templates. They have been covered below. A closer observation of the templates given below will reveal that all of them are just ‘evolved’ versions of the general templates.
  1. Product Showcase:Specifically suited to software and hardware websites, product showcase ads focus less on the look of the ad and more on its substance. Such ads explain products in their posts and show an image of the product while in operation. It is one of the best ways to generate high-quality leads.
  2. Examples:Product ShowcaseProduct Showcase
  3. Product showcase + value proposition: Similar to the showcase above this particular, this kind of template contains a one-liner that adds a value proposition to the advertisement. This template provides a lot of oppurtunity to play around with words and provide an attention-grabbing line to attract viewers.
  4. Examples:Product showcase + value propositionProduct showcase + value proposition
  5. Right Aligned Image + value proposition:A similar application of number 8 which shifts the image to the right and adds the value proposition to the left.
  6. Examples:Right Aligned Image + value propositionRight Aligned Image + value proposition
  7. Benefit proposition + logo: If your business helps other businesses grow or provides a benefit to the users, you can mention the benefit and add a visual corresponding to it. Do remember to include your logo for added effect.
  8. Examples:Benefit proposition + logoBenefit proposition + logo
  9. Text Visualization: This is a current fad in the industry. One of the most popular ways of modern advertisement, this involves minimizing the text in the template and visualizing it with an icon or picture. It makes the viewer guess what the image portrays involving the user even before they click.
  10. Examples:Text VisualizationText Visualization
  11. Testimonial advertisement: This kind of Facebook advertisement posts a customer testimonial in the ad itself which acts as a pseudo-call-to-action for the viewer.
  12. Examples:Testimonial advertisementTestimonial advertisement
  13. Center product + logo: This is suited to retail/wholesale websites. Amazon ads on Facebook are the best examples you can check out. It can also include a compilation of products.
  14. Examples:Center product + logoCenter product + logo
  15. Carousel Products: Usually done for retail brands, this advertisement is a new feature on Facebook. It allows the viewer to browse through a retail website’s catalog on facebook itself.
  16. Examples:Carousel ProductsCarousel Products
  17. Simple Image + Overlay + Logo: This template is made for simplicity and minimalism. A reference image, brand name, and logo. This advertisement is great for spreading brand awareness and recognition.
  18. Examples:Simple Image + Overlay + LogoSimple Image + Overlay + Logo

Creative Templates:

While templates mentioned above are commonplace due to their wide success and ease of application, some brands and companies do get creative with facebook ads. These examples given below are rare creative applications of Facebook advertising and go to prove how versatile Facebook advertising can be.
  1. Video-Based template
  2. Video-Based template
  3. Linking landing pages in a carousel
  4. Linking landing pages in a carousel
  5. Product acting as logo housing
  6. Product acting as logo housing
  7. Adding a chatbot to book test drives and enquire, along with a video brochure in a carousel(Most interactive ad I’ve ever seen)
  8. Adding a chatbot to book test drives and enquire, along with a video brochure in a carousel(Most interactive ad I’ve ever seen)
  9. Product catalog in a boosted post that takes a direct dig at competitor
  10. Product catalog in a boosted post that takes a direct dig at competitor
  11. Humorous tagline and funny to watch gif
  12. Humorous tagline and funny to watch gif
  13. Personalizing the ad for the audience
  14. Personalizing the ad for the audience
  15. Extreme high color contrast to stand out
  16. Extreme high color contrast to stand out
  17. Influencer ‘advertising’
  18. Influencer ‘advertising’
  19. Playing with your viewer’s curiosity
  20. Playing with your viewer’s curiosity
  21. Use emojis, maybe? (TBH, not my favorite)
  22. Use emojis, maybe? (TBH, not my favorite)
  23. Visual simplification
  24. Visual simplification
  25.  Not my recommended method, but click baiting
  26. Not my recommended method, but click baiting

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie