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20 Customer Service Email Templates and Sample Responses

Lakhvinder Singh
By Lakhvinder Singh | Last Updated on April 21st, 2024 10:16 am
LiveChat & Email TemplatesTemplates

In today’s world, customer care is even more important than it has ever been. There are so many choices for customers, and if they are not happy with one business, they can easily find another one that offers the same product or service. If customers are happy, they will keep coming back and will tell their friends about the good experience they had. This word-of-mouth advertising is worth its weight in gold.

Email is a very important channel for customer care because it allows companies to have a written record of all customer interactions. This record can be used to help resolve customer issues, track customer satisfaction, and improve customer service overall. Additionally, email gives customers a way to contact companies when they are not able to reach them by phone or live chat software.

How to Write Better Customer Service Emails

It’s no secret that good customer service is essential to the success of any business. After all, happy customers are more likely to stick around, and they’re also more likely to tell their friends and family about your company. But what about when things go wrong? When a customer has a problem, they’re going to want to contact customer service to get it fixed.

And that’s where things can start to go off the rails. If your customer service emails are full of typos, are difficult to understand, or just plain sound unprofessional, you’re not doing your business any favors. customers who are already frustrated with a problem are only going to get angrier when they can’t even understand the response they’re getting from customer service.

Here are five tips for writing the perfect customer support email or response.

1. Use a professional greeting

When you are writing a customer support email, it is important to use a professional greeting. This will show the customer that you are taking their inquiry seriously. Some good greetings to use include “Dear [Customer Name],” “Hello [Customer Name],” or “Hi [Customer Name].”

2. Thank the customer for their inquiry

After you have greeted the customer, you should thank them for their inquiry. This will show them that you appreciate their business. You might say something like, “Thank you for reaching out to us.”

3. Apologize for any inconvenience

If the customer is inquiring about a problem they are having, be sure to apologize for any inconvenience. This will show them that you are sympathetic to their situation. You might say something like, “I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble.”

4. Offer a solution

Once you have apologized, offer a solution to the customer’s problem. This will show them that you are willing to help them resolve the issue. Be sure to be clear and concise when explaining the solution.

5. Thank the customer again

After you have offered a solution, thank the customer again for their inquiry. This will show them that you appreciate their business. You might say something like, “Thank you for choosing our company.”

20 Best Customer Email Templates + Templates for the Most Common Scenarios

Writing a personalized customer service email to everyone is nearly impossible. Especially if you need to write a few dozen, let alone hundreds or thousands. If you find yourself in this situation, creating a template is the best way to write automated customer service emails.

Email Template 1: Customer Account Confirmation

When a customer creates a new account or subscribes to a newsletter, it’s natural to check their inbox for a confirmation email. Confirmation emails are a must-have for many online services, as they ensure that the customer’s email address is valid and that they want to receive updates from your company.

Confirmation emails also give customers a chance to double-check the information they’ve provided and make changes if needed. If a customer enters the wrong email address, for example, they can simply reply to the confirmation email and have the email address updated.

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for joining [Your Brand Name].

We’d like to confirm that your account was created successfully. Please confirm this is the right email address by clicking the link below: [LINK] If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Thank you,

Your Name

Email Template 2: Welcome Email

When customers sign up for your services, you should always send them a welcome email. This is something that every business should do because it helps you to build a good relationship with your customers from the start. It also helps you to get their attention and let them know what you have to offer.

As a business, it’s important to always be building new relationships and maintaining existing ones. For this reason, it’s essential that you get your customers’ attention early through a welcome email on in the relationship.

Hi [customer name],

Thank you for choosing our service! We’re excited to have you on board and we’ll do everything we can to make sure you’re happy with your purchase.

If you have any questions or need any help, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always happy to help.

Thank you again, and we look forward to serving you.

[Your Name]

Email Template 3: Asking Customers if they Need Help

It is also important to ask customers if they need help because it can help you identify potential problems or areas where customers may need more assistance. Asking customers if they need help can also help you build rapport and create a more positive customer experience.

You should also make sure that you have a good customer service department so that you can help your customers with any problems they may have. A good customer service department can answer any questions that your customers may have about your products or services and help them with their orders.

Hello [Customer Name],

I hope you’re having a great day. Our records indicate that you recently purchase our premium plan. Is everything working out okay?

If you need any help with your new purchase, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email address]. We’re always happy to help our customers get the most out of their services.

Thank you once again for Choosing Our Service. We Appreciate Your Trust.

[Your Name]

Email Template 4: Asking for a review

There are many reasons why companies ask for customer reviews.The most common reason is to gather feedback about a product or service. Customer reviews can help businesses improve their offerings and make sure that they are meeting the needs of their customers. Additionally, the more reviews you have on your website, the more likely it is that potential customers will place orders with you

Hi [Customer First Name],

Thank you so much for choosing our company to fulfill your [Product/Service] needs. We would really appreciate if you could take a moment to write a review or testimonial about your experience working with us.

Your feedback is very important to us and it would help us improve our business and better serve our future customers.

Thank you,

[Your Brand Name]

Email Template 5: Dealing with Angry Customers

Dealing with angry customers is one of the most difficult aspects of a support representative’s job.It can be difficult to remain calm and professional when dealing with an angry customer, but it is important to remember that the customer is not angry with you personally. Try to stay calm and empathize with the customer’s situation. Thank them for their feedback and let them know that you will do your

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am sorry that you had such a terrible experience with our product. We strive to provide the best possible experience for all of our customers, and we are clearly falling short in your case.

I would love to talk to you further about what happened and see if there is anything we can do to make it right. Please give me a call at [PHONE NUMBER] at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and feedback.


[Your Name]

Email Template 6: Responding to Customer Requesting a Feature You Don’t Have

Some customers are quite direct, and they tell you what they want. Sometimes they want something that you can’t do, but sometimes they want something that you don’t have. Don’t ever say no to a customer who wants what you can do. Say yes, and then figure out the best way to get it done for that particular customer. You might have to add a feature or build an entirely new product while assuring them that your sending your requested feature to your product team.

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the [feature] feature. I understand how important it is to have this feature available to you and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Unfortunately, at this time we do not offer the [feature] feature. However, we are always working on new features and improvements and I would be more than happy to pass your feedback along to our development team.

Thank you for your understanding and if you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know.


[Your Name]

Email Template 7: Technical Support

In order to have a successful network, you must provide the best technical support to your users. Technical support includes helping users to learn the system and solve problems that may arise. A user with a problem is much more likely to become a regular user if he or she gets immediate help from the system’s technical support. If you don’t handle them properly, this can be extremely frustrating for your customers. As a result, you should take care of it.

Hello [name of the customer],
I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with our platform. I’ve addressed this issue with our Technical Support team. They’ll be reaching out soon.
Let me know if I can help you with anything else in the meantime.
Thank you for your patience,
[your name]

Email Template 8: Discount request

Dealing with discount requests is challenging for many businesses. If a customer requests a discount, you’ll want to be able to respond quickly with a thoughtful and professional answer. However, it can be difficult to know how to handle these requests.
Here’s an example of one of the best email templates you can try to deal to with discount request.
Hello [customer’s name],
Thank you for contacting us and showing interest in our platform! For any potential discounts, I will need to run this by my team/manager first and then get back to you. I’ll contact them again as soon as I receive a response.
In the meantime, please let me know if you have any further questions.
[Your Name]

Email Template 9: Order Confirmation

The order confirmation emails are important because they provide customers with written confirmation of their purchase, and they also provide important details about the order, such as what was purchased, when it was purchased, and how it will be delivered. Order confirmation emails can also help resolve customer service issues by providing a record of the order.

Thank you for your order!
Order details:
We’ll begin processing your order immediately and will keep you updated on its status.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank you again,

Email Template 10: Requesting a customer to fill out a survey form

Customer surveys are important because they provide businesses with valuable feedback about their products or services. This feedback can be used to improve the quality of the product or service, and it can also help businesses to identify areas where they need to make changes. Customer surveys can also help businesses to build better relationships with their customers by understanding their needs and wants.
Hello [Customer Name],
We hope you had a great experience with our product/service. In order to continue providing the best possible service, we would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to fill out a short survey. Your feedback is very important to us.Thank you for your time,
[Your Name]

Email Template 11: Releasing a major feature/upgrade

Product update or new feature emails are important because they help keep customers updated on new features, changes, and updates to products they have purchased. By keeping customers informed, companies can reduce customer support issues and improve customer satisfaction.In addition to this, these emails can inspire customer confidence and encourage customers to buy more products from the company in the future.


We are excited to announce that our latest feature/upgrade is now available. This release includes a number of new features and improvements, including:

[list features and benefits here]

To get started, simply [instructions on how to access the new features/upgrade].

As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for using our product!

Email Template 12: Refusing a discount request

It is perfectly normal for not everyone to like your product. Customers will take advantage of your refund policy if you have one. Sometimes the problem isn’t with either party. Perhaps the time is not right for your customer to use your product. They might become a customer of yours in the future. Never cut ties with a customer.

Hi [Customer name],

Thank you for inquiring about a discount on our services. Unfortunately, we can’t give out a discount on your current plan, as it’s already our best value package.
We appreciate your understanding.

[Your name]

Email Template 13: Following up with a customer email

It’s important to follow up with your customers for their queries. The email follow up should also contain a mentioning previous customer query. The email should be short, sweet and to the point. The email should be fully personalized. The email should contain a personal greeting and a proper mention of your customer’s name.

Hi [Customer name],

Hope you’re doing great. I wanted to check in with you regarding the issue you had the other day. Was it resolved? Do you need any additional help? I’d be happy to assist you in any case.

Have a great day,

[Your name]

Email Template 13: Thanking a customer for positive feedback

A customer’s positive feedback is always a great acknowledgment and appreciation of the hard work put in by your team. Thanking them for their feedback is the polite thing to do, and it also helps to keep the customer engaged and interested in what you are doing. It also helps to build a relationship with the customer and encourages them to continue to provide positive feedback in the future.

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for the amazing feedback! We’re so happy to know that you had such a positive experience with our product/service. We’re constantly striving to provide the best possible experience for our customers, and we’re glad that we were able to exceed your expectations.

We hope you’ll continue to be a satisfied customer, and we thank you for your support.


[Your Name]

Email Template 14: Customer Churn

There could be many reasons why a customer may cancel their subscription. It could be that they are not happy with the product or service, it could be that they can no longer afford the subscription, or it could be that they simply no longer have a need for the product or service.

When a customer cancels their subscription, you should send them an email to find out why they are cancelling. This will give you an opportunity to correct any problems that they have with your product or service and also offer them some type of discount to stay on as a customer.

Hello [customer’s name],

I see you’ve decided to close your account. I was wondering if there was anything we could have done to improve your experience with us.

Would you mind telling us why you decided to cancel? Your feedback will assist us in making improvements.

Thank you very much for your time and candour.

[Your Name]

Email Template 15: Following Up with a Prospect

One of the most important tasks in Customer Support or Sales roles is following up with clients and prospects. When someone contacts you or your company, you must respond as soon as possible to give yourself the best chance! When you don’t have time to follow up with each person immediately, use this email template to let them know you received their inquiry and will follow up soon.

Hello [name of the customer],

Thank you for reaching out to us.

We appreciate your interest in our products and services. [name of the customer], we will be more than happy to help you with your inquiry.

If you could please provide us with your contact information, we will have one of our representatives reach out to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and have a great day.

[Your Name]

Email Template 15: Informing a Customer about their Subscription Expiry

A Subscription Expiry Message informs the customer that their subscription is about to expire and provides them with information on how to renew it. This message is important because it allows the customer to continue using the product or service they are paying for. The message should be clear and concise, and it should provide the customer with all of the information they need to renew their subscription. It should also include a call-to-action that makes it easy for the customer to renew their subscription.

Hi [Customer Name],

Your subscription to [Product/Service Name] is set to expire on [Date].

We hope you have enjoyed using our service and we would love to keep you as a customer. To continue using our service, please renew your subscription by [Date].

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at [Contact Details].

Thank you for your business.

[Your Name]

Email Template 16: Win Back Customers

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Without customers, you have no revenue, and without revenue, your business will not survive. So, attracting and retaining customers should be one of your top priorities. The cost of acquiring a new customer is five to seven times more expensive than retaining an existing one. Therefore, it’s important to focus your attention on ways to keep your customers coming back to your business. After all, they are the ones who keep your business running.

Hi [Customer Name],

It’s been a while since we’ve seen you and we wanted to let you know that we miss you. We hope you’re doing well and we’d love to see you again soon.

In the meantime, we wanted to let you know that we’re having a special sale just for our loyal customers like you. We hope you’ll take advantage of it and come back and see us soon.

We can’t wait to see you again!

[Your Name]

Email Template 17: Service Interruption

Interruptions in service are frustrating for customers and bad for business, so you should send apology email to customers when they experience service interruption due to factors within or beyond your control. If you’re not sure how to craft an apology email, we’ve got you covered.

Dear [Customer Name],

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by the interruption of our service. We understand that this may have caused you some inconvenience and we apologize for that. We are working hard to resolve the issue and we will be back up and running as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

[Your Name]

Email Template 18: Increase in Price

Every business will face a time when they must raise their prices for one reason or another. The most compelling argument in favor of raising prices is increased revenue. The most common objection is customer backlash. If you have to raise your prices, you should notify your customers via email so that they are not taken aback.

Hi [Customer Name],

We are writing to let you know that the price of [PRODUCT] will be increasing from [OLD PRICE] to [NEW PRICE] as of [DATE]. We hope that this change will not cause any inconvenience.

And this change is for the better — we’re going to add a lot of upgrades like .

Thank you for your continued support.


Email Template 19: Responding to Negative Feedback

Customer feedback is one of the most important factors in a company’s success. By constantly gathering feedback and using it to improve the product or service, a company can ensure that its customers are happy and continue to do business with them. However, if a company only focuses on positive feedback and ignores negative feedback, it is likely to eventually experience problems.

Customers who are unhappy with a product or service will often take their business elsewhere, and they may also spread negative word-of-mouth about the company. Therefore, it is essential for companies to listen to both positive and negative feedback in order to ensure long-term success.

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’re sorry that you had a negative experience and would like to do whatever we can to make it right. Could you please let us know what specifically didn’t meet your expectations? We’ll do our best to address your concerns and prevent this from happening in the future.

Thank you for your feedback and for giving us the opportunity to improve your experience.

[Your Name]

Email Template 20: Scheduled Maintenance

If you’re in a business that requires regular maintenance, you should inform your customers of the service schedule and make sure they understand it. One of the best ways to keep your customers informed about your service schedule is to send them a maintenance schedule email. By sending an email, you can keep your customer informed beforehand.

Hi [Customer Name],

We are writing to let you know that we will be performing scheduled maintenance on our website on [DATE] from [TIME] to [TIME]. During this time, our website will be unavailable.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please contact us at [EMAIL].

Thank you,


Create a Strong Customer Experience Using Customer Service Software

As a business owner, you know that customer service is vital to the success of your company. It can be the difference between a one-time customer and a lifelong client. That’s why it’s important to have a customer service strategy in place. And one way to do that is by using customer service platforms like live chat software and help desk system .

Appy Pie’s customer service software is a tool that helps you manage customer inquiries and complaints. It can also help you keep track of customer interactions, so you can provide a better experience for them. You can use these customer service email templates in your tools and make your customer service more effective. these customer service templates can save you lots of time and effort when talking to customers


When dealing with difficult customers, customer service email templates like the one above will come in handy. It will also assist you in maintaining consistent branding and messaging, which your customers will greatly appreciate. They are extremely beneficial to your customers because these templates are prepared after careful consideration. The customer service email templates listed above are of the best quality and will give you the best results. You can use our email templates to send information to customers in various ways.

Lakhvinder Singh

Head of SEO at Appy Pie

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