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Wix vs. Weebly: Which Website Builder Should You Use?

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | March 9, 2024 11:48 am

Website-building platforms Wix and Weebly stand out as two of the most popular choices for individuals and businesses looking to create their online presence. Both platforms offer a range of features designed to make website creation as easy and efficient as possible, but each has unique strengths and weaknesses. Wix excels with its extensive range of integrations Wix integration with Mailchimp and Shopify Wix integration. With offers customization options, Wix offers a drag-and-drop interface that caters to users desiring complete creative control. While also providing a user-friendly experience, Weebly leans towards a more structured approach, potentially simplifying the design process for novices. This analysis delves into the crucial differences between Wix and Weebly, emphasizing aspects such as Wix integration capabilities, to assist in determining the most suitable website builder for your specific needs and preferences.

Wix vs. Weebly: A Quick Comparison

Feature Wix Weebly
User Interface Highly intuitive drag-and-drop editor. Structured editor with drag-and-drop capabilities.
Customization Extensive customization with a wide range of templates and apps. Good customization with templates, more streamlined.
E-commerce Robust e-commerce features for small to medium-sized stores. Strong e-commerce capabilities, especially for Square users.
Pricing Slightly more expensive with a broad range of features. More affordable, offering a simpler range of options.
SEO Tools Advanced SEO tools and customizations. Solid SEO features, user-friendly for beginners.
Ease of Use Ideal for users seeking creative control. Best for those preferring simplicity and guidance.
Integrations Extensive app market for added functionality. Limited but focused integrations for streamlined use.
Support Comprehensive support options. Good support, but Wix offers more resources.

Evaluating Wix vs. Weebly: A Detailed Comparison

When comparing Wix and Weebly for your website-building needs, it's essential to delve into the specifics of what each platform offers. Both platforms cater to a wide range of users, from beginners to seasoned web designers, and understanding their nuances can help you make an informed decision.

  1. Ease of Use
  2. Both Wix and Weebly pride themselves on their user-friendly platforms, but they cater to different user experiences. Weebly's structured editor provides a less intimidating environment for beginners, with its drag-and-drop functionality confined within predefined areas. This approach reduces the likelihood of design errors and speeds up the learning curve for new users. On the other hand, Wix’s open canvas interface offers a more flexible editing experience, appealing to users with specific design visions. While this freedom allows for more detailed customization, it may require a slightly steeper learning curve to master.

  3. Design Flexibility
  4. Wix stands out with its unparalleled design flexibility, thanks to its intuitive drag-and-drop interface. This feature is a game-changer for users who seek creative control over every element of their site's appearance, allowing for the placement of text, images, and other elements anywhere on a page. This level of customization is particularly appealing to designers and businesses aiming for a unique online presence. In contrast, Weebly's structured approach to design offers a cleaner, more streamlined process for building websites. Its grid-based editor simplifies the design process, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer a more straightforward approach. While this might limit creative freedom to some extent, it ensures a cohesive look and feel across the site, which can be particularly beneficial for users without a background in web design.

  5. Integration Capabilities
  6. The ability to integrate with third-party services is a critical factor in extending the functionality of your website. Wix excels in this area with its wide array of integration capabilities, making it a standout choice for users who require a versatile platform. With Wix Square integration, businesses can effortlessly connect their website to one of the leading payment platforms, enabling smooth transaction processes for their customers. Additionally, Wix Etsy integration allows creators and sellers on Etsy to seamlessly link their shop with their Wix site, providing a unified online presence that can enhance visibility and sales. For those looking to incorporate advanced payment options, Wix Stripe integration offers a robust solution, ensuring secure and efficient payment processing. Moreover, Wix Salesforce integration is available for businesses that prioritize customer relationship management, enabling them to synchronize their CRM activities with their website for improved customer engagement and service. Collectively, these integrations empower Wix users to sell products, manage customer interactions, and process payments with greater efficiency, providing the flexibility and scalability necessary to evolve their website alongside their business needs.

  7. E-commerce Capabilities
  8. E-commerce functionality is a critical consideration for businesses looking to sell online. Weebly, now powered by Square, delivers robust e-commerce features that integrate seamlessly with its platform, providing a comprehensive solution for online stores. From inventory management to payment processing, Weebly covers all the bases for setting up an e-commerce site with ease. Wix also boasts strong e-commerce capabilities, especially when leveraging its integration with Shopify. This combination allows users to enjoy Wix's design flexibility while benefiting from Shopify's powerful e-commerce tools, offering a best-of-both-world scenario for online retailers.

  9. SEO Tools
  10. Improving your site's visibility in search engine results is paramount, and both Wix and Weebly offer tools to help you optimize your SEO. Wix takes the lead with its advanced SEO features, offering in-depth guidance and customized plans to boost your site's ranking. Its SEO Wiz tool, for instance, creates a personalized plan based on your site’s specific needs, helping you understand and implement SEO best practices more effectively. Weebly also provides solid SEO functionalities that allow for basic optimizations, including meta descriptions and alt text, but lacks the depth of resources found in Wix.

  11. Mobile Responsiveness
  12. With the increasing use of mobile devices to access the internet, having a mobile-responsive website is non-negotiable. Both Wix and Weebly ensure that websites created on their platforms are optimized for mobile devices, offering templates and design elements that look great on screens of all sizes. This mobile-first approach guarantees that your site’s visitors have a positive experience, regardless of how they access your site.

  13. Blogging Features
  14. For users interested in adding a blog to their website, both platforms provide easy-to-use blogging features. Wix, however, offers more in terms of customization options for bloggers, including a wide range of blog-specific templates, social sharing features, and the ability to add multiple writers. This makes it a more versatile choice for users who prioritize content creation as part of their online strategy.

  15. Professional Use
  16. For businesses that rely on integrations with CRM platforms, e-commerce tools, and email marketing services, the choice between Wix and Weebly might come down to which platform offers better support for the tools they use. Wix’s extensive app marketplace and integration capabilities, including support for services like Mailchimp, Shopify, Square, Etsy, Stripe, and Salesforce, make it a strong contender for businesses looking for a comprehensive web solution. Weebly’s integration options are also robust, especially for e-commerce, but may not cover as wide a range of third-party services as Wix.

  17. Template Selection
  18. The selection of templates is another area where Wix shines, offering a vast library of over 500 professionally designed templates across various categories. This extensive selection allows users to find the perfect starting point for their site, no matter their niche or industry. Weebly’s template selection, while more limited, still provides users with a range of modern and responsive design options. However, those looking for specific design aesthetics or functionalities might find Wix’s offerings more appealing.

  19. Pricing
  20. Pricing plays a significant role in the decision-making process, and here, Weebly has an edge with its more affordable plans. This makes it an attractive option for small businesses or startups operating on tight budgets. Weebly's pricing structure is designed to offer essential website building and hosting services at competitive rates. Conversely, Wix’s pricing, while slightly higher, is justified by its extensive range of features, design flexibility, and comprehensive app marketplace. Users looking for advanced functionalities and customization options might find Wix's plans to offer better value for their specific needs.

  21. Customer Support
  22. High-quality customer support can significantly enhance the website-building experience. Wix excels in this area, offering an extensive knowledge base, on-page help, and dedicated support channels. This ensures that users can easily find answers to their questions and resolve issues promptly. Weebly also provides reliable customer support, including email, chat, and phone support, ensuring users have access to help when needed. However, Wix’s proactive approach to user assistance, including a more extensive array of help articles and tutorials, sets it apart.


In conclusion, when deciding between Wix and Weebly for building your online presence, the choice ultimately hinges on your specific needs, preferences, and level of expertise. Wix offers unparalleled design flexibility and a vast array of integration capabilities, making it ideal for those seeking creative control and scalability. Weebly, with its user-friendly interface and structured design approach, caters well to beginners and those who prefer simplicity. Both platforms provide robust e-commerce solutions, SEO tools, and mobile responsiveness, ensuring a comprehensive web-building experience. Considering these factors, assessing your priorities—whether they lie in design freedom, ease of use, or specific integrations—will guide you to the best platform for your website.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie