ChatGPT 3 Chatbot

ChatGPT: What Is It & How Can You Use It?

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on July 15th, 2024 1:01 pm

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has profoundly transformed many facets of our lives, including technology engagement, work, and communication. The conversational AI developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT, a chatbot and a noteworthy innovation in this field. Conversations between humans and computers are becoming more intuitive and natural thanks to ChatGPT. This blog post will go into the core of ChatGPT, outlining its features and looking at several useful applications. We'll reveal the various ways you can use ChatGPT to your advantage in both personal and business settings, from improving customer service to offering tailored experiences.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a chatbot built using the GPT-3 language model developed by OpenAI. GPT-3 (short for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3") is a state-of-the-art natural language processing model that can generate human-like text based on a given input. ChatGPT is designed to be able to hold conversations with people in a way that is natural and intuitive, using the capabilities of GPT-3 to generate appropriate responses to user input.

ChatGPT is capable of engaging in increasingly realistic conversations with humans. They are powered by an advanced AI system known as OpenAI's Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT-3) which has been trained on a vast amount of text data. GPT-3 chatbots can understand natural language, generate creative responses, and even recommendations or write short stories. Users can simply type a question or message into the chat box and ChatGPT will generate a response.

People are naturally curious to learn more about the company. Who created ChatGPT, what other products have they developed, and who owns the company? Here's what we know so far.

Further Read: A Complete Guide to ChatGPT-4o

Who made ChatGPT?

ChatGPT was created by OpenAI, an AI and research company on November 30, 2022. OpenAI is a research laboratory based in San Francisco, California, and was founded by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, and others. The company conducts research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) with the main focus on developing friendly AI as well as advancing digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity.

Elon Musk resigned from the board in February 2018. In 2019, OpenAI LP received a US$1 billion investment from Microsoft and is now a separate, for-profit company, with Musk no longer involved. Musk's involvement in OpenAI ended in February 2018 when the organization became a for-profit entity with Microsoft's $1 billion investment. He is no longer affiliated with the company in any way.

How does ChatGPT work?

Unlike other simpler chatbots, ChatGPT can provide a helpful response to a customer query. it is backed by GPT-3 technology which adds an instant boost of contextual understanding and pattern recognition to scripted bots. As a result, GPT-3 chatbots can detect a change in conversational context and access new information to generate a response in real-time.

Users can simply type a question or message into the chat box and ChatGPT will generate a response. ChatGPT can also help to automate specific tasks, such as providing information about a company's products or services and freeing up human customer service representatives to focus on more complex or high-priority issues.

What are the features of ChatGPT?

ChatGPT offers a wide range of features that include:

  1. Natural Language Understanding:ChatGPT can comprehend and generate human-like text, making interactions seamless and intuitive.
  2. Contextual Awareness:It retains context within a conversation, allowing for coherent and relevant responses.
  3. Multi-turn Conversations:Capable of engaging in extended dialogues, it can handle complex interactions with multiple turns.
  4. Language Translation:ChatGPT can translate text between multiple languages, aiding in global communication.
  5. Text Summarization:It can condense long pieces of text into concise summaries, saving time and effort.
  6. Content Generation:From drafting emails to creating articles, ChatGPT can assist in generating various forms of content.
  7. Code Assistance:It can help with coding by providing snippets, debugging, and explaining code concepts.
  8. Personalization:ChatGPT can be fine-tuned for specific tasks or industries, offering tailored responses and solutions.
  9. Knowledge Retrieval:It can provide information on a wide range of topics, acting as a knowledgeable assistant.
  10. Emotion and Tone Detection:ChatGPT can recognize and respond appropriately to the emotional tone of the user, enhancing user experience.

What Sets ChatGPT Apart?

ChatGPT stands out due to its advanced language understanding and generation capabilities, which are powered by the GPT-4 architecture. Unlike traditional chatbots, which follow predefined rules, ChatGPT can generate contextually relevant and coherent responses based on its extensive training on diverse datasets. This allows for more natural and engaging interactions.

Another distinguishing factor is its versatility. ChatGPT can be applied across various domains, from customer support and content creation to education and personal assistance. Its ability to scale, handle multiple queries simultaneously, and provide consistent responses makes it a valuable tool for both businesses and individuals.

Moreover, ChatGPT’s continuous improvement through user feedback and its adaptability to different tasks and industries further enhance its utility. It can be integrated into existing systems seamlessly, making it a practical choice for enhancing efficiency and productivity in various applications.

There are many online demos that show creating an app that looks and functions similarly to the Instagram app, using a plugin for the software tool Figma, which is widely used for app design. This is, of course, quite revolutionary, and if it proves to be usable and useful in the long run, it could have far-reaching implications for the future development of software and apps.

How to use ChatGPT?

Using the ChatGPT chatbot is quite simple; all you have to do is type in your text and receive the information. However, to use any of OpenAI's tools, you must first create an account. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use ChatGPT:

  • To use ChatGPT, you must first create an account on the OpenAI website.
  • Log in to your OpenAI account by clicking the "Login" button if you are a member.
  • If you don't have an account, click the "Sign up" button to create one. Once signed up, head back to ChatGPT to get started.

Is ChatGPT a free service?

ChatGPT is available in both free and paid versions, depending on the specific usage and capabilities you require. The free version typically offers basic functionalities, such as generating text based on prompts and engaging in simple conversations. It's accessible through platforms like ChatGPT's web interface and various chat applications.

On the other hand, paid versions or premium subscriptions often provide access to enhanced features, larger model sizes for more sophisticated tasks, and sometimes priority support. These versions are typically used by businesses or individuals with more demanding needs, such as extensive data processing or integration into complex systems.

Appy Pie Answer Bot vs ChatGPT: Which should you use?

To draw this picture in full, we should start Appy Pie Answer Bot vs ChatGPT comparison with a quick overview of the features of each platform.

Appy Pie Answer Bot vs ChatGPT at a glance

Appy Pie Answer Bot is designed to provide automated responses to customer inquiries and help businesses handle customer service inquiries more efficiently. It is primarily used for customer service and support, and can be customized to provide answers to a wide range of questions.

ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a language generation model that can generate human-like text based on a given prompt. It is primarily used for language research and can be used to create text for a variety of applications, such as content creation, and language translation.

What is Appy Pie Answer Bot?

Appy Pie’s Answer Bot helps you resolve common customer questions without the need for human intervention. It recognizes keywords to understand the user's questions. Based on a keyword Appy Pie answer bot gives a specific response. If it can't find a good answer, it will escalate the question to a human agent.

Creating an answer bot with Appy Pie is easy and does not require any coding skills whatsoever. You can easily create a highly functional answer bot from scratch by following these simple steps:

  1. Log into your Appy Pie account, or create one if you haven’t already.
  2. Enter your Answer Bot's name here.
  3. Give your bot a personality.
  4. Train your bot by manually adding questions and answers.
  5. Customize the flow of the answer bot.
  6. Now your bot is Ready! Add the answer bot widget to your website.

The best part about the Appy Pie answer bot is that you can train it with your questions and answers. Adding questions and answers is simple, just navigate to the “Train Bot" tab on the dashboard. In this section, you can add questions in the question section and answers for the same in the answer section. You can add new questions at any time, and modify existing ones in no time. TAs a result, the Appy Pie answer bot will be constantly learning from your questions and answers, becoming smarter over time and providing better answers with each use.

Another great thing about the Appy Pie answer bot is that you can use it to answer questions from any channel, including your website, app, social media, and chat. Creating an answer bot with Appy Pie is easy and does not require any coding skills.

Appy Pie answer bot is available in both FREE and paid versions. The free version gives you access to all the features, while the paid version gives you access to more advanced features that can make your customer support more efficient.

ChatGPT and its Limitations

ChatGPT, while highly advanced and versatile, does have limitations that are important to consider:

  1. Contextual Understanding:While ChatGPT excels at understanding context compared to traditional chatbots, it can still struggle with nuanced or ambiguous queries. It may sometimes provide responses that are not entirely relevant to the user's intent.
  2. Bias in Data:Like any AI model trained on large datasets, ChatGPT may reflect biases present in its training data. This can lead to potentially biased or inappropriate responses, especially in sensitive topics or underrepresented contexts.
  3. Handling Complex Queries:While adept at processing straightforward queries, ChatGPT may struggle with complex or multi-part questions that require deep reasoning or synthesis of disparate information.
  4. Security and Privacy:Using ChatGPT for tasks involving sensitive information requires careful consideration of security measures. AI models like ChatGPT can inadvertently leak or mishandle confidential data if not properly configured or monitored.
  5. Dependency on Training Data:The quality and diversity of the data used to train ChatGPT directly influence its performance. Inadequate or biased training data can limit the model's effectiveness and lead to less reliable outputs.
  6. Continual Learning and Updates:ChatGPT's responses are based on its training up to a certain point. It may not always reflect the most recent developments or information, requiring periodic updates or retraining to maintain accuracy.

Understanding these limitations helps in deploying ChatGPT effectively, mitigating risks, and maximizing its benefits in various applications.

Is ChatGPT worth considering for customer service purposes?

ChatGPT is designed to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. One potential application of this chat platform is in customer service, where it could be used to assist with answering common questions and providing information to customers. However, it is important to note that GPT-3, like any language model, has limitations and may not be able to provide the same level of personalized assistance as a human customer service representative.


ChatGPT is designed to generate human-like responses when conversing with humans in a chatbot format. The model is trained on a large dataset of dialogue and can create responses based on the conversation context. However, it is important to note that as with all AI models, ChatGPT may produce responses that are not appropriate or relevant to the conversation. If you want to create a high-accuracy conversational AI chatbot, you should use Appy Pie Chatbot. Appy Pie Chatbot allows you to create chatbots with a natural language understanding that generates accurate, context-based responses.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie